BB and Sport Offer What is the offer? Available to new and existing BT Broadband/Fibre customers with 3 months+ service at the BTLB £5 a month off your BT Bill if you have unlimited Copper BB OR £10 a month off your BT Bill if you have unlimited Fibre BB PLUS free BT Sport 1)Employees will submit their account details via a web form – 2)Employees must have approval from their MD before applying and will need to confirm this on the application form 3)Employees must already have a contract with BT for the products/services related to the discount that they are applying for 4)Internal BT team will check they are on an eligible product each month and still employed 5)Credit applied monthly for 12 months providing they are still employed by LB and on an unlimited product 6)BT will monitor the impact of this as BT Business are directly funding it. Therefore BT may decide to continue after the initial 12 months of discount. At present the discount will stop after 12 months 7)BT reserves the right to withdraw the offer at any point 8)If an employee leaves they stop receiving the discount and revert back to their normal BT pricing 9)The BTLB employee remains responsible for the payment of their BT account 10)Free BT Sport is only available in conjunction with an unlimited Copper or Fibre 11)This offer is separate from BT’s employee benefits and does not entitle you to any other BT employee benefits/terms
FAQs How do I apply? Via the Formwize link on the previous slide. You can sign up any time between April 16 – March 17 and will receive 12 months discount from when you apply if you have MD approval, 3 months+ service and are still employed by LB. What is the discount? For unlimited fibre customers: £10 off and for unlimited BB customers: £5 off PLUS a credit of up to £5 to cover the cost of your BT Sport – if you already have free BT Sport, you will not receive this. How often will the discount be applied? The discount will be applied monthly. If you are billed quarterly, it may take up to 3 months to show on your account. Does this include BT Sport HD? HD is a separate bolt on from BT that is not part of this discount – you will need to arrange this separately. What happens when I leave? You will stop receiving the discount on your bill immediately when you leave employment at the LB. You will then continue to remain responsible for your contract with BT and the full price of your products/services. Do I need to obtain the bill payers permission? Yes – if you are not the account holder eg. living at your parents you will need their agreement and understanding that upon you leaving the LB they will revert back to paying full price. Is it transferable? No - this discount is only available at the address where you currently live. Why is this only for 12 months? BT Business is funding the offer and needs to initially monitor the impact – but may decide to continue if successful. What happens if I have an issue/question with my discount? Please I am not currently with BT. What do I need to do? You will need to take a contract with BT separately (there are 12 month contracts available) before applying for this. Does it matter what price I am currently paying? This discount is additional to what you are already paying with BT. Why cant we get it free like BT employees? BT are legally only able to provide this free to their employees – we have obtained the next best possible discount. Is there a cash alternative if I don’t want the BB discount or free Sport? No – the discount is only available as £ off BT broadband and free Sport.