USEFUL ITALIAN Essential Phrases and what to know when walking around
Greetings Informal – with other young people Ciao (hi and bye; like “Aloha”) Arrivederci (ah –ree –veh- DARE – chee) Formal – In public places, with adults you don’t know Salve (SAHL –vay) = hi/hello (less familiar) Arrivederci/ArrivederLa = goodbye The “Buon’s” Buon giorno / Buongiorno (boo-ohn JOR-no) Buon pomeriggio (poh – me – REE – joe) Buona sera (SAY –rah) Buona notte (NOTE – tay)
Other goodbyes Ci vediamo (presto/dopo/domani/piu’ tardi…)! “Chee ved-ee-AH-moe” (“press-toe, doh-poh, doh-MAHN-ee, pee-u TAR-dee”) See you soon/after/tomorrow/later A (presto, etc…)! Same as above Buona giornata/ Buona serata Have a nice day/Have a nice night
Termini di Tenerezza/Soprannomi terms of endearment/nicknames Amore Bello/Bella Caro/Cara Amico/Amica/Amici/Amiche Tesoro Ragazzi/Ragazze (a) Tutti
Titles (formal) Signore (Seen-your-ay) Signor Verdi Signora/Signorina (Seen-your-ah / Seen-your-eena) Professional Professore/Professoressa Dottore/Dottoressa Ingegnere Avvocato
Useful phrases Grazie (GRAH-tsee- ay) / grazie mille (MEEL – LAY) Thank you / thanks a lot Prego (PRAY- go) You’re welcome / go ahead Scusi / Scusi? (SKOO – zee) Excuse me / Pardon? (formal) Scusa / Scusa? (SKOO – zah) Excuse me / Pardon? (informal) Permesso (Pair-mess-so) Excuse me (to get past someone) Per favore / per piacere (pair fah-VO –ray)(pee–ah- CHAIR- ay) Please
Altre espressioni (cont’d) Salute! (sah – LOO – tay) Bless you Mi dispiace (mee dee-spee-AH-chay) I’m sorry Non ho capito ( nohn oh cah – PEE –toe) I didn’t understand Non lo so (nohn low sow) I don’t know Puoi (inf.) /Può (form.) ripetere? (pwoy / pwoh ree-PEH –teh – ray) Can you repeat …? Parla Inglese? (PAR-la een-GLAY-zay) Do you
Phrases for sightseeing Where is?... Dov'é (doh-VAY)... the museum il museo eel moo-ZAY-yo...the church la chiesa lah key-YAY-zah...the cathedral il duomo [or] la cattedrale eel DUO-mo [or] lah cah-teh-DRAH-leh When is it open?...Quando é aperto? (KWAN-doh ay ah-PAIR-toh) When does it close?...Quando si chiude? (KWAN-doh see key-YOU-day) Ticket…biglietto (beel-YET-toh)
Signage and schedules
Il Bagno! Dov’è il bagno? In fondo…In the back A destra…to the right A sinistra…to the left Dritto…straight MEN UOMINI (woah-mee-nee) WOMEN DONNE (dohn-nay) WC = Water Closet (Public Restroom) Ancient Indoor Toilet, Pompeii
Drinking water Acqua potabile NON potabile Frizzante Naturale
Last few tips… tourist-mistakes-when-visiting-italy-tipping-tickets-and- more/ tourist-mistakes-when-visiting-italy-tipping-tickets-and- more/