Chapter 5: Mission and Vision Starting with the Zera Leading to the DNA, Mission and Vision For your new church Genesis 1:11 And God said, “Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees that produce fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.” And it was so.
1.You will find the Biblical seed-verse (Zera) or Biblical story for your new church Seed = Zera - God’s plan for reproducing life. God spoke the Word and creation sprang forth. God created seed (Zera) which began reproduction of Life over and over! Rob Bell: the metaphor for the Christian life is to live as broken bread and poured out wine – to live as Christ – to be broken and poured out, to die to ourselves so others may live; and by participating in this, we too live. Unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed; but if it dies… John 12:24
- The Zera for your specific church is the specific text or Biblical story that God put in your heart. This is the Biblical reason you feel called and compelled to plant this particular church. - This is a “life-verse” that guides what the church will develop into, like the life-force within the seed that causes it to grow. The seed is the Word of God…
The Seed-Verse or Biblical Story at the heart of your Plant Examples: - Journey Covenant Church, Norman, OK - Eph 3: Citadel of Faith Covenant Church, Detroit, MI - Matt 5: New Song, Irvine, CA – Ps 40:1-3 TEAM APPLICATION: What is the “Life-Verse” or Biblical Story that’s the Zera for your new church? -The people He is calling you to reach – and then build up and send out -The plan which will uniquely live out the Message & Mission of Jesus in your community. -The unique purpose you sense God has for this new church.
2. You will find the unique DNA God has for your church and will be able to replicate this in the hearts & lives of everyone in the new church Planter - How is God breaking your heart to see people come to Christ through this new church? Planter and Team - How is your heart breaking in this soil, in this particular city, for the needs of this community, and for particular people to come to New Life in Christ and to be transformed by the Gospel?
The DNA must replicate itself. The Message and Mission of Jesus must take the passion and values for this new church and replicate this over-and-over again in the hearts of lives of others in the Launch-Team – so you share a deep, compelling, growing, unstoppable passion to participate in God’s new work through this new church in this particular community.
DNA Questions to Ponder: How will the Zera be lived out through the DNA of the church? What are the qualities and behaviors of your church that will demonstrate that this verse is being lived out? How well is this DNA already attracting others & how well has it been replicated in the hearts and lives of people on the Launch Team?
-The DNA that holds the unique code at the heart of this specific church. -Connected to your Zera as it lives out the Message & Mission of Jesus. -Are passionate, non- negotiable convictions replicated in the heart of each person in the new church. - Are constant & motivational. They are the compelling reasons to belong! Core Values – the DNA for this new church -They result in observable behaviors that show you really have this DNA. -They are the guidance system that guides future decisions, plans, financial outlays. -They are the decision grid through which choices are evaluated & options eliminated. - If you follow the DNA, it will result in a healthy church. Are Not: -Statement of faith -Your methods or programs
Journey Examples of DNA –Honor God –Build Healthy Relationships –Live Life to the full; i.e. Have a Blast! Citadel –Reverence God –Reach People –Raise Disciples –Release Leaders New Song (more at end of this chapter) –Christ –Community –Cause OTHER: -The ECC… The 4 “Al’s”: Biblical, Devotional, Missional, Connectional. -Neil Cole: DNA = Dynamic Truth + Nurturing Relationships + Apostolic Mission -McLane: One unique core value is “we are committed to being inconvenienced for the sake of the Gospel.” TALK ABOUT IT… WRITE OUT YOUR 3-8 DNA Statements. TEST your DNA Statements.
3. You will know your church’s Mission – and will be able to share it in one compelling sentence - Mission connects with the Message and Mission of Jesus for every church we plant and grows it specifically in this new church through the unique expression of your ZERA and DNA. - Mission expresses the kind of church you will grow up to become! Definition: Mission - The main way the church will grow. - The “what” your Church will be doing -The main things your church will be known for as you live out your DNA. Many churches have 2 versions
Examples of Covenant Church Plant Mission Mottos: Journey: Helping People Become Fully Devoted Followers of Christ New Song: Reconciliation (to God and man) or NewSong :: third culture community Citadel: His People – His Power Longer version: (this lives out their core values & repeats their mission motto) The Citadel of Faith Covenant Church is a ministry that aims to Reverence God through dynamic corporate worship and relevant preaching, Raise Christians using creative methods in equipping our members for the work of the ministry, Reach People through programs and outreaches which bring about spiritual and social change, and Release Leaders to plant their gifts in other churches. Our Motto Is: “His People, His Power”. Other Examples of Mission Mottos: ECC: Deeper in Christ & Further in Mission (& growing in both directions at the same time) C3: Whoever finds Christ, finds Life. Christ Covenant Church, Novi, MI McLane: We eliminate barriers to provide access to Christ (McLane Church, PA) TEAM APPLICATION: Develop your MISSION STATEMENT and MOTTO.
4. You will be able to articulate a Vision of the fruitful impact your new church will have in the lives of individuals and on your mission field Vision from the perspective of the Tree – fruitfulness, another healthy tree, and many more trees in the orchard! Vision is the picture of God’s preferred future. Definition: Vision is the picture of God’s preferred future. VISION is a picture of a preferred future of the fruitfulness of our church: - What our disciples will be known for - What our church will be doing, and will be known for - What impact our church will have in 5,10,15,20+ years on the lives of individuals and on this community HOW TO THINK ABOUT VISION…
Variety in Vision: - Journey - C3 - Citadel of Faith This is to my father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples. John 15:8 3 Questions about vision: -What quantity of fruit? -What quality of fruit? -How will you expand the orchard? Our vision statement is… Evaluate & Test your vision…
Opt: Bill Easum & Bil Cornelius “God never gives us small dreams. If your dream doesn’t scare you a bit, it’s not from God.” “God prepares us for leadership by growing the church – and watching us catch up.” Don’t fear people and don’t let others cause you to scale back the vision. “Fearing people is a dangerous trap, but to trust the Lord means safety.” Pro 29:25 “Don’t pray for small visions. They have no power to ignite the souls of people. And they have no need of the power of God to be accomplished.”
Opt: Cast the Vision & Manage the Vision! Does your vision include making disciples? If not, it’s not from God. How often do you cast your vision? Remember how often Nehemiah reminded the people why they were building the wall. How many other leaders are casting the vision with you? What do you have in place to ensure that the vision is cast on a daily basis? Do you spend the majority of your time on the issues surrounding managing the vision and ensuring that the vision manages you and the church? Is every leader in the church focused on ensuring that the vision is being managed?