Becks Heyhoe {Facilitator - The Churches Consortium} 20th April 2011 What are the Churches doing to combat Homelessness in Costa Mesa?
Why are churches involved? “Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice… Is it not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter— when you see the naked, to clothe them, and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood? (Isaiah 58v 6-7) “Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters. If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person? Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth. (1 John )
- Lots of churches and individuals active - No co-ordination of efforts - Need for a unified and more effective approach - Desire for collaboration with the City - March 1st Meeting, 36 representatives from 15 churches/ministries attended. The Churches Consortium was formed Pre March 2011.
Members of the Consortium Costa Mesa Church of Christ New Song Worship Center Day In The ParkNewport Mesa Church/Qoheleth Ministries Dwelling 222Rock Harbor Church Fairview Community Church Saddleback Church Lighthouse Coastal Community Soul Survivor Church MarinersThe Crossing
Mission of the Consortium We are a team of churches who are developing strategies for networking church assets and programs for people experiencing homelessness in Costa Mesa, collaborating with and complementing the efforts of the City of Costa Mesa and the Task Force on Homelessness to the greatest possible extent.
Vision of the Consortium Our vision is to unify the churches who provide services to those experiencing homelessness in Costa Mesa and empower them to work together to realize the Kingdom of God for those often seen as the least in our city, while collaborating with the City of Costa Mesa in a manner consistent with our values.
Overview of Members Activities
Stories “ At the time I first met Mr. H, he was a constant drunk, consuming everything he could find which included any type of booze he could get, mouthwash, sterilizers, liquid soaps…Through my experiences with Mr. H, we have worked our way through all levels of government, agencies, private organizations, faith-based offerings, etc… Today, Mr. H has been sober and stopped smoking for the last 2 months. He is working his way through medical, legal, and housing issues.”
Stories “ Virginia was a 70-plus woman who lived on the streets. She worked when she could…Because of a relationship developed with her, one person in our group was able to get her lease signed, a move-in date, and, with several of us pitching in, the $1500 deposit. Others of us helped to supply her with a bed, bedding, a coffee machine, a TV, a table, some chairs and a few other necessities. So grateful, Virginia is now comfortably off the streets.”
Stories “ Gustav was one of our first friends at the park, and he was an alcoholic. His winsome smile, willingness to help, and hunger for God's word was contagious and made him a pleasure to get to know. He always had a passage of Scripture to share with us for encouragement. One day I ran into him at the store, and I could tell he'd been drinking. He was so sad and frustrated with his life. A few weeks later he'd had enough and was so excited to share that he was able to check into a sober-living house. This was after many years of being homeless. He has now been off of the street and sober with a job for at least a year. He still calls or comes to the park to give us an update when he can. We feel so blessed that God used our relationship with him to help transform his life.”
Our dream is that every person experiencing homelessness in Costa Mesa can be identified, known and supported by the churches with efficiency, consistency and a commitment to Christian values. We envision that every person dealing with homelessness in Costa Mesa will be supported by authentic relationships while accessing the emotional, spiritual and physical resources they need to live a sustainable, productive life. That every person experiencing homelessness in Costa Mesa has knowledge of and access to the services offered by both secular and religious entities (i.e. government, service providers and churches). Vision Statement part 2
Next steps: Immediate: Informational letter to be distributed to permit office and to Parks and Rec. team, inviting people to learn more and join in with the Churches Consortium’s efforts to combat homelessness in Costa Mesa. Phase 1: Assessment True needs of people experiencing homelessness in Costa Mesa. Effectiveness of members activities Asset mapping of Consortium member churches Phase 2: Exploring Researching and visiting programs/collaborations/models etc. Phase 3: Strategizing Creation of a strategic plan Phase 4: Implementation Expected to begin early 2012
For more information contact Becks Heyhoe: