Indications of Public Health in the English Regions 5: Child Health Full slide set arranged in report order
Use this index to view selected indicator slides in ‘Slide-Show’ mode Life expectancy (slides 1-5) Low birthweight (slides 6-8) Infant mortality (slides 9-13) All causes mortality 1-4 years (slides 14-17) All causes mortality <20 years (slides 18-27) Road traffic injury (slides 28-31) Fracture of long bones (slides 32-35)Fracture of long bones (slides Dental caries in 5-yr-olds (slides 36-38) Conceptions in under 18’s (slides 39-42) Child poverty (slides 43-47) Educational attainment (slides 48-50) Breastfeeding (slides 51-53) Physical activity (slides 54-59) Obesity prevalence (slides 60-63) Tobacco smoking and exposure (slides 64-69) Alcohol consumption (slides 70-75) Measles and MMR immunisation (slides 76-80) Healthy Schools (slides 81-82) Fruit & vegetable consumption (slides 83-88)
Life expectancy at birth by sex and GOR, Source: ONS annual death extracts / population mid-year estimates
Life expectancy at birth by sex and deprivation quintile, Source: ONS annual death extracts/population mid-year estimates * LAD deaths & populations aggregated into equal population quintiles
Life expectancy at birth by sex, England vs Spearhead local authorities Source: ONS/Department of Health
Male life expectancy at birth by European region Source: Deaths and populations from EUROSTAT Cronos database
Female life expectancy at birth by European region Source: Deaths and populations from EUROSTAT Cronos database
% of births (with known birthweight) weighing <1.5kg and <2.5kg by GOR 2004 Source: ONS 2004 birth extract
% of births (with known birthweight) weighing <1.5kg and <2.5kg by deprivation quintile* 2004 Source: ONS 2004 birth extract *Super Output Area births aggregated into quintiles of equal birth numbers
% of livebirths weighing under 2.5kg by European nation and English region average (all maternal ages) Source: WHO European HfA database & ONS Vital Statistics
Infant mortality rate by GOR Source: NCHOD Compendium
Deaths by cause category England (ages under 1 year) Source: ONS annual death extracts
Infant mortality rate by deprivation quintile* Source: NCHOD Compendium *LAD deaths and livebirths aggregated into quintiles of equal livebirth numbers
Infant mortality rate in England & Wales 1927 to 2003 Source: ONS Mortality Series DH3 number 36
Infant mortality rate by European region average Source: EUROSTAT
All causes crude mortality rate by GOR (ages 1-4 years) Source: ONS annual death extracts / population mid-year estimates
Deaths by cause category England (ages 1-4 years) Source: ONS annual death extracts
All causes crude mortality rate by deprivation quintile* (ages 1-4 years) Source: ONS annual death extracts/population mid-year estimates *LAD deaths/populations aggregated into quintiles of equal 1-4 years population
All causes crude mortality rate by European nation and English region (ages 1-4 years) Source: WHO European HfA database and NCHOD Compendium
All causes directly standardised mortality rate by GOR (ages 0-19 years) Source: ONS annual death extracts/population mid-year estimates
All causes directly standardised mortality rate by GOR (ages 1-19 years) Source: ONS annual death extracts/population mid-year estimates
All causes directly standardised mortality rate by GOR (ages 5-14 years) Source: ONS annual death extracts/population mid-year estimates
All causes crude mortality rate by GOR (ages years) Source: ONS annual death extracts/population mid-year estimates
Deaths by cause category England (ages 0-19 years) Source: ONS annual death extracts
Deaths by cause category England (ages 5-14 years) Source: ONS annual death extracts
Deaths by cause category England (ages years) Source: ONS annual death extracts
All causes directly standardised mortality rate by deprivation quintile* (ages 0-19 years) Source: ONS annual death extracts/population mid-year estimates *LAD deaths/populations aggregated into quintiles of equal 0-19 years population
All causes crude mortality rate by European region (ages 0-14 years) Source: Eurostat, ONS Vital Statistics & ONS population mid-year estimates
All causes directly standardised mortality rate by European region/English region (ages 1-19 years) Source: WHO HfA database, ONS Vital Statistics & ONS population mid-year estimates
Road traffic killed or serious injury rate by GOR (ages 0-15 years) Source: DfT STATS19 / ONS population mid-year estimates
Road traffic killed or serious injury rate by deprivation quintile* (ages 0-15 years) Source: DfT STATS19 / ONS population mid-year estimates *LAD deaths/populations aggregated into quintiles of equal 0-15 years population
Road traffic casualty rate, England vs NRF* areas (ages 0-15 years) Source: DfT STATS19 / ONS population mid-year estimates *88 Local Authorities with Neighbourhood Renewal Funding
Transport accident crude mortality rate by European region (ages 0-14 years) Source: Eurostat, ONS Vital Statistics & ONS population mid-year estimates
Directly standardised hospital admission rate for long bone fracture by GOR 2003/04 (0-14 years) Source: DH Hospital Episode Statistics
Directly standardised hospital admission rate for long bone fracture by sex and GOR 2003/04 (0-14 years) Source: DH Hospital Episode Statistics
Directly standardised hospital admission rate for long bone fracture by deprivation quintile* 2003/04 (0-14 years) Source: DH Hospital Episode Statistics *Admissions/populations in quintiles of equal Super Output Area number
Directly standardised hospital admission rate for long bone fracture by sex and deprivation quintile* 2003/04 (0-14 years) Source: DH Hospital Episode Statistics *Admissions/populations in quintiles of equal Super Output Area number
Mean number of decayed, missing or filled teeth in five-year-old children by GOR 2003/04 Source: British Association for the Study of Community Dentistry
Mean number of decayed, missing or filled teeth in five-year-old children by deprivation quintile* 2003/04 Source: British Association for the Study of Community Dentistry *population weighted average PCT dmft, with PCTs allocated to quintiles of equal five-year- old population size
Mean number of decayed, missing or filled teeth in 12-year-old children by European nation and English GOR Source: Council of European Chief Medical Officers ( ) & BASCD (2000/01) Note: EU15 average for
Under 18 years conception rate per 1,000 women aged years by GOR Source: DfES Teenage Pregnancy Unit
Under 18 years conception rate per 1,000 women aged years by deprivation quintile* Source: DfES Teenage Pregnancy Unit *LADs allocated to quintiles of equal year old population
Under 18 years conception rate per 1,000 women aged years, % change between 1998 and 2003 by GOR Source: DfES Teenage Pregnancy Unit
Under 20 years birth and abortion rate per 1,000 women aged years by selected European nation 1996 Source: UNICEF Innocenti Report Card
% of children* living in households below 60% of median Great Britain income (before housing costs) by GOR 2003/04 Source: DWP,HBAI 2003/04. *Children aged 0-15 years or years in full-time education
% of children* living in households below 60% of median Great Britain income (after housing costs) by GOR 2003/04 Source: DWP,HBAI 2003/04. *Children aged 0-15 years or years in full-time education
% of children living in households below 60% of median Great Britain income before and after housing costs, England 2003/04 Source: DWP, HBAI 2003/04. * Relative ~ below contemporary median income *Absolute ~ below 1996/97 median income, held constant in real terms
% of children living in households below 60% of contemporary national median income by European nation and English region 2003/04 Source: EUROSTAT average of median equivalised income after social transfers (*Malta=2001) & DWP HBAI 2003/04
Gross Domestic Product by European Health Region, latest available single year in the period Source: EUROSTAT
% of children achieving 5+ A*-C grade GCSEs or equivalent by GOR 2003/04 (age 15 years) Source: Department for Education and Skills
% of Looked After Children achieving 5+ A*-C grade GCSEs or equivalent by GOR 2003/04 (age 15 years) Source: Department for Education and Skills
% of children achieving 5+ A*-C grade GCSEs or equivalent by deprivation quintile* 2003/04 (age 15 years) Source: Department for Education and Skills *Schools allocated to quintiles of equal number of Super Output Areas
% of babies put to the breast or given mother’s milk within 48 hours of delivery by GOR 2004/05 Source: Healthcare Commission, 2004/05 NHS Performance Ratings
% of babies put to the breast or given mother’s milk within 48 hours of delivery by deprivation quintile* 2004/05 Source: Healthcare Commission, 2004/05 NHS Performance Ratings *PCTs aggregated into quintiles of equal numbers of maternities
% of women breastfeeding at six months by European nation, average* Source: WHO European Health for All database, *data missing for some years
% children physically active for 60+ mins on 5 days in the last week by GOR 2002 (ages 5-15 years) Source: HSE 2002
Average number of hours spent in physical activity last week by GOR 2002 (ages 5-15 years) Source: HSE 2002
% children physically active for 60+ mins on 5 days in last week by deprivation quintile* 2002 (ages 5-15 years) Source: HSE 2002 *IMD 2000, equal number of wards per quintile
Average number of hours spent in physical activity last week by deprivation quintile* 2002 (ages 5-15 years) Source: HSE 2002 *IMD 2000, equal number of wards per quintile
% of boys meeting MVPA* guidelines on physical activity (age 13 years) Source: Health Behaviour in School-aged Children study (WHO) *Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activity
% of girls meeting MVPA* guidelines on physical activity (age 13 years) Source: Health Behaviour in School-aged Children study (WHO) *Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activity
Prevalence of obesity 1 in children by GOR (ages 2-10 years) Source: Obesity among children under 11 (2005). Jotangia et al. Joint Health Surveys Unit. National Centre for Social Research. 1 UK National BMI percentile classification (5% obese in 1990)
Prevalence of obesity 1 in children by deprivation quintile (ages 2-10 years) Source: Obesity among children under 11 (2005). Jotangia et al. Joint Health Surveys Unit. National Centre for Social Research. 1 UK National BMI percentile classification (5% obese in 1990). 2 Equal number of wards per quintile.
Prevalence of obesity* in boys by European nation (aged 13 years) Source: Health Behaviour in School-aged Children study (WHO) *Standardised obesity cut-off point from pooled international BMI data
Prevalence of obesity* in girls by European nation (aged 13 years) Source: Health Behaviour in School-aged Children study (WHO) *Standardised obesity cut-off point from pooled international BMI data
% of children with 15+ng/ml of salivary cotinine by GOR (ages years) Source: HSE 2001 & 2002 combined
% of children living in households where someone smokes on most days by GOR 2002 (ages 0-15 years) Source: HSE 2002
% of children with 15+ng/ml of salivary cotinine by equivalised household income (ages years) Source: HSE 2001 & 2002 combined
% of children living in households where someone smokes on most days by deprivation quintile* 2002 (ages 0-15 years) Source: HSE 2002 *IMD 2000, equal number of wards per quintile
% of boys who smoke tobacco at least once a week by European nation (aged 13 years) Source: Health Behaviour in School-aged Children study (WHO)
% of girls who smoke tobacco at least once a week by European nation (aged 13 years) Source: Health Behaviour in School-aged Children study (WHO)
Mean number of units consumed last week by GOR (ages years) Source: HSE 2001 & 2002 combined
% drinking any alcoholic drink in the last week by GOR (ages years) Source: HSE 2001 & 2002 combined
Mean number of units consumed last week by deprivation quintile* (ages years) Source: HSE 2001 & 2002 combined *IMD 2000, equal number of wards per quintile
% drinking any alcoholic drink in the last week by deprivation quintile* (ages years) Source: HSE 2001 & 2002 combined *IMD 2000, equal number of wards per quintile
% of boys drinking any alcoholic drink weekly by European nation (aged 13 years) Source: Health Behaviour in School-aged Children study (WHO)
% of girls drinking any alcoholic drink weekly by European nation (aged 13 years) Source: Health Behaviour in School-aged Children study (WHO)
% of children MMR immunised before their second birthday by GOR 2004/05 Source: Health Protection Agency
Measles (confirmed cases) rate by GOR (all ages) Source: Health Protection Agency
% of children MMR immunised before their second birthday by deprivation quintile* 2004/05 Source: Health Protection Agency * PCTs aggregated into quintiles of equal numbers of children aged 2 years
Measles notifications and deaths, England and Wales (all ages) Source: Health Protection Agency
% of children vaccinated against measles before their second birthday by European nation average Source: WHO European Health for All Database
% of schools achieving National Healthy Schools Programme level 3 (now superseded) by GOR 2005 Source: Department of Health (August 2005)
% of target* schools achieving National Healthy Schools Programme level 3 (now superseded) by GOR 2005 Source: Department of Health (August 2005) * Schools where at least 20% of children are eligible for free school meals
% of children eating 5+ portions of fruit & vegetables per day by GOR (age 5-15 years) Source: HSE 2001 & 2002 combined
Average number of fruit & vegetable portions consumed yesterday by GOR (age 5-15 years) Source: HSE 2001 & 2002 combined
% of children eating 5+ portions of fruit & vegetables per day by deprivation quintile* (age 5-15 years) Source: HSE 2001 & 2002 combined *IMD 2000, equal number of wards per quintile
Average number of fruit & vegetable portions consumed yesterday by deprivation quintile* (age 5-15 years) Source: HSE 2001 & 2002 combined *IMD 2000, equal number of wards per quintile
% of boys who eat vegetables every day by European nation (aged 13 years) Source: Health Behaviour in School-aged Children study (WHO)
% of girls who eat vegetables every day by European nation (aged 13 years) Source: Health Behaviour in School-aged Children study (WHO)