Core Assumptions The Spirit of God is at work among the people of God. It’s not the church of God that has a mission. It’s the mission of God that has a church The local church is the basic unit of mission. Innovation and change is going to best be initiated at the grassroots level vs. priorities set from the top. Move from maintenance to innovation and experimentation
Core Values Learnings Of the 3 values mentioned in the survey we are nurturing Opportunities for Discussion the most (49%) We want to improve our Evangelism/Mission Outreach (48%)
Mission Statement ( Adopted September 2011 ) God’s mission in the world calls the Presbytery of the Inland Northwest to unleash, empower, and equip local congregations as living witnesses to Spirit’s reconciling work in Jesus Christ.
Networks & Partnerships We have many ongoing and emerging partnerships among PIN churches See the list in the report
Council 18 Members 2 Ex- Officio Former Centralized Organization of Presbytery COM CE CLP JW Meet NCD NomCOLD Person nel CPM PAMSI Rep. Com Tech. Trustee Camp E.P. St. Cl P.W. PJC AC’s Sexual Mis- conduct LPCDC West. Out. Pro. Liberty RMR Chair Pres Mod
Council Transformed Model of Organization Camp P.W. PJC AC’s Sexual Mis- conduct LPCDC West Out. Pro. Liberty RMR Strategic Team Vision Team Administration Team CommissionsBoards Standing Committees CPMNOMCLPCOMCOR
Council Serves as the “Session” of the presbytery Comprised of 13 people Former Moderator of presbytery (moderates council) 2 members from each team (6 total) 2 at large members Moderator of presbytery Clerk EP COM chairperson Significant commitment Council recommends changing the name to Leadership Team (see business meeting)
3 Teams Administration This team fulfills responsibilities of the presbytery regarding finance, personnel, and representation Strategic This team focuses on encouraging partnerships and oversees church grants based on equipping leaders and church transformation. Strategic team plans presbytery gatherings and the annual pastor/CRE retreat. Vision Coordinates the Future Church project and continues big picture thinking/dreaming.
Presbytery Gatherings We are more likely to attend presbytery gatherings (60%) and they are more meaningful at least at times (89%) Meeting Attendance Reviewing The overall attendance is slightly lower on Saturday meetings. (Overall for both TE and RE - Saturday 40%; non Saturday 45.7% since 2008) Experimentation We have been more willing to try new things (63%) OTHER LEARNINGS
Future Church Project Future Church Project is in line with our new mission statement (86%) Key Concepts God is already ahead of us in our neighborhoods and communities. We are looking at how we might join with what God is up to in the neighborhood. We want to pay attention to the stories of people in our neighborhood and listen to what this might mean for us as a church. Experimentation Action/Reflection learning
People appreciate the form of the presbytery on the whole as well as the trajectory (save for a few voices), but there is a lot of room to grow in the execution of mission. SUMMARY STATEMENT
Next Steps Conversation in one of the areas: Organizational structure/Communication—Lakeside Room Nurturing Evangelism/Mission Outreach— Conference Room—level 300 Future Church Project--Lower Dining Hall Innovative Edge—Upper Lakeside Room Council meeting this summer September Presbytery follow up