Extension: How would you improve the research to make it more valid? Discuss with somebody else the AO2/3 point you wrote out on research evidence. Amend your point if necessary.
Psychological explanations of gender development 2) Gender Schema Theory Pages
Learning objectives By the end of this lesson you will be able; To be able to evaluate Gender Schema Theory. To apply understanding to the exam.
Evaluation Discuss how the following points could be used as AO2/3 for Gender Schema Theory. Extension: Can you think of any other relevant AO2/3 points? Gender bias Practical applications Opposing theory/approach Ethics
Gender bias 1)An issue is that Gender Schema Theory could be seen as gender bias. 2)For example Archer (1989) has found that girls tend to have more flexible gender concepts than boys and have more of a tendency to engage in gender behaviours and activities usually reserved for boys. 3) The implications of this are … 4) This questions the accuracy of Gender Schema Theory as an explanation of gender because…
Gender bias 5) HOWEVER this is just one piece of research and we have to take on board the abundance of research that has not highlighted gender differences 6) For example Bussey and Bandura (1992) found that both boys and girls aged four said they felt good about playing with gender appropriate toys and awful about playing with gender inappropriate toys. 7) This questions how gender bias Gender Schema Theory is because… 8) In conclusion…how much gender bias does Gender Schema Theory seem to have? Explain.
Practical applications 1)A positive is that gender Schema Theory can lead to practical applications to try and reduce gender stereotypes in society. 2)For example … 3)The implications of this are …are women seen as equal in society? How would a reduction in gender stereotypes change this? 4)This supports Gender Schema Theory as an explanation of gender development because…
Practical applications 5) HOWEVER these techniques may not always be effective. 6) For example Carter and Levy (1988) found that when showing children pictures of consistent and inconsistent gender stereotypes that the children with a developed gender schema made transformational errors. Meaning that they remembered the inconsistent pictures as gender stereotypes (e.g. a picture of a girl holding a gun is remembered as a boy holding a gun). 7) The implications of this for trying to reduce gender stereotypes are …would they be effective? 8) In conclusion…how effective do these practical applications seem?
Conflicting explanation : 1)One weakness is that there are conflicting explanations as to how gender develops. 2)For example…when we cover social explanations you can come back and complete this point. 3)The implications of this are …. 4)This questions the idea of gender constancy because…. 5)HOWEVER Gender Schema Theory may be a more valid explanation than social. 6)Because….how can we distinguish between seeking out stereotypes and being influenced by them? 7)This therefore provides support for Kohlberg’s explanation because.. 8)In conclusion…which explanation seems more valid? Put this structure in your notes to complete later.
Conflicting explanation : 1)One weakness is the ethical issues involved with researching gender and children. 2)This could be seen as socially sensitive because… 3)The implications of this are …. 4)This questions the extent to which Gender Schema Theory will be accepted by society. 5)HOWEVER it would be morally wrong to not investigate gender schemas. 6)Because…. 7)This therefore provides support for Gender Schema because.. 8)In conclusion…do the ethical issues outweigh the benefits of the theory?
Apply your understanding Discuss in pairs how you would structure each of the following potential exam questions: 1) Describe and evaluate the gender schema theory of gender development. ( marks) 2) Describe and evaluate Kohlberg’s theory of gender development. ( marks) 3) Describe and evaluate Psychological Explanations of gender development. ( marks)
Learning objectives : You are now able; To be able to describe Gender Schema Theory To be able to expand on description using examples.
Homework Due on 6 th January 2015!!!: Assessment Three: Time yourself at home (20 minutes) to answer the following question (use a post it note to create your plan). Assess Gender Schema Theory as an explanation of gender development (16 marks). Hand this in with the plan that you used. Don’t forget to revise for your mock – 13 th January P3&4