Mainstreaming Gender into NDS/PRSP
Gender profile 19,7% of households are headed by a women (in ,6%) About 73% of women’s labor is not paid for, compared to 44% for men MICS 2005: Net attendance ration, secondary school: girls-72,7%; boys -88 2003: the dropout rate was twice as high among girls than boys in rural areas and three times as high in urban areas. 2006: share of female students in universities – 26,8% WB, 2003: the maternal mortality rate was 120 per 100,000 live births and in some regions this indicator ranged from to per 100,000 live births. MICS 2005: the infant mortality rate is 65 per 1000 live births, and under-five mortality rate – 79 per 100,000 live births. 2004: Share of women in local governments - 22,4%.
Gender equality policy in Tajikistan National Action Plan (in response to Beijing Platform for Action) State programme on equal rights and opportunities State Programme on development of female cadre National Human Rights Education Programme (special section on Women’s Rights) Strategy on Reproductive Health 1997 and 2006: Degrees on special quota for girls and boys from rural districts to enter to Universities Gender Equality Law, 2005 2007: Draft domestic violence law is finalized
Why NDS/PRS has to be engendered? To confirm the national obligations and commitments on: MDGs CEDAW CEDAW BPA BPA To re-confirm goals and objectives of national gender equality policy: - State Programme on equal rights and opportunities - State Programme on equal rights and opportunities - Law on equal rights and opportunities - Law on equal rights and opportunities
MDG Needs Assesment: USD million are needed to achieve gender equality PRSP: USD 3,24 mln. – costs of measures on gender equality, including USD 1,7 mln. – deficit Gender-related programmes/projects ongoing for USD 5 mln.
Gender Equality in NDS/PRS Special chapter in NDS/PRSP with following objectives identified: - creation of effective mechanisms for gender policy implementation within the framework of reform of state administration; - creation of effective mechanisms for gender policy implementation within the framework of reform of state administration; - provision of equal access to resources in the sphere of business; - provision of equal access to resources in the sphere of business; - overcoming gender disparity in development of human potential. - overcoming gender disparity in development of human potential. Gender-related priorities are incorporated into sectoral policies – education, health, social protection, agricultural development
International Human Rights Instruments about Tajikistan’s commitment on Gender Equality “While commending Tajikistan’s political will to improve the status of women, members of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women urged the Government to go beyond adoption of declarative laws and bold plans to introduce practical measures, including quotas, for the advancement of women and eliminate negative stereotypes that hindered achievement of de facto equality.” Department of Public Information, CEDAW, January 2007
International Human Rights Instruments about Tajiksitan’s commitments on Gender Equality “To integrate economic, social and cultural rights into Poverty Reduction Strategy, and to allocate sufficient funds for its implementation” Concluding observations of UN Committee on economic, social and cultural rights, 24 November 2006
Gender equality has to be recognized as a cross- cutting component for all sectoral strategies/programmes How to ensure this: By shifting from separate programming on promotion of equal rights to mainstreaming gender perspectives into development policy framework and sectoral strategies By promoting of gender equality as one of objectives of national development policy By ensuring a principle “managing for results” gender equality has to be captured in all performance assessment frameworks By inclusion of gender responsive indicators into accountability mechanisms
Partnership and coordination to support further gender mainstreaming Among UN agencies: -By promoting gender equality as one of objectives for UN Joint Programming Gender as cross-cutting for all proposed UNDAF’s outcomes - By the strengthened UN Gender Theme Group aimed at joint advocacy on gender equality - by joint targeted initiatives to promote women’s empowerment and gender equality
Partnership and coordination to support further gender mainstreaming - Strong partnership with donors to ensure that gender equality commitments already spelled out by MDGs, Beijing Platform for Action and the CEDAW are reaffirmed and addressed by a new aid modality Positive experience: CIDA supported and contributed to mainstreaming gender into NDS/PRSP and ensured introduction of gender perspectives into its development policy and programmes implemented in Tajikistan - Strong alliance between the national gender equality machinery (Committee on women and family affairs, Gender Focal points in ministries, etc.) and CSOs (NGOs, gender advocates/experts, etc.)
CIDA-supported activities to mainstream gender into NDS/PRSP: Lessons learnt Specialists involved into development of NDS/PRSP have to be equipped with knowledge on how to incorporate human rights based approach into formulation of development policies Specialists involved into development of NDS/PRSP have to be equipped with knowledge on how to incorporate human rights based approach into formulation of development policies All policy makers have to be fully aware of the national commitments and obligations on human rights standards accepted by the country as a signatory of all key international agreements in this filed. Commitments on gender equality promotion are not exception in this regard. All policy makers have to be fully aware of the national commitments and obligations on human rights standards accepted by the country as a signatory of all key international agreements in this filed. Commitments on gender equality promotion are not exception in this regard. Strong leadership of a national gender equality machinery has to be ensured in a process of engendering development policy Strong leadership of a national gender equality machinery has to be ensured in a process of engendering development policy
CIDA-supported activities to mainstream gender into NDS/PRSP: Lessons learnt CSOs and gender advocates have to be equipped with tools and knowledge on mainstreaming gender aspects into economic and social policies CSOs and gender advocates have to be equipped with tools and knowledge on mainstreaming gender aspects into economic and social policies Gender analysis of implementation of previous programmes and plans have to be undertaken to introduce lessons learnt and gender related aspects into further prioritization of needs and problems to be addressed Gender analysis of implementation of previous programmes and plans have to be undertaken to introduce lessons learnt and gender related aspects into further prioritization of needs and problems to be addressed Clear benchmarks and performance criteria have to be elaborated to make possible value adding evaluation and performance assessment. In addition to the government’s capacity to monitor, an independent evaluative capacity of the civil society has to be built to meet a desired level of efficiency of its involvement and participation. Clear benchmarks and performance criteria have to be elaborated to make possible value adding evaluation and performance assessment. In addition to the government’s capacity to monitor, an independent evaluative capacity of the civil society has to be built to meet a desired level of efficiency of its involvement and participation.