Montgomery Central Middle School Announcements May 19, 2016
2017 DC Trip Any 7 th grade student interested in singing up for the 2017 DC Trip should see Ms. G. Taylor for details. Any 7 th grade student interested in singing up for the 2017 DC Trip should see Ms. G. Taylor for details. May 19, 2016Montgomery Central Middle School 2 *This is not a school sponsored trip.*
Field Day Any student that owes a debt will not be allowed to participate in field day. Any student that owes a debt will not be allowed to participate in field day. May 19, 2016Montgomery Central Middle School 3
Field Day This can include but not limited to: Café debt, lost or damaged textbook debt, lost library debt, returned check debt, etc. This can include but not limited to: Café debt, lost or damaged textbook debt, lost library debt, returned check debt, etc. May 19, 2016Montgomery Central Middle School 4
Field Day All debts must be paid the DAY BEFORE field day. All debts must be paid the DAY BEFORE field day. 8 th grade = paid by TODAY May 19, 2016Montgomery Central Middle School 5
Field Day Students who purchased a lunch for field day, will need to pick up their lunch at 11:30 at the high school end of the football field. Students who purchased a lunch for field day, will need to pick up their lunch at 11:30 at the high school end of the football field. May 19, 2016Montgomery Central Middle School 6
Check Deadline MCMS is no longer accepting checks to pay fees. MCMS is no longer accepting checks to pay fees. This DOES NOT apply to the cafeteria. This DOES NOT apply to the cafeteria. May 19, 2016Montgomery Central Middle School 7
Yearbooks Are May 19, 2016Montgomery Central Middle School 8
Fellowship of Christian Athletes FCA’s last meeting of the year will be after school on Tuesday until 4:00. FCA’s last meeting of the year will be after school on Tuesday until 4:00. May 19, 2016Montgomery Central Middle School 9
MCHS Girls Soccer Any 8 TH GRADE GIRL interested in playing soccer at the high school this fall must attend tryouts beginning Monday, May 23, 24 & 25 from 2:45 - 4:30 on the football field. Any 8 TH GRADE GIRL interested in playing soccer at the high school this fall must attend tryouts beginning Monday, May 23, 24 & 25 from 2:45 - 4:30 on the football field. May 19, 2016Montgomery Central Middle School 10
MCHS Girls Soccer You must bring cleats, shin guards, and a current physical in order to participate. You must bring cleats, shin guards, and a current physical in order to participate. May 19, 2016Montgomery Central Middle School 11
MCHS Softball Any 8TH GRADE GIRL wanting to play for the MCHS softball team next year must tryout Thursday, June 2 nd at 6pm at the high school softball field. Any 8TH GRADE GIRL wanting to play for the MCHS softball team next year must tryout Thursday, June 2 nd at 6pm at the high school softball field. If you have any questions, see Mrs. K. Dunn If you have any questions, see Mrs. K. Dunn May 19, 2016Montgomery Central Middle School 12
Jimmy Young Boys Basketball Camp June 6-9 June 6-9 8:00-10:00 a.m. 8:00-10:00 a.m. Cost $60 Cost $60 K-9th grade K-9th grade MCHS Gym MCHS Gym Pick up forms in the office Pick up forms in the office May 19, 2016Montgomery Central Middle School 13
Congratulations 8 th Grade Band May 19, 2016Montgomery Central Middle School 14
For totally covering Mr. Hoffman with Silly String!! May 19, 2016Montgomery Central Middle School 15
On this day in history… 1864, 1864, President Abraham Lincoln writes to anti-slavery Congressional leader Senator Charles Sumner of Massachusetts proposing that widows and children of soldiers should be given equal treatment regardless of race. May 19, 2016Montgomery Central Middle School 16
Today’s Menu BreakfastCerealLunch Philly Beef Spicy Chicken Sandwich Pizza May 19, 2016Montgomery Central Middle School 17
Monday’s Menu Breakfast Super Doughnut Lunch BBQ Chicken Chicken Nuggets Pizza May 19, 2016Montgomery Central Middle School 18
Weather May 19, 2016Montgomery Central Middle School 19
May 19, 2016Montgomery Central Middle School Amberleigh Swan 20