3 T HEORIES ON F AMILY 1. Functionalism 2. Conflict 3. Symbolic Interactionism
Remember Functionalism : what is the benefit of this group? Conflict : how are subcultures in conflict? SI : how does this reflect our esteem/confidence?
F UNCTIONALISM Family plays multiple roles necessary for development 1. Socialization 2. Socio-emotional 3. Reproductive 4. Regulation of sexual activity 5. Transmission of social status 6. Economic
1. socialization: family teaches children how to behave in their culture 2. Socio-emotional: provides acceptance and support that promotes confidence and self- esteem 3. Reproductive: family provides an orderly, supportive means of procreation
4. Regulation of sexual activity: family enforces norms of society in regards to sex 5. Transmission of social status: families provide economic resources that help or hinder social mobility 6. Economics: families provide the necessities for children and often continue to offer financial support to adult children
C ONFLICT T HEORY Looks primarily at how individuals in a family dynamic compete and/or cooperate Often focus on gender issues Current trends: women work outside the home; household and childrearing roles are more evenly split, but still fall heavily on women; etc
S YMBOLIC I NTERACTIONISM Study the interactions of family members and the meaning of these interactions The roles assigned and behaviors practiced w/in a household help children to form a sense of self EX: I pack my husband’s lunch each day before he goes to work. He has never cooked for me. What does this say about our roles? EX: I change my child’s diapers. What does this say about our roles? Her self concept?