Theoretical Perspectives of Sociology Ms. Shipp pp
Learning Intention TIW – describe the 3 theoretical perspectives of sociology SIC – use them to analyze cultures and situations IKW – I can explain what 1 of the theories would say about a given situation
What are “Perspectives”? Perspective is how we look at, interpret, or analyze an image, event, or phenomenon i.e. - Different stories of the same event or seeing different things in a picture Informed by one’s beliefs and values Perspective emphasizes or highlights certain aspects
Functionalism Emphasizes the contribution (function or purpose) of each part of society Parts of the whole, how they impact the other parts and the whole Stability of the whole – society may change but will return to stability – stability is natural i.e. – one function of the family is to teach societal norms and values to kids. What are functions of flash mobs?
Key terms related to functionalism: Function – role or purpose, positive consequence Dysfunction – negative consequence; disruptive to stability Manifest function – intended contribution or outcome Latent function – unintended and/or unrecognized outcomes
Conflict Perspective Emphasizes conflict, competition, and change Struggle for power and control, battle between the haves and havenots Change is natural
Symbolic Interactionism Focuses more on small groups and individuals rather than large units of society Study of the interaction among people based on mutually understood symbols Language, behavior, objects mean something to a group and we use those to convey meaning and influence behavior
Women in the military Functionalist Perspective Conflict Perspective Symbolic Interactionist Perspective