TPSG4 Run 3 Konstantinos Karagiannis, on behalf of the TCD Team – January 20 th 2016.


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Presentation transcript:

TPSG4 Run 3 Konstantinos Karagiannis, on behalf of the TCD Team – January 20 th 2016

TPSG4 Version m 0.3 m Herakles 3D C/C Titanium TA6V INCONEL m 2.4 m 0.3 m Herakles 3D C/C Graphite R4550 Titanium TA6V INCONEL 718 TPSG4 Version 3 Studies showed that 1.2m long of 3D C/C (8 blocks) is not enough. The safety margin on the Graphite is only 1.16 which is not acceptable in the framework of the production of fully new equipment, supposed to operate for several years. Further studies were needed and a new design was simulated with a 3.6 m long of 3D C/C (24 blocks). This presentation concerns the TPSG4 design version 4.

Run 3 Beam Parameters BCMS Beam Type of dump or failure scenario: Accidental, mis-steered beam impacts on TPSG4 with 1 sigma impact parameter Beta_X = 98.46m Beta_Y = 22.51m sigma_x = μm sigma_y = μm Number of bunches per pulse: 288 Intensity: 2.0E11 p/bunch Total pulse time: 7.9 μsec Repetition rate: Single failure Total analysis time: 20 μsec Impact Parameters analyzed: 1σ HL-LHC Type of dump or failure scenario: Accidental, mis-steered beam impacts on TPSG4 center Beta_X = 98.46m Beta_Y = 22.51m sigma_x = μm sigma_y = 314 μm Number of bunches per pulse: 288 Intensity: 2.32E11 p/bunch Total pulse time: 7.9 μsec Repetition rate: Single failure Total analysis time: 20 μsec Impact Parameters analyzed: Central 3

BCMS 1 sigma impact: half symmetry model 150 mm15 mm 19.5 mm Symmetry Plane μm μm 4 Beam location Length of 1 block

HL-LHC Central impact: ¼ symmetry model 150 mm 15 mm 9.75 mm Symmetry Plane 5 Beam location Length of 1 block

Thermal Simulations BCMS 1 sigma HL-LHC Central Max T ⁰ C on C/C * X mm y mm z mm Max T ⁰ C on C/C * X mm y mm z mm (considering symmetry on y) (considering symmetry on x & y) *Characterized until 2750 ⁰ C Stable mechanical properties until 2000 ⁰ C

C/C BCMS 1sigma impact C/C HL-LHC Central impact Maximum normal stress y axis 84.5 MPa Maximum normal stress y axis 14.6 MPa Minimum normal stress z axis MPa Minimum normal stress z axis MPa Structural Simulations after 1 impact *The results show the peak stress over time

Titanium BCMS 1sigma impact Max Principal Stress 177 MPa Titanium BCMS 1sigma impact Min Principal Stress MPa Titanium HL-LHC Central impact Max Principal Stress 224 MPa *The results show the peak stress over time Structural Simulations after 1 impact Titanium HL-LHC Central impact Min Principal Stress -211 MPa

Inconel BCMS 1sigma impact Max Principal Stress MPa Inconel BCMS 1sigma impact Min Principal Stress -364 MPa Inconel HL-LHC Central impact Max Principal Stress MPa *The results show the peak stress over time Structural Simulations after 1 impact Inconel HL-LHC Central impact Min Principal Stress MPa

Summary TPSG 4 Run 3 C/C Herakles Max T σx / σlimσy / σlimσz / σlim BCMS1 Sigma ⁰ C 187 MPa (tensile str 1000 ⁰ C ⁰ C 245 MPa (tensile str 1000 ⁰ C 4.9 ⁰ C 17 MPa (tensile str 25 ⁰ C ⁰ C -195 MPa (compr. str 1500 ⁰ C ⁰ C -186 MPa (compr. str 1500 ⁰ C ⁰ C -115 MPa (compr. str 1500 ⁰ C HL-LHCCentral Impact ⁰ C 145 MPa (tensile str 25 ⁰ C 7.6 ⁰ C 245 MPa (tensile str 1000 ⁰ C 1.3 ⁰ C 17 MPa (tensile str 25 ⁰ C ⁰ C -195 MPa (compr. str 1500 ⁰ C ⁰ C -171 MPa (compr. str 1000 ⁰ C ⁰ C -80 MPa (compr. str 1000 ⁰ C *The critical values are plotted independently of the time and the location

Summary TPSG 4 Run 3 Ti 6AI 4V Grade 5 (R56400) Mill-Annealed condition INCONEL 718, wrought, solution treated & aged Max T σ1/ σtσ3/ σcV.M Max T σ1/ σtσ3/ σcV.M BCMS1 Sigma ⁰ C 724 Mpa (yield str) 824 Mpa 150 ⁰ C ⁰ C -724 Mpa (yield str) -824 Mpa 150 ⁰ C 212 ⁰ C 724 Mpa (yield str) 824 Mpa 150 ⁰ C ⁰ C 1300 Mpa (yield str) 1370 Mpa 130 ⁰ C -364 ⁰ C 1300 Mpa (yield str) 1370 Mpa 130 ⁰ C 535 ⁰ C 1000 Mpa (yield str) 1370 Mpa 170 ⁰ C HL- LHC Central Impact ⁰ C 724 Mpa (yield str) 824 MPa 150 ⁰ C ⁰ C -641 Mpa (yield str) -758 MPa 260 ⁰ C ⁰ C 724 Mpa (yield str) 824 MPa 150 ⁰ C ⁰ C 1050 Mpa (yield str) 1370 Mpa 50 ⁰ C ⁰ C 1300 Mpa (yield str) 1370 Mpa 130 ⁰ C ⁰ C 1050 Mpa (yield str) 1370 Mpa 50 ⁰ C Titanium alloy properties: RTI International Metals Technical Brochure Inconel alloy properties: CES Selector

Conclusions The 3D C/C survival is under study. The density used for these simulations (1.65) is not conservative and further calculations are ongoing (density: 1.8). The generated stresses in the higher density materials (Titanium & Inconel) have increased significantly compared to the previous models (version 3) but the safety margin is still over 2.5 which is acceptable.