The enclosed toolkit has been designed to support awareness and amplification for World Lung Cancer Day on August 1, Under the theme of World Lung Cancer Day 2015: Honor, Unite, Inspire, this toolkit serves to support a proactive campaign leveraging multiple channels of distribution, including media, social media and internal communications. This sharable content package may be quickly and easily activated by FIRS members, with templates that are designed to be translated, localized and updated as needed. With one consistent voice, FIRS members will be unified in global action, further building awareness for the global impact of lung cancer on World Lung Cancer Day. As a content hub offering these valuable resources, FIRS members and other publics, can visit Overview
Campaign Talking Points + Statistics News process Media hot buttons Template release Template fact sheet Infographic template Spokesperson interview tips Media Relations Social media guide Editorial calendar Shareable postcards Digital banners Social Media Newsletter copy Internal Communications Toolkit Sections
Media Relations
Campaign Talking Points TOP MESSAGE As part of World Lung Cancer Day on August 1, the Forum of International Respiratory Societies and its members, aim to raise awareness about the global impact of lung cancer through the new campaign World Lung Cancer Day 2015: Honor, Unite, Inspire. TALKING POINTS Risks beyond smoking A history of cancer in another part of the body. Lung cancer risk increases with age. Family history: If one of your parents or siblings has had lung cancer, your risk of developing lung cancer may be increased. Radon, asbestos, arsenic, beryllium, and uranium have all been linked to lung cancer. Anyone who has worked with these substances may be at increased risk of developing lung cancer. Testing and Diagnosis Screenings and tests that may be used to look for lung cancer include chest X-rays, CT scans, PET scans, sputum tests, bronchoscopy, endobronchial ultrasound, and biopsies. If you are a current or former smoker and over age 55, you may be a candidate for a low-dose CT scan screening that can offer early detection of lung cancer, potentially at its earliest stages. CALL TO ACTION To download free educational resources, patients, families, and caregivers can visit
Campaign Statistics GENERAL (According to World Health Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer) Lung cancer is one of the most common cancers worldwide for decades, accounting for 1.8 million new cases in 2012, and is responsible for nearly one in five cancer deaths (1.59 million deaths, 19.4% of the total). Because of its high fatality and the relative lack of variability in survival in different world regions, the geographical patterns in mortality closely follow those in incidence. About 58 percent of lung cancer cases occurred in less developed countries. Lung cancer claims more lives yearly than breast, colon, and prostate cancers combined. Tobacco use is a key risk factor for cancer causing an estimated 70 percent of global lung cancer deaths. The highest incidence of lung cancer was in Northern America and Europe; and the lowest incidence in Africa and, Latin America and Caribbean. MEN The disease remains as the most common cancer in men worldwide (1.2 million, 16.7% of the total) with the highest estimated age-standardized incidence rates in Central and Eastern Europe (53.5 per 100,000) and Eastern Asia (50.4 per 100,000). Notably low incidence rates are observed in Middle and Western Africa (2.0 and 1.7 per 100,000 respectively). WOMEN More women die of lung cancer than breast, ovarian, and uterine cancers combined. In women, the incidence rates are generally lower and the geographical pattern is a little different, mainly reflecting different historical exposure to tobacco smoking. The highest estimated rates are in Northern America (33.8) and Northern Europe (23.7) with a relatively high rate in Eastern Asia (19.2) and the lowest rates again in Western and Middle Africa (1.1 and 0.8 respectively).
News Process Customize the media materials providedResearch and build local media listSend news release, fact sheet and infographic week of July 15Monitor for media articlesPromote news articles in your social channels Below are the five steps to securing a media article:
Media Hot Buttons Regardless of your media savviness, the following tips should guide your media success: Journalists need news to do a story or a segment Utilize creative story angles, such as the ones provided Newsworthiness Reporters operate under strict deadlines Respond to requests promptly to not miss out on an opportunity Deadlines Remember you can’t tell media what to write However, weaving in key messages throughout communications with the media will help ensure the key points are told Freedom of the Press
Template Release The template press release can be customized to your market media list and organization. With placeholders for your organization name and spokesperson quote, this is easily updated for your use. The Word document can be found as a separate attachment to update and provide to media.
Fact Sheet The template fact sheet can be customized to your market media list and organization. This tool is great for educating media with an “at-a-glance” document. The Word document can be found as a separate attachment to update and provide to media.
Infographic Template The infographic template can be translated and updated for channel distribution with social media, media and membership.
Spokesperson Interview Tips Should you secure a media request for interview, the following tips can support your expert spokesperson: Show expertise and passionDeliver key messagesSpeak clearlySupport points with statisticsKnow your audienceAvoid acronyms or industry jargonYou’re always on the record
Social Media
Social Media Guide Value of Social Media: Not only does Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn provide you with a megaphone to share the World Lung Cancer Day 2015: Honor, Unite, Inspire campaign messages, it provide an active opportunity for followers to engage with this campaign and its free downloadable materials. Best Practices Visuals: Use the provided images and text graphics to create more compelling and interesting posts on social media channels. Frequency: Use the suggest social media posts to ensure at least one World Lung Cancer Day post per week on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. Monitor: Be sure to monitor likes, comments and shares to actively receive feedback Invite Conversation: In addition to posting, be sure to respond to any messages or comments with words of support and encouragement. Hashtags: Key lung cancer hashtags on Twitter that can be used to amplify posts include: #lungcancer Partner tagging: Feel free to show the unity of FIRS members, by on Twitter on Facebook in relevant posts. Timing: Research shows that Twitter posts are best delivered during the week at noon or p.m. timeframe; Facebook posts are best delivered Thursday and Friday between 1-3 p.m.; LinkedIn posts are best delivered weekdays 7-8 a.m.
Editorial Calendar: Facebook, LinkedIn The following posts can be added to your editorial calendar to create dialogue in advance of, and following, World Lung Cancer Day. July 27 On August 1, we are united organizations across the globe to honor World Lung Cancer Day by celebrating survivors while building awareness of the global impact of this disease. Join our month-long conversation about lung cancer at [Attach sharable postcard] August 1 Today is World Lung Cancer Day! Lung cancer continues to be one of the most common cancers worldwide, claiming more lives yearly than breast, colon, and prostate cancers combined. Understand the facts, risks and global impact of lung cancer, as shown in the infographic. For more lung cancer information visit our World Lung Cancer Day 2015: Honor, Unite, Inspire site [Attach infographic as an image] August 10 We honored World Lung Cancer Day on August 1. Please help us continue the momentum throughout the month of August by learning more about the risks of lung cancer and downloading our free infographic and fact sheet at August 17 We have all been touched by lung cancer – it continues to be the most common cancer worldwide. That is why is it so important to talk about the risks, early symptoms and facts of this devastating cancer. For more lung cancer information visit [Attach sharable postcard: Lung cancer is responsible for nearly one in five deaths globally] August 24 Thank you for your support this month to honor our initiative World Lung Cancer Day 2015: Honor, Unite, Inspire. Thank you for spreading awareness about the facts of lung cancer - it is important to continue this dialogue year round. [Attach sharable postcard: Lung cancer claims more lives yearly than breast, colon, and prostate cancers combined.]
Editorial Calendar: Twitter The following tweets can be added to your weekly editorial calendar to create dialogue in advance of, and following, World Lung Cancer Day. July 27 Join us on August 1 to honor #WorldLungCancerDay with our new initiative Honor, Unite, Inspire, by spreading awareness of the global impact of this devastating disease. #lungcancer [Attach sharable postcard] August 1 Today is #WorldLungCancerDay! Check out #lungcancer facts, risks and symptoms in our infographic. [Attach infographic as an image] August 10 Please help us continue the momentum for #WorldLungCancerDay 2015 by learning more about the risks of #lungcancer and downloading our free resources at August 17 We have all been touched by #lungcancer – it continues to be the most common cancer worldwide. That is why is it so important to talk about the risks, symptoms and facts. [Attach sharable postcard: Lung cancer is responsible for nearly one in five cancer deaths globally] August 24 Thank you for your incredible support this month to honor of #WorldLungCancerDay Our united voice is spreading awareness of the early warning signs and risks of this disease. #lungcancer [Attach sharable postcard: Lung cancer claims more lives yearly than breast, colon, and prostate cancers combined.]
Sharable Postcards
Social Media Profile Banners Facebook: 851 x 315 LinkedIn: 646 x 220 Twitter: 1500 x 500
Standard Advertising Banners Size: 468 x 60 Size: 728 x 90
Internal Communications
Newsletter Copy 200 Words50 Words The following newsletter copy can be customized and used for July and August publication dates. [Insert organization], alongside the member organizations of the Forum for International Respiratory Societies, united to launch World Lung Cancer Day 2015: Honor, Unite, Inspire, a global awareness and education campaign. The launch coincides with World Lung Cancer Day on August 1, 2015 and supports global awareness for the impact of lung cancer. In honor of World Lung Cancer Day on August 1, [insert organization] alongside member organizations of the Forum for International Respiratory Societies, has launched World Lung Cancer Day 2015: Honor, Unite, Inspire, a global awareness campaign. This campaign encourages publics to know the facts about lung cancer, its risks and global impact. Lung cancer continues to be one of the most common cancers worldwide, claiming more lives yearly than breast, colon, and prostate cancers combined. It is estimated that lung cancer accounts for nearly one in five cancer deaths globally. World Lung Cancer Day 2015: Honor, Unite, Inspire provides free downloadable educational resources to physicians, patients and caregivers at
Success Metrics
Tracking To determine if your campaign effort was a success, consider tracking the following metrics to be shared with FIRS as relevant. Media articles resulting from the press release Media articles resulting from the infographic Media that have used social media to share campaign messages Media Relations Volume of posts Reach of posts Engagement (likes, comments, shares) of posts Social Media Newsletter open rates Newsletter volume distribution to members Internal Communications