Games Workforce Training Kelly Fettes, Training Operations Manager, Glasgow 2014
2 Games Workforce Training Purpose Educating, motivating and inspiring the Games Workforce and setting them up for success before, during and after the Games Ensuring that the Games Workforce possess the skills and knowledge required to perform their roles effectively and efficiently during the Games Providing training that conveys the spirit, mission and values of the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games and encourages every team member to play an active part and deliver their best Partnering with the Functional Areas to ensure that they have the skills and knowledge to design and deliver role specific training Creating a medium for the Organising Committee to communicate key messages to the Games Workforce, before and during the Games
3 Volunteer Qualifications Steering Group Initial request from Glasgow 2014 Board to explore vocational qualification options for up to 15,000 volunteers Extensive research conducted and formal qualifications ruled out for a variety of reasons, including duration of role and significant cost Volunteer Qualifications Steering Group initiated in Feb 2013 to review research and explore alternative options Group consists of representatives from Glasgow 2014, Scottish Government, Glasgow City Council, Skills Development Scotland, Volunteer Development and Scotland, Scottish Qualifications Authority Frequency of the meetings - monthly
4 Key Areas of Focus Orientation Training Event Leadership Training Role Specific Training Venue Specific Training Train the Trainer Training Frontrunner Training
Workbooks E-learning courses Face to Face workshops Pocket Guide Training Mediums
6 Volunteer Qualifications Steering Group Initiatives agreed: 1.A bespoke volunteer support guide- the clydesider Options Guide - which will sign-post volunteers to opportunities beyond the Games, including future volunteering options, information on training and education providers and qualifications and employability guidance 2.The offer from the Scottish Government of a Scotland’s Best qualification for those who meet the eligibility criteria beyond the Games
Background to the clyde-siders Options Guide Purpose To provide information on, and direct people to opportunities in learning, volunteering and employment Number of questions included to encourage people to think about their contribution to the Games and reflect on what they hope to gain from the experience To recognise people for their contribution to the Games Target Audience Up to 15,000 clyde-siders Contributors Glasgow 2014, SQA, SDS, SGS, Volunteer Scotland 7
Beyond the Games The clyde-siders’ role at the Games 123 different roles across 22 Functional Areas Opportunities Beyond the Games The log can be used to take it along to an education or training provider as evidence towards a range of qualifications in a variety of disciplines, including volunteering and personal development. Volunteer Scotland will offer clyde-siders a personal online volunteer legacy account and a range of volunteering opportunities that complement their interests 8
clyde-sider Options Guide Any Questions? 9