CREDIT BUREAU Tel: +995 (32) Al.Kazbegi St. #15 Webpage:
CREDIT BUREAU WHAT IS COLLECTION AGENCY? “A factory” managing and processing large amounts of various types of debts. THE COMPLETE CYCLE COVERS: Call - informing Informing a debtor about the debt (telephone calls, SMS information) Soft - collection Distance contacts with debtors with the aim to ensure debt repayment (telephone calls, warning letters) Hard - collection Person to person meetings with debtors to ensure debt repayment Most of collection agencies in Georgia are working based on only two modes of operation: CALL- informing and SOFT collection Our collecting agency is additionally ensuring HARD Collection mode of operation Our collecting agency is the only company that offers: Collection of debts through the court Instituting centralized proceedings at judicial or arbitral bodies throughout the territory of Georgia; Administering cases and representation with state services throughout the territory of Georgia Redemption Purchasing debts for a reduced value
WHAT IS CREDIT BUREAU? The largest collecting agency in Georgia. Established to service juridical and private persons in order to ensure repayment of problem debts. Within its authority the Bureau is also capable to manage problem companies associated with financial institutions and locate investors in order to sell assets and liabilities of such companies The bureau also actively provides services to individuals. Furthermore, our officers are rigorously considering all case-related circumstances, applying individual approach to each debtor. After studying the personality, way of life, environment, history, strengths and weaknesses of the debtor they are able to establish normal personal contacts with the most incorrigible deadbeats. As a result of the correct professional approach we recover even the most complex and long-standing debts. We do not make empty promises but actually return to our clients their money! CREDIT BUREAU
CREDIT BUREAU MISSION CREDIT BUREAU At least once in our live we one way or another have faced with the problem of debt repayment. An acquaintance whom you supported financially in a difficult situation, didn’t pay back the debt; the renter who has long enjoyed your living space, has not paid a fee; the person who caused you physical, moral or material damage did not compensate you accordingly; the employer did not pay you for a particular service etc. Debts as well as debtors vary. Similarly the ways to solve the credit and debt disputes are different, and include: attempts to resolve disputes personally, which are associated with nervous stress, big emotional pressure, possible physical conflict, and where typically the results are unfavorable; judicial disputes, which are linked to considerable costs in the form of court fees and attorneys' fees, while not yielding promising results, unless the debtor is the owner of considerable property which can be arrested at the moment of filing the claim; involving criminals, which is associated with reputation infringement, the problems with the law, and the risk to become the victim of criminality; involving law enforcement officials, which is associated with the complexity of the imputation of guilt, as it is almost impossible to prove intended appropriation of money by debtor through fraud, especially if he acknowledges the debt but justifies the non-payment by temporary difficulties; and contacting organizations specializing in solving debt problems. Such exactly organization is - "THE CREDIT BUREAU” the primary mission of which is Improving the financial performance of clients due to the high efficiency of debt repayment, acceptable price and optimal timing of the return.
WHAT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE CB? EFFECTIVENESS BEFORE LAW-COURT OUR GOAL – don’t drive the case to court! COLLECTING debts before court – saves resources of our clients! CB ensures the complete cycle of case management before the court THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE TERRITORY OF GEORGIA Call - informing CB Contact Centre (Telephone contacts) Soft - collection CB Contact Centre (Telephone contacts, warning letters) Hard - collection CB officers Personal negotiations with debtors at their work or residence places; Locating debtors; Requisitioning of the subjects to pledge/ mortgage We do not make empty promises but actually return to our clients their money! CREDIT BUREAU
WHAT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE CB? JURIDICAL ACTIVITIES Our Objective is to ensure debts are paid to the maximum In a situation where resolution of disagreements between the creditor and the debtor out of court is impossible - our company on a high professional level will represent the client's interests in court and in enforcement proceedings Referring to court or arbitral body Centralized appeal to judicial or arbitral body Representing cases at court or arbitration Decentralized network of lawyers with centralized system of control, analysis and management Representing cases at executive bodies Decentralized network of lawyers with centralized system of control, analysis and management Reporting Centralized information and documentation system to enable submission of documents to write off debts CREDIT BUREAU We do not make empty promises but actually return to our clients their money!
GEOGRAPHY OF CREDIT BUREAU OUR COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES !!! #RegionRegional officesOfficers 1Tbilisi Tbilisi Head Office Vake-Saburtalo Office; Didube-Chugureti Office; Gldani Nadzaladevi Office; Isani-Samgori Office 59 2Adjara A/R and Guria RegionBatumi Office20 3Shida Kartli and Mtskheta-Mtianeti RegionsGori Office15 4Kvemo Kartli RegionRustavi Office17 5Kakheti RegionTelavi Office17 6Imereti and Racha-Lechkhumi-Kvemo Svaneti RegionsKutaisi Office25 7Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti RegionZugdidi Office, Poti Office19 8Samtskhe-Javakheti RegionBorjomi Office10 Contact Centre - throughout the territory of Georgia (59 workers in Tbilisi) CB Officers - throughout the territory of Georgia (123 officers in regions) The Credit Bureau has great experience in processing problem loans, accomplishment of executive acts and representing cases at arbitral and judicial bodies. This experience is widely used by the Bureau’s network throughout the country via Bureau’s regional branches distributed all over the country based on a zonal division of the territories. CREDIT BUREAU
CREDIT BUREAU TURNOVER Monthly turnover capacity with relation to outgoing telephone calls and letters enables CB to accept for processing thousands of new cases and ensure effortless and prompt extension of CB capacities. Contact Center and CB officers ensure high effectiveness of debts collection before law- courts. Effectiveness of CB’s work (monthly) Month Debt Remainder % 98%90%82%74%66%58%50% CREDIT BUREAU OUR COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES !!!
CREDIT BUREAU TURNOVER Daily turnover capacity of processing applications under lawsuits or arbitration enables to submit to court hundreds of claims for debt repayment. Our network all over the territory of Georgia makes possible to ensure representation of up to 1000 cases at judicial, arbitral and executive services. A comprehensive database enables to obtain general as well as detailed information regarding the results of various case hearings at all judicial instances CREDIT BUREAU OUR COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES !!!
PROFESSIONALS – FOUNDATION OF SUCCESS OF CREDIT BUREAU Contact Centre Operators Growing team of easily trained, well prepared specialists, who ensure telephone contacts with debtors and manage relevant correspondence throughout the territory of Georgia. Former employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia and other law-enforcement bodies. Reputable, highly-qualified and well experienced specialists. Real professionals of their job. In addition, on a zonal level the Bureau employs local former law enforcers who know well the specifics of local areas, local communities and based on the past experience and acquired professional skill as well as personal contacts are capable to easily locate problem debtors and without difficulty make contacts with them in order to ensure repayment of credits. The army of CB officers will visit debtors at their residence in order to make direct contacts. CB Officers CREDIT BUREAU
PROFESSIONALS – FOUNDATION OF SUCCESS OF CREDIT BUREAU Analysts Ensure accumulation and analysis of various information from clients and Bureau services, in order to facilitate effective allocation of cases according to directions of case administration and processing, support development of recommendations for improvements of business processes and increase overall efficiency of services. IT - Specialists Ensure IT capacity of the company and technological support to its services, maintain high performance of computer software and computer systems throughout the territory of Georgia, administer information security systems. CREDIT BUREAU
PROFESSIONALS – FOUNDATION OF SUCCESS OF CREDIT BUREAU Lawyers - Solicitors Lawyers - Barristers Specialists preparing documents for submission and processing at judicial bodies; Analysts and controllers working with lawyers (barristers); - Specialists in strategic approaches to legal issues of debt collection. Professionals, specialized in representation at the first and appellate instances of the Court, as well as in collaboration with executive bodies. CREDIT BUREAU
PRICING POLICY OF CREDIT BUREAU ACTIVITIES BEFORE COURT The cost of services is defined as % from the amount of collected debts. NO ADVACE PAYMENT. NO FINANCIAL RISKS. Reimbursement only after creditors receive collected money from debtors. Cost of Services : 1.Depends on the quality of the credit portfolio (credit policy, type and amount of credit, length of debt payment expiry, etc.) 2.Is determined after agreement with clients based on the preliminary analysis of assets portfolio presented for processing. CREDIT BUREAU
PRICING POLICY OF CREDIT BUREAU JUDICIAL PROCESSES CREDIT BUREAU The cost of services may be determined based on several choices: As a fixed fee for a specific service; As a percentage from the collected debt; As a fixed fee for a specific service plus a percentage from the collected debt Only court expenses to be paid in advance.
CREDIT BUREAU CONTRACTING PROCEDURES 1.Agreeing on a technological form (card) of debt administration and processing before and after law-court; 2.Agreeing on the text of the contract; 3.Defining parameters of debts to be transferred to CB (number of debts, amount of money, types of debts, days debt payment overdue, debts generation mechanism etc.); 4.Agreeing on the service cost; 5.Signing the contract. CREDIT BUREAU
CREDIT BUREAU CONTACT INFORMATION Name:Credit Bureau Location:Tbilisi Director: Nikoloz Natsvlishvili Legal Address:15 Kazbegi St. Tbilisi Telephone : +995 (32) Web-page : CREDIT BUREAU