25/02/2016 SW Development Process - SW Architecture/Stefan L. Meier/Electronic Product Development SW Architecture EPD Software Development Process 1
25/02/2016 SW Development Process - SW Architecture/Stefan L. Meier/Electronic Product Development One step in the process 2 Input: CRS HW concepts Hazard Analysis (optional) Ouput: SW Architecture (Word Document) Verification: Review Integration test (not sure what this means at VELUX)
25/02/2016 SW Development Process - SW Architecture/Stefan L. Meier/Electronic Product Development Required content of a SW-Architecture High level, structural diagrams of the system High level, behavioural diagrams of the system Interface descriptions Specification of used toolchain / programming language / operating system Memory Management Design rules Production relation FW update concept Optional: Safety Concept 3 When the developer evaluates that any of these topics are not relevant for the according project, this should be justified in the architecture document.
25/02/2016 SW Development Process - SW Architecture/Stefan L. Meier/Electronic Product Development High level, structural diagrams of the system Based on a HW concept, the deployment of the main functional blocks must be specified MCU architecture assignment of functional blocks to HW-blocks Mechanical requirements (e.g. placement of PCBs) must be considered Integration of the system into the meta system Appropriate UML diagrams: Component diagram (optional) Deployment diagram (required) 4
25/02/2016 SW Development Process - SW Architecture/Stefan L. Meier/Electronic Product Development High level, behavioural diagrams of the system Specification of the functional behaviour of the system Definition of high-level system states of the product (e.g. SYSTEM_OFF, SYSTEM_RUNNING, SYSTEM_SLEEP, SYSTEM_TEST, SYSTEM_FAIL, …) Specification of essential behaviour of the system in the various system states Rules for transitions between states Design of state machine Interaction of the system with its environment Use cases Reaction to requests Appropriate diagrams State machine diagram (required) Use case diagrams (optional) Sequence diagram (optional) 5
25/02/2016 SW Development Process - SW Architecture/Stefan L. Meier/Electronic Product Development Interface descriptions All interfaces to the meta-system must be specified and described All interfaces between the components of the system must be specified and described When using standard protocols, a protocol specification must be referenced. When using customized interface communication a detailed specification and description must be given Signals Ports Timing Errorhandling … 6
25/02/2016 SW Development Process - SW Architecture/Stefan L. Meier/Electronic Product Development Specification of used toolchain / programming language / operating system VELUX has a standard framework of tools and setups, which should be described in separate document. That description should contain the following topics: Default MCU Default toolchain Default operating systems The SW architecture references to the standard framework description The SW architecture should describe how the standard framework is used/implemented in the project Specification of deviations from the standard framework Customized implementation of the framework (e.g. Use of OS, additional tools, …) 7
25/02/2016 SW Development Process - SW Architecture/Stefan L. Meier/Electronic Product Development Design rules The SW Architecture should specify the basic rules for the SW design in the different components Modularisation: What are the criterions for separate the functionalities into modules? Layer model: Which layer model is applied? Possibly definition of a customised model. Standard design patterns Data encapsulation: How is data encapsulated? Rules about the call hierarchy between modules/classes Design requirements in respect to functional safety (e.g. Redundant data storage, defensive programming, error handling…) 8
25/02/2016 SW Development Process - SW Architecture/Stefan L. Meier/Electronic Product Development Production relation Specification of how all MCUs are programmed during production When using the VELUX Private Protocol, all required commands must be listed with its command value and a description of the command execution. When using a custom production interface, a detailed description of it is required Signals Ports Timing Errorhandling … 9
25/02/2016 SW Development Process - SW Architecture/Stefan L. Meier/Electronic Product Development FW update concept The SW architecture must contain a FW update concept What channel/protocol is used for FW update? How is the firmware contributed in a multi-core system? Compatibility between different components Security 10
25/02/2016 SW Development Process - SW Architecture/Stefan L. Meier/Electronic Product Development Optional: Safety Concept System safety architecture Identification of safety relevant non-safety relevant function blocks Freedom of interference for interfaces to safety-relevant function blocks Definition of safe state(s) Specification of a safe reset concept Architecture description of the protective electronic circuit (PEC) Specification of safety properties (e.g. class of control function, structure of control function, diagnosis test interval) Measures to control faults 11
25/02/2016 SW Development Process - SW Architecture/Stefan L. Meier/Electronic Product Development Roles Product coordinator: Initiates the task Gives time frame Coordinates resources System architect Leads the team Sparring with specialists Is owner of architecture document SW developer Gives input to the team Writes assigned parts of the architecture document Reviewer Reviews the architecture document Calls in for review meeting 12
25/02/2016 SW Development Process - SW Architecture/Stefan L. Meier/Electronic Product Development Process 13
25/02/2016 SW Development Process - SW Architecture/Stefan L. Meier/Electronic Product Development C&C tasks vs PD projects 14
25/02/2016 SW Development Process - SW Architecture/Stefan L. Meier/Electronic Product Development Checklist 15