Objective The objective of this presentation is to introduce you to The Risknowlogy Company We would like to show you Who we are, what we do, and what we have done
Founded on Fact Sheet Employee owned business RISKNOWLOGY Switzerland - HQ Argentina Colombia France Germany India The Netherlands United Arab Emirates United Kingdom
RISKNOWLOGYKLEDGETECHNO Our focus is solely RiskReliabilitySafety services, engineering, consulting, training & certification
Risk Reliability Safety Hazard analysis Risk analysis Risk calibration Consequence analysis Decision support analysis What if, FMECA, HAZID, HAZOP, FTA, ETA, LOPASIL assessments Risk certification Functional analysis (SIL) FMEA, FMEDARBD, FTA, Markov analysis Monte Carlo analysis Reliability data collection & analysis Uncertainty analysis Sensitivity analysis Spurious trip analysis (STL) Reliability engineering Reliability certification SIL analysis SIL verification SIL assessment & certificationHW, SW and systems safety, engineering and analysis Independent verification Independent validation Audits and assessments Functional safety management Functional safety assessment Analyzing and creating safety cultures Safety certification RISKNOWLOGY Offers
our industries Automation Automotive Government Infra structures Machinery Nuclear Process (Oil & Gas, Chemical, Petrochemical) Railway
Training offerings Workshops Theory combined with practical, project based work Professional Courses Theory combined with practical student exercises Certification Courses Theory combined with student exercises and exams that lead to personal certification
Certification offerings Certification services are carried out according to the principles of international risk, reliability, and (functional) safety standards We offer independent certification for Products, Systems, Organizations, People
Risk projects Hazard and risk analysis Pipeline Mero - Czech Republic Pipeline Ecopetrol - Colombia Petrochemical Plant - SABIC - Netherlands
Reliability projects Reliability, Availability, Maintainability Spurious trip analysis SIFs Fertilizer plant - Saudi Arabia Reliability analysis fire & smoke detection system - TROX - Germany Reliability data collection Refinery - OMV - Austria
Safety projects Safety analysis and certification Subsea HIPPS analysis, verification and certification BP - UK & Angola (Cooperation with TUV SUD) Functional safety analysis four panel control systems ESD Actuators/Valves - Rotork - Spain Functional safety management certification BMS Integrator - Beldick - The Netherlands Level Transmitters-Siemens
SIL Assessment SIL Assessment is the activity to determine which safety function are needed, and which SIL level do they have SIL Assessment needs to be performed for all existing plants and future plants SIL Assessment requires a team of professionals
SIL Verification SIL Verification is the activity to determine whether the designed safety instrumented functions are compliant with the SIL standard SIL Verification needs to be performed for all identified SIL functions SIL Verification needs to be performed by a party independent of the designers of the SIL functions
Training TUV Functional Safety Professional Training IEC and IEC general functional safety and SIL training 3 days + exam + certification Hazard & Risk Analysis Training Hazop, Hazid, Lopa training 2 days + exam + 2 cases + certification SIL Verification & Calculation Training Loop, SRS, HW, SW, Calculation, Documentation training 2 days + exam + 2 cases + certification
SIL Certification SIL Certification is the activity where a sufficiently independent party verifies and assesses the devices, loops, organization, professionals SIL Certification is extremely useful to get independent reassurance Companies can use certification to make sure that their contractors, consultants, suppliers, integrators, etc., deliver SIL related work as required by the standards
SIL Certification Risknowlogy has certified various Safety Related Automation Devices & Equipment such as Level Transmitters Burner Control Panels Train Overspeed Controls Subsea HIPPS systems
Let’s discuss The future... Risknowlogy is growing rapidly in India. Participate in our growth and enhance it. APPLY NOW!