Preparing Worship with Prayer. Time for Singing Time for Singing.


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Preparing Worship with Prayer
Presentation transcript:

Preparing Worship with Prayer

Time for Singing Time for Singing

You Have Put On Christ You have put on Christ, in Christ you have been baptised. Hallelujah, hallelujah. You Have Put On Christ You have put on Christ, in Christ you have been baptised. Hallelujah, hallelujah.

Christ Is Risen from the Dead 1. Christ is risen from the dead, glory, hallelujah! Jesus Christ is risen, glory, hallelujah! Christ Is Risen from the Dead 1. Christ is risen from the dead, glory, hallelujah! Jesus Christ is risen, glory, hallelujah!

2. God the Spirit dwells with in us, glory, hallelujah! God the Spirit with us, glory, hallelujah! 2. God the Spirit dwells with in us, glory, hallelujah! God the Spirit with us, glory, hallelujah!

3. King of kings and Lord of lords, glory, hallelujah! Jesus Prince of Peace, glory, hallelujah! 3. King of kings and Lord of lords, glory, hallelujah! Jesus Prince of Peace, glory, hallelujah!

Christ Is Risen, Yes, Indeed Christ is risen, yes, indeed! Hallelujah! 1. Daughters of Jerusalem come at dawn and look for him. Christ Is Risen, Yes, Indeed Christ is risen, yes, indeed! Hallelujah! 1. Daughters of Jerusalem come at dawn and look for him.

Christ is risen, yes, indeed! Hallelujah! 2. Here’s the news an angel gives: “He was dead but now he lives.” Christ is risen, yes, indeed! Hallelujah! 2. Here’s the news an angel gives: “He was dead but now he lives.”

Christ is risen, yes, indeed! Hallelujah! 3. Just remember his own word, which not long ago you heard. Christ is risen, yes, indeed! Hallelujah! 3. Just remember his own word, which not long ago you heard.

Christ is risen, yes, indeed! Hallelujah! 4. Seek him not among the dead. Sing a song of joy instead. Christ is risen, yes, indeed! Hallelujah! 4. Seek him not among the dead. Sing a song of joy instead.

O Great Spirit 1. O Great Spirit how I long to hear your name how I long to see your face A way hi ho a way hi ho a way hi hi ho O Great Spirit 1. O Great Spirit how I long to hear your name how I long to see your face A way hi ho a way hi ho a way hi hi ho

2. O Great Spirit how I long to touch your hands how I long to see your face A way hi ho a way hi ho a way hi hi ho 2. O Great Spirit how I long to touch your hands how I long to see your face A way hi ho a way hi ho a way hi hi ho

Come, O Holy Spirit, Come (Wa wa wa Emimimo) 1. Wa wa wa Emimimo. Emioloye. Wa wa wa Alagbara. Alagbarameta. Wao wao wao. Emimimo. Come, O Holy Spirit, Come (Wa wa wa Emimimo) 1. Wa wa wa Emimimo. Emioloye. Wa wa wa Alagbara. Alagbarameta. Wao wao wao. Emimimo.

2. Come, O Holy Spirit, come. O wise Spirit, come Come, almighty Spirit come. Almighty Trinity. Come, come, come. O Spirit, come. 2. Come, O Holy Spirit, come. O wise Spirit, come Come, almighty Spirit come. Almighty Trinity. Come, come, come. O Spirit, come.

3. Oh viens, Es-prit, viens Es-prit de sa-gesse. Oh viens, puis-sant Es-prit, viens Pui-san-te Trinite. Viens, viens, viens. Oh viens, Es-prit. 3. Oh viens, Es-prit, viens Es-prit de sa-gesse. Oh viens, puis-sant Es-prit, viens Pui-san-te Trinite. Viens, viens, viens. Oh viens, Es-prit.

Santo, Santo (Argentina) 1. Holy, holy, holy My heart, my heart adores you! My heart is glad to say the words: You are holy, Lord. Santo, Santo (Argentina) 1. Holy, holy, holy My heart, my heart adores you! My heart is glad to say the words: You are holy, Lord.

2. Santo, santo, santo Mi co-ra-zon te a-do-ra Mi co-ra-zon te sa-be de-cir: Santo e-res, Senor. 2. Santo, santo, santo Mi co-ra-zon te a-do-ra Mi co-ra-zon te sa-be de-cir: Santo e-res, Senor.

3. Dieu saint, Dieu saint, Dieu saint Mon coeur, mon coeur t’a-do-re Mon coeur le sait, mon coeur te le dit: Tu es saint, Sei-gneur. 3. Dieu saint, Dieu saint, Dieu saint Mon coeur, mon coeur t’a-do-re Mon coeur le sait, mon coeur te le dit: Tu es saint, Sei-gneur.

Bread of Life 1. Bread of life, feed my soul, as the presence of the Spir- it makes me whole, Bread of life, fill my heart with the grace and mercy you impart Bread of Life 1. Bread of life, feed my soul, as the presence of the Spir- it makes me whole, Bread of life, fill my heart with the grace and mercy you impart

2. I have heard your voice calling, “ Come, my friend, and share in the feast that is laid out for you to show how much I care.” 2. I have heard your voice calling, “ Come, my friend, and share in the feast that is laid out for you to show how much I care.”

3. Bread of life, help me live a life as pure and true as Jesus did Bread of life, help me see the bound-less love of Christ for you and me 3. Bread of life, help me live a life as pure and true as Jesus did Bread of life, help me see the bound-less love of Christ for you and me

4. I have heard your voice calling, “ Come, my friend, and share in the feast that is laid out for you to show how much I care.” 4. I have heard your voice calling, “ Come, my friend, and share in the feast that is laid out for you to show how much I care.”

5. Bread of life, feed my soul, as the presence of the Spir- it makes me whole, Bread of life, fill my heart with the grace and mercy you impart. 5. Bread of life, feed my soul, as the presence of the Spir- it makes me whole, Bread of life, fill my heart with the grace and mercy you impart.

Dance with the Spirit Dance with the Spirit early in the morn-in’ walk with the Spirit through-out the long day. Work and hope for the new life a-born-in’ lis-ten to the Spirit to show you the way. Dance with the Spirit Dance with the Spirit early in the morn-in’ walk with the Spirit through-out the long day. Work and hope for the new life a-born-in’ lis-ten to the Spirit to show you the way.

Come and fill our hearts with your peace Come and fill our hearts with your peace. You alone, O Lord, are holy. Come and fill our hearts with your peace. Allelu----ia! Come and fill our hearts with your peace Come and fill our hearts with your peace. You alone, O Lord, are holy. Come and fill our hearts with your peace. Allelu----ia!

Preparing Worship with Prayer

Greeting : Jesus said, “I am the living One; I was dead, and now I am alive for evermore.” Revelation 1:18 Greeting : Jesus said, “I am the living One; I was dead, and now I am alive for evermore.” Revelation 1:18


Call to worship This is the season of Easter: the celebration of resurrection, the festival of hope, the promise of new beginnings, the dance of faith, the song of joy, the music of gladness, the hymn of love. Let us worship our life-giving God! Call to worship This is the season of Easter: the celebration of resurrection, the festival of hope, the promise of new beginnings, the dance of faith, the song of joy, the music of gladness, the hymn of love. Let us worship our life-giving God!

Let us pray Servant Christ, help us to follow you out of the dark tomb, to share daily your resurrection life, to be renewed daily in your image of love, to be used daily as your new Body in your service to the world. Servant Christ, help us to follow you. Amen. Let us pray Servant Christ, help us to follow you out of the dark tomb, to share daily your resurrection life, to be renewed daily in your image of love, to be used daily as your new Body in your service to the world. Servant Christ, help us to follow you. Amen.

Worship Words : God, be kind and bless us! Be pleased and smile. ( Psalm 67:1) Worship Words : God, be kind and bless us! Be pleased and smile. ( Psalm 67:1)

Bread of Life 1. Bread of life, feed my soul, as the presence of the Spir- it makes me whole, Bread of life, fill my heart with the grace and mercy you impart Bread of Life 1. Bread of life, feed my soul, as the presence of the Spir- it makes me whole, Bread of life, fill my heart with the grace and mercy you impart

2. I have heard your voice calling, “ Come, my friend, and share in the feast that is laid out for you to show how much I care.” 2. I have heard your voice calling, “ Come, my friend, and share in the feast that is laid out for you to show how much I care.”

3. Bread of life, help me live a life as pure and true as Jesus did Bread of life, help me see the bound-less love of Christ for you and me 3. Bread of life, help me live a life as pure and true as Jesus did Bread of life, help me see the bound-less love of Christ for you and me

4. I have heard your voice calling, “ Come, my friend, and share in the feast that is laid out for you to show how much I care.” 4. I have heard your voice calling, “ Come, my friend, and share in the feast that is laid out for you to show how much I care.”

5. Bread of life, feed my soul, as the presence of the Spir- it makes me whole, Bread of life, fill my heart with the grace and mercy you impart. 5. Bread of life, feed my soul, as the presence of the Spir- it makes me whole, Bread of life, fill my heart with the grace and mercy you impart.

Prayer of Confession: Prayer of Confession:

Christ is risen but we are still dead. Christ is free but we are still locked in the tomb. Christ comes to us but we do not know who he is. Let us bring to God our burdens and brokenness in the hope of resurrection. Christ is risen but we are still dead. Christ is free but we are still locked in the tomb. Christ comes to us but we do not know who he is. Let us bring to God our burdens and brokenness in the hope of resurrection.

God, you have blessed us and made us happy. You have given us many good things. We want to share with others how happy you make us. Sometimes we don't know how. Sometimes we hurt others instead of making them happy. God help us to share our joy and blessings with others. Bring peace to our world. (Silence) God, you have blessed us and made us happy. You have given us many good things. We want to share with others how happy you make us. Sometimes we don't know how. Sometimes we hurt others instead of making them happy. God help us to share our joy and blessings with others. Bring peace to our world. (Silence)

The stone is rolled away—we are released! The tomb is empty—we can be free! Christ is risen—life can be full! Thanks be to God. The stone is rolled away—we are released! The tomb is empty—we can be free! Christ is risen—life can be full! Thanks be to God.

The Word is Spoken Psalm 67 Psalm 67

1 Our God, be kind and bless us! Be pleased and smile. 2 Then everyone on earth will learn to follow you, and all nations will see your power to save us. 1 Our God, be kind and bless us! Be pleased and smile. 2 Then everyone on earth will learn to follow you, and all nations will see your power to save us.

3 Make everyone praise you and shout your praises. 4 Let the nations celebrate with joyful songs, because you judge fairly and guide all nations. 3 Make everyone praise you and shout your praises. 4 Let the nations celebrate with joyful songs, because you judge fairly and guide all nations.

5 Make everyone praise you and shout your praises. 6 Our God has blessed the earth with a wonderful harvest! 7 Pray for his blessings to continue and for everyone on earth to worship our God. 5 Make everyone praise you and shout your praises. 6 Our God has blessed the earth with a wonderful harvest! 7 Pray for his blessings to continue and for everyone on earth to worship our God.


Announcements Birthdays, Celebrations? Announcements Birthdays, Celebrations?

-Offering Song “What Can I Do?” -Offering Song “What Can I Do?”

What Can I Do? What can I do? What can I bring? What can I say? What can I sing? I’ll sing with joy. I’ll say a prayer. I’ll bring my love. I’ll do my share. What Can I Do? What can I do? What can I bring? What can I say? What can I sing? I’ll sing with joy. I’ll say a prayer. I’ll bring my love. I’ll do my share.

Prayers of the people

A New Creed: We are not alone, We live in God’s world. We believe in God: who has created and in creating, Who has come in Jesus, the Word made flesh, A New Creed: We are not alone, We live in God’s world. We believe in God: who has created and in creating, Who has come in Jesus, the Word made flesh,

To reconcile and make new, who works in us and others by the Spirit. We trust in God. We are called to be the Church: To celebrate God’s presence, To live with respect in Creation, To reconcile and make new, who works in us and others by the Spirit. We trust in God. We are called to be the Church: To celebrate God’s presence, To live with respect in Creation,

To love and serve others, To seek justice and resist evil, To proclaim Jesus, crucified and risen, our judge and our hope. In life, in death, in life beyond death, To love and serve others, To seek justice and resist evil, To proclaim Jesus, crucified and risen, our judge and our hope. In life, in death, in life beyond death,

God is with us. We are not alone. Thanks be to God. God is with us. We are not alone. Thanks be to God.

Review Worship Words

Dance with the Spirit Dance with the Spirit early in the morn-in’ walk with the Spirit through-out the long day. Work and hope for the new life a-born-in’ lis-ten to the Spirit to show you the way. Dance with the Spirit Dance with the Spirit early in the morn-in’ walk with the Spirit through-out the long day. Work and hope for the new life a-born-in’ lis-ten to the Spirit to show you the way.

Commissioning and Blessing
