PUBLIC SCHOOLS NSW – SOUTH WESTERN SYDNEY REGIONSTUDENT SERVICES Functional Support Reasonable Adjustment Disability Provisions Appropriate Adjustment
PUBLIC SCHOOLS NSW – SOUTH WESTERN SYDNEY REGIONSTUDENT SERVICES Teachers are concerned with: their confidence around planning, programming and reporting for students with additional learning needs implications of many disabilities how they can provide for students with additional needs without disadvantaging other students the amount of time and attention needed The dilemma that a student with additional needs may achieve outcomes at a different rate and therefore may appear to make very little progress despite the teacher’s efforts
PUBLIC SCHOOLS NSW – SOUTH WESTERN SYDNEY REGIONSTUDENT SERVICES Why? The standards cover: enrolment rights, parent choice access and participation in all education activities without discrimination curriculum development, accreditation and delivery the provision of student support services obligations to put in place strategies and programs to prevent harassment and victimisation, or bullying, of students with disability
PUBLIC SCHOOLS NSW – SOUTH WESTERN SYDNEY REGIONSTUDENT SERVICES What? Changes aimed at l l ev el ling the p l aying field
PUBLIC SCHOOLS NSW – SOUTH WESTERN SYDNEY REGIONSTUDENT SERVICES 1.6 Strategies to support full participation of students with disability
PUBLIC SCHOOLS NSW – SOUTH WESTERN SYDNEY REGIONSTUDENT SERVICES If NO, consider a range of adjustments. Consult with parents /carers. Planning for learning adjustments If YES, the student follows a regular syllabus program in that subject without adjustments 2. Can the student access some or all of the regular syllabus outcomes in a particular subject with adjustments to teaching, learning and/or assessment? If NO, consult with parents /carers and consider what learning adjustments are required. Provide a personalised learning program that identifies the outcomes and content the student is working towards. If YES, the student follows a regular syllabus program in that subject with adjustments. If YES, consider use of life skills outcomes as a significant adjustment strategy. NO YES 1. Can the student access some or all of the regular syllabus outcomes in a particular subject without adjustments? YES 3. Does the student require significant adjustments to access their personalised learning program? YES
PUBLIC SCHOOLS NSW – SOUTH WESTERN SYDNEY REGIONSTUDENT SERVICES Primary School Example: Standard 1: Know students and how they learn Focus area 1.5: Proficient Descriptor: Develop teaching activities that incorporate differentiated strategies to meet the specific learning needs of students across the full range of abilities. Other descriptors Standard 4: Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments Focus area 4.2: Proficient Descriptor: Establish and maintain orderly and workable routines to create an environment where student time is spent on learning tasks. Video /ViewIOP/IOP00098/index.html
PUBLIC SCHOOLS NSW – SOUTH WESTERN SYDNEY REGIONSTUDENT SERVICES High School Example: P.E Teacher Standard 1: Know students and how they learn Focus area 1.1: Proficient Descriptor: Use teaching strategies based on knowledge of students’ physical, social and intellectual development and characteristics to improve student learning. Video: ndex.html
PUBLIC SCHOOLS NSW – SOUTH WESTERN SYDNEY REGIONSTUDENT SERVICES Example: Student with complex needs Standard 1: Know students and how they learn Focus area 1.6: Proficient Descriptor: Design and implement teaching activities that support the participation and learning of students with disability and address relevant policy and legislative requirements. Other descriptors Standard 7: Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community Focus area 7.2: Proficient Descriptor: Understand the implications of and comply with relevant legislative, administrative, organisational and professional requirements, policies and processes. Video: IOP00066/index.html
PUBLIC SCHOOLS NSW – SOUTH WESTERN SYDNEY REGIONSTUDENT SERVICES Curriculum adjustments may include: aligning goals identified through the collaborative planning process with the Curriculum aligning content demand to individual student need identifying key vocabulary for explicit instruction organising and connecting knowledge, skills and values to promote generalisation using cross curricular and naturally occurring learning opportunities to enhance individual learning goals providing alternative opportunities for students to represent their learning (for example using technology; alternative and augmentative communication systems) providing alternative representations of teaching and learning materials.
PUBLIC SCHOOLS NSW – SOUTH WESTERN SYDNEY REGIONSTUDENT SERVICES Adjustments to support pre-lesson activity: highlight key points in the text book or stencil (student just reads these points have the student arrive early to go over the day plan provide support to preview materials before the lesson give a structured overview at the beginning of each lesson prepare summary of important information with blanks for the student to fill in while listening photocopy information ahead of time
PUBLIC SCHOOLS NSW – SOUTH WESTERN SYDNEY REGIONSTUDENT SERVICES Some adjustments when giving instructions, to consider : Repeat and simplify instructions Give visuals at the same time as verbal instructions Write oral instructions down and always keep in the one place Ask the student to repeat directions to strengthen understanding Complete the first example with the student Model the activity to clarify instructions Record instructions to be available as needed Use concrete materials and visual supports where ever possible Demonstrate or model the concepts Stand close to the student Use both auditory and visual presentation Change tone of voice to cue the student in and sustain attention Break information into small steps and monitor comprehension Use multi-sensory examples Involve the student in the presentation Allow extra time to complete tasks and any assessments
PUBLIC SCHOOLS NSW – SOUTH WESTERN SYDNEY REGIONSTUDENT SERVICES Instructional adjustments may include: providing multiple means of engagement motivating students through engagement with personal interests modelling and demonstrating skills, knowledge and cognitive strategies explicit and systematic instruction levels of prompting modelling problem solving providing opportunities for the student to think aloud (verbalisation) scaffolding student learning through guided practice and supports providing feedback and correction frequent cumulative review providing opportunities for generalisation and maintenance.
PUBLIC SCHOOLS NSW – SOUTH WESTERN SYDNEY REGIONSTUDENT SERVICES Environmental adjustments may include: providing multiple means of access peer assistance access to alternate equipment and furnishings use of support personnel scheduling (for example place, sequence of events) use of assistive technology and alternative and augmentative communication systems changes to buildings.
PUBLIC SCHOOLS NSW – SOUTH WESTERN SYDNEY REGIONSTUDENT SERVICES Some adjustments to consider around assessments: Oral test rather in written form (as a group or student can be assessed individually, using a video) Use a scribe Have questions read to the student Use take home tests Permit open book assessments Use concept maps, webbing, work samples Provide more space to record Observe demonstrated knowledge Set small goals Remove time limits Be clear on what is being assessed: reading or content knowledge?
PUBLIC SCHOOLS NSW – SOUTH WESTERN SYDNEY REGIONSTUDENT SERVICES Taken from ‘Time For..’ resource booklets: Sandra Acevedo-Rugg & Megan Waugh
PUBLIC SCHOOLS NSW – SOUTH WESTERN SYDNEY REGIONSTUDENT SERVICES Taken from ‘Time For..’ resource booklets: Sandra Acevedo-Rugg & Megan Waugh