Question Quiz Why is childproofing a house important when you have kids? 2. When watching children, why is it important to be a good role model? 3. Identify one of the best ways to prevent illnesses. 4. What are developmentally appropriate activities? 5. Explain the difference between child abuse & child neglect.
Writing!!!!! How would you feel right now if you found out that you are going to be a parent?
Parenting Learning Targets I can explain the reasons that one may choose to become a parent I can explain the responsibilities of parenting I can describe the impact having a child can have on a parent’s time, energy, finances, and career I can identify factors that affect the kind of relationship a parent has with a child
Parenting Why is parenting considered a full time job??
Reasons to Choose Parenting Love –Love gives children a sense of security, belonging & support –When kids feel loved, they enjoy new experiences They show love & caring for others –Loving care – grow & learn –Never have a child expecting to simply receive love Parents seem to give more than they receive (at times)
Discuss How did your parent(s) or guardian show you love when you were younger? How do they show you love now?
New Experiences –What new experiences do you anticipate having if you become a parent??
Reasons to Choose Parenting New Experiences –Feeling of closeness when holding & cuddling a newborn –Teach new words, play new games, go new places, meet new people –Find great pride & joy through child’s experiences First day of school Seeing Through a Child’s Eyes –Kids – naturally enthusiastic, excited over little things –Kids help parents see things differently
Activity (Individual) List what you think are the most important responsibilities of parenting Rank those in order of most important to least important
Responsibilities of Parenting Children = BIG responsibility Give security by providing love & attention Do everything in power to meet the child’s physical, social, intellectual & emotional needs Full-time role model Decision to have children – not simple –Serious –Talk to partner
Parenting Preparing for Parenting –Sharing time, space, money & belongings with family members –May have to give up some activities to spend time with the child –Lifestyle adjustments –If you are ready, you do not mind adjustments –If not ready, resentment –Children sense attitude of parents – Be careful on what you decide
Question?? At what point in your life (if ever) do you feel you will be ready to meet the responsibilities of parenting?
Meeting a Child’s Needs Physical –Shelter, food, clothing, medical needs –Classes to learn –Meeting needs takes time Intellectual –Young kids learn through play –Provide toys & materials –Need to be active in school Social –Chances to fulfill social needs –They need to meet different people as they grow –Time away – difficult –Help them through their problems Emotional –Kids need to know that parents love them unconditionally & openly
Being a Role Model Teaching Values –Values – standards that guide actions, attitudes & judgments. –Children accept the values by which they see their parents live Modeling Self-Esteem –Self-esteem – how you feel about your self –Make a child feel important, use polite language –Model self-esteem (do not put yourself down)
Discuss If you have children in the future, what values do you hope to pass on to them one day?
Question Quiz How do you think that becoming a parent will affect the following: -Finances -Career -Time & energy 2.What is the difference between guidance & discipline? 3.Do you feel that you are ready for a child?? Explain
Impact of Parenthood Time & Energy Changes –Less time for self –Change activities depending on children’s needs –Lots on energy caring for a child Financial Impact –Cost of baby – shock for many new parents Food, supplies, diapers, medical bills, daycare, As children grow – expenses grow = school, events, clothes, food, bigger family – more room
Impact of Parenthood Effects on Careers –Stay at home parent –Leave – affect changes for promotion –Some companies – extended leave, employer-sponsored –Furthering education – challenge –Not advance as much b/c of family responsibilities
The Parent-Child Relationship Certain qualities necessary – good parents To relate well – parents need to be in control of their lives –Take responsibility for their decisions & actions Devote time to children
The Parent-Child Relationship Social readiness –Must like yourself –Strong marriage/relationship –Example – cookie –Parents with high self-esteem can make decisions that are best for their child Model self-esteem Good health –Extra time & effort needed –Mothers between 20 – 32 most likely to have healthy children –Weight & eating habits
The Parent-Child Relationship Financial Security Responsibility Teen Parenting
Learning Parenting Skills Easy skills – diapering, planning nutritious meals, Harder skills – communication Guidance – all words & actions parents use that affect their children’s behavior Discipline – various methods parents use to teach children acceptable behavior. Positive Statements when setting limits –Stay in yard, not don’t go out in street
Learning Parenting Skills Child Abuse –Harm to a child that is done on purpose Child Neglect –Failure to meet a child’s needs
Ready for a Child??? Emotional Maturity – fully developed emotions or feelings, and the ability to handle them well (developmental task) Financial Stability – the ability to meet everyday living costs Personal Readiness – child gives families a new and different focus – Are you ready for that Knowledge of Prenatal Care - how to keep you and baby healthy while pregnant
Teen Parenthood Usually not mature enough to handle parenthood Development in Process –Personally demanding – transitioning from childhood – adulthood –Due to demands from parents, teachers, society & friends – not emotionally ready –Having a child may limit choices –Making sacrifices Education & Work –Usually not financially prepared –Low wages, still finishing school, part-time –Finishing school – extremely important
Teen Parenthood Physical Concerns –Risk for both baby and momma –Many delay seeking prenatal care –Studies show that babies of teen moms are more likely to be premature – born before they are completely developed – or have a low birth weight –Very young teens – endanger their own bodies Stress on the body More likely to develop unhealthy blood conditions –Toxemia – buildup of poisons in the blood –Anemia – lack of iron – lead to fatigue
Plan Ahead Being a parent should be a choice made after much careful thought. Are you ready??? Think about what you want your life to be like in 5 years? 10 years? 15 years?? Would having a child fit those plans??? Remember – talk to your partner, it should be a joint decision
Question Quiz Identify physical concerns for teen moms. 2.Identify other concerns for teen parents. 3.When setting limits for children, how should they be phrased? 4.What factors affect the parent-child relationship? 5.Do you feel that it is a form of child abuse/neglect to allow a child to be obese? Explain.
Study Guide Complete worksheet from yesterday & today (Question quiz – due tomorrow)\ Red Books (180) Blue Books (185) –Review It Questions #1-10 –Think More About it #2