Effective use of the Early Years Pupil Premium Early Learning Area Co-ordinators.


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Presentation transcript:

Effective use of the Early Years Pupil Premium Early Learning Area Co-ordinators

EYPP- Principles Meet specific needs of disadvantaged children Accountability must be able to show that the funding makes a difference and that progress/outcomes for EYPP children has improved Must work to improve the engagement of parents in their children’s learning

Workshop outline Ideas for using the EYPP funding Identifying areas of need in your EYPP children Considering case studies Considering ways to engage parents How to track activities, progress and evidence Questions

Ideas for the use of the EYPP funding Case studies on Foundation Years website

Engaging parents- running workshops, setting up lending libraries, making song books and CDs for parents Ideas for the use of the EYPP funding EYPP funding Forest Schools programme Pooling resources- buying in QTS support, speech therapist, specialist support Focusing on mathematical development through small group work

Funding extra members of staff to lead group work Ideas for the use of the EYPP funding EYPP funding Communication and Language o narrative therapy sessions for specific children Literacy o purchasing resources such as books, puppets

Identifying needs Core purpose of EYPP is to narrow the achievement gap between the most and least disadvantaged children In 2014, 45% of pupils eligible for Free School Meal (FSM) achieved a good level of development in the early years foundation stage compared with 64% of other pupils Need to identify the learning needs of the most vulnerable through individual progress trackers, pathways, cohort data and knowledge of the children. Other agencies such as getset and the Health Visitors may be able to input into this process

Looking at case studies 10 minutes to discuss in groups Consider one of the following in your group: 1.How have the needs of the most disadvantaged children been identified? 2. How have parents been kept at the heart of the work? 3. How is the impact of the work being measured?

Engaging with parents What to expect when?

Expectation that parental engagement will be a strong feature of the use of EYPP Consider ways to develop parents skills in a particular area Intensive approaches are associated with higher learning gains for children Consider how to sustain parental engagement and promote on-going partnerships Engaging with parents

Information and ideas available through the EYPP toolkit on the foundation years website Engaging with parents

Tracking progress Starting point- individual and cohort trackers to identify and analyse needs Tracking progress for the EYPP children as a specific group Hard data relating to narrowing the gap based on cohort analysis and improved numbers of children achieving age appropriate outcomes

Evidence Must keep a record of what support the EYPP children have received in the setting Must be able to demonstrate the impact of the use of the EYPP funding, evidence could include reference to: o Abcc charts o ECaT forms and reduced number of referrals to ITS o IEPs/Provision Plans o Observations and evidence from pathways o Specific records kept about specific activities, perhaps from other professionals o Using case studies as templates


/ Information for parents and providers Application forms

