‘And what do we mean…? Ellen Harris Subject Librarian
Some definitions! Information literacy is knowing when and why you need information, where to find it, and how to evaluate, use and communicate it in an ethical manner. CILIP Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals campaigns-awards/advocacy-campaigns/information- literacy/information-literacyhttp:// campaigns-awards/advocacy-campaigns/information- literacy/information-literacy
Some definitions! What is digital literacy…? ‘Those capabilities that mean an individual is fit for living, learning and working in a digital society. Digital literacy is about being able to make use of technologies to participate in and contribute to modern social, cultural, political and economic life.‘ BCS (British Computer Society – The Chartered Institute for IT)
The headings a digitally literate person... an information literate person...’ Both!
Information Literacy verses Digital Literacy Two different skill sets? Digital literacy or Digital literacies? Jisc - digital-literacies digital-literacies or
Would we agree with the OU? “Digital literacy includes the ability to find and use information (otherwise known as information literacy) but goes beyond this to encompass communication, collaboration and teamwork, social awareness in the digital environment, understanding of e-safety and creation of new information. Both digital and information literacy are underpinned by critical thinking and evaluation.
Bibliography What does digital literacy mean for information literacy practitioners? Workshop presented at the LILAC conference, Sheffield Hallam University, 23rd April by Jonathan White (available at literacy-mean-for-information-literacy-practitioners/ literacy-mean-for-information-literacy-practitioners/ BCS Digital Literacy for Life programme BCS (British Computer Society – The Chartered Institute for IT) Digital and Information Literacy Framework. Open University Information literacy CILIP