ISKO presentation Dr Vivienne Winterman 14 th March 2016 Reliable Data/ information Sharing Knowledge Learning Good practice
Understanding knowledge ◦ Where it comes from ◦ Perceived importance and value Attempts to harness knowledge ◦ New discipline ◦ Managing/sharing across a business Skill requirements and shortfalls ◦ Information literacy ◦ Digital literacy Training ◦ Bottom up/top down ◦ Trends
What you know What you can deduce from data and information ◦ Trends, sales, markets
Valuable asset Sharing knowledge is power Adaptability and new approaches
Databases Tools ◦ Lessons learned ◦ After action reviews ◦ Knowledge harvesting Communication ◦ Networking ◦ Knowledge cafe ◦ Social media
What it meansThe enablers 30% Process ‘corporate methods’ 20% Technology ‘tools’ 50% Organisational ‘culture’
Regulated organisations ◦ Legal ◦ Scientific, pharmaceutical Government departments/agencies NHS/Social Care Other businesses ◦ SMEs ◦ Charities/3 rd sector
TFPL KIM Competency Dictionary (2005) ◦ Framework for KIM and competencies for all levels of staff Digital and Information literacy framework (OU 2012) Government Knowledge and Information Management (KIM) Professional Framework (2013) CILIP – response to House of Lords Committee – Digital Skills in the UK (2014)
745,000 additional workers with digital skills will be needed to meet rising demand from employers between 2013 and 2017 (O2, The Future Digital Skills Needs of the UK Economy, 2013). 90% of future jobs roles will require IT skills. (The Digital Agenda- ICT for jobs) 32% of our respondents see taxonomy and metadata design – providing structure to their information sets - as the greatest technical skill set for their organizations. (AIIM white paper 2015 – in conjunction with Iron Mountain)
Top-down bottom-up approach Managing, Organising, Classifying, Thesaurus application, Searching, Finding, One- login KIM, IT, IA strategies Metadata, Taxonomy Systems, Networks, Single search engine, Federated search, Databases (KIM) Managers Employees
KM/IM/DM/RM Information Architecture Taxonomy/metadata development Web architecture Database development Digital and information skills literacy
Reliable Data/ information Sharing Knowledge Learning Good practice