Hearts Beat Back: The Heart of New Ulm Project Cindy Winters - October 2012
Multi-sector Partnership Employers/businesses City of New Ulm Chamber of Commerce Churches School District Local media outlets Local college New Ulm Medical Center Brown County Public Health Community Members
Project Sections The project includes community education, medical interventions, environmental and policychanges, concurrent in the following spheres of influence: HealthcareCommunityWorksite
HeartBeat Connections Program High risk patients proactively identified from the medical record Welcome packet, educational materials, and 1:1 telephonic coaching with a health professional Addresses major risk factors such as high cholesterol, blood pressure, nutrition, exercise, and stress Healthcare
Grand Rounds Quarterly provider education seminars National and regional scientific experts 90% of all local providers attended at least 1 session Healthcare Continued
Heart Health Screenings 5221 screened in year 1(2009) 3215 in year 3 (2011) Multiple Community Health Challenges Increasing activity Increasing fruits/vegetables Weight management Making small manageable changes Community
Community Summits Conducted annually to provide Project update and inspire people to make healthy lifestyle changes FoodWorks Work with local restaurants, grocery and convenience stores to develop more healthy, affordable items “What’s Cooking New Ulm?” TV show
Farmer’s Market Program Provide training to local agricultural commodity producers Extend season at KNUJ Farmers Market Increase vendors at KNUJ Farmers Market Increase individuals purchasing shares from a CSA Promote New Ulm agricultural commodities programs and outlets through an integrated marketing campaign Provide workshops to residents on farm-to-table, growing, buying, preparing, cooking and preserving agricultural commodities
Program Partners This funding and program exists thanks to our partners: Growing Green at Putting Green, Inc., Guldan Family Farm, KNUJ Radio, New Ulm Medical Center, University of Minnesota and University of Minnesota Extension.
Worksite Environment/Culture audits, e-newsletter Quarterly employee challenge programs Annual Employer Summit & Hot Topics Breakfast Speakers Bureau Employee health screenings Well Worksite award program
Cohort n=1766 % Current Smokers % Sufficient Physical Activity * % Sufficient fruit/veg ≥ * % NU Lifestyle score 8 or * % Daily Aspirin Use * % Medication for Diabetes4.16.5* % Medication for Hypertension * % 100% Medication Adherence * % Hypertensiveł2418.8* % High Total Serum Cholesterol (>200mg/dl) * % Obese (BMI>30) High Glucose (>100mg/gl) ł systolic bp (140+) and diastolic bp (90+) according to JNC VII report in 2003 *significant change at alpha = 0.05 compared to 2009 Snap Shot of some screening results of Zip Code Residents Age 18 +
Outcomes: Process Key contributing factors to our population health outcome results are the process outcomes. 68% of survey respondents report some level of HONU engagement in the past year. 81% of residents are very satisfied or satisfied with what HONU is doing in the community. Engagement at every level of the community: businesses, city, media, schools, public health department, legislators, etc.
Policy Initiatives
Community Transformation Grant – Small Communities Include Brown Co. representatives on HONU Steering Committee Expand SWAP IT to DROP It to all of Brown County Work with City of New Ulm and County Commissioners to adopt a Complete Streets Resolution Increase number of trained Freedom from Smoking Facilitators
Cindy Winters Community Programs and Public Policy Specialist Hearts Beat Back: The Heart of New Ulm Project Phone: Contact Information