1 Weekly Summary Solar Sail Spring Semester March 19 th, 2007 Mike Hiti
2 Last Week Systems Integration Completed phone meeting with sponsor. Worked on defining PDR goals. Power/Thermal/Comm Continued high level analysis of thermodynamic properties of payload module. Determined that we will be using a MFS (Multi Functional System) that utilizes heat pipes and different configurations to dissipate heat. Continued research in to power requirements needed to heat booms in order to cure epoxy. Final solar array size determined (assuming that UV curing epoxy is used in booms). Worked on solar array configuration. Orbit Control Worked on completing their portion of PDR. Worked on using an alternate orbit Attitude Control Worked on determining control laws and a simulation. Determined dynamic equations. Working on the PID controller. Structures Finished basic solid model of booms and sail assembly. Refined sail weight estimate Refined moment of inertia estimate for sail and booms.
3 Solidworks Screenshot
5 Solidworks Solar Array
6 Outstanding Issues Is UV curing epoxy a viable solution for the booms?
7 Next Week Systems Integration Working to integrate major aspects of each subgroups design. Working on PDR presentation. Power/Thermal/Comm Finish thermal analysis of payload using Matlab. Determine array configuration and ways for deployment. Complete PDR goals. Orbit Control Complete PDR goals. Determine and alternate orbit. Attitude Control Working on using dynamic model to change from one quaternion to another. Complete attitude control laws. Structures Add final details to solid model. Prepare of PDR.
8 PDR Goals Systems Integration Complete PDR presentation. Power/Thermal/Comm Completely analyze the thermo properties of the payload module. Pick out materials needed and configuration of multifunctional structures. Finalize solar array size and batteries to be used. Orbit Control Have control law set and multiple orbit options available. Attitude Control Have attitude control laws written. Have simulation 50% done. Structures Have sketches or basic solid models of deployed and stowed sail structure. Have basic structural analysis and sizing done.
9 Updated Schedule Gantt Chart