SCHOOL № 59 NAMED AFTER T.BAGHIROV,KHATAI REGION,BAKU “THE GREAT UNKNOWN” SUBJEKT: EnglishSUBJEKT: English GRADE LEVEL: VIIIGRADE LEVEL: VIII THEME: William ShakespeareTHEME: William Shakespeare AIMS: To introduce the students with the great English poet – William Shakespeare – as an actor,as a great playwright and as an undeniable Talent of all times.AIMS: To introduce the students with the great English poet – William Shakespeare – as an actor,as a great playwright and as an undeniable Talent of all times. PREPARED : BY SHAHLA AGHAYEVAPREPARED : BY SHAHLA AGHAYEVA
1.GREETING T: Good morning, children ! S: Good morning, Teacher ! T: Dear, pupils We are having many guests today. Let’s welcome our guests. S: Welcome to our classroom ! T; Thank you children, Sit down, please and be ready to the lesson. We are going to have an unusual lesson today. So be active and show your best. T: Who can say,what is the date today? S: Today is the …….. T: And what is the day of the week today? S: Today is ……. T: What is the weather like today? S: The weather is …… T: O.K. Children. Let’s begin.
2. THE MOTIVATION OF THE LESSON T: Tell me please :Do you like to read? Pupils: Yes, we do. T: And who is your favourite writer ? Who can say? P 1: I like to read. My favourite writer is Anar. T: Who else, ……., please. P 2: My favourite writer is Ilyas Efendiyev. T: Who else ? ……., please. M: My favourite writer is Chingiz Abdullayev. T: Very good! I also like to read. My favourite writer is …….Just a moment. Let you guess who he is. He was born in England in the 16th century, but thanks to his plays he is famous all over the world even in our days. Do you know him?—Don’t you know? Then let’s watch one film and after we’ll continue our conversation. I think it will help you to guess --- who he is. Let’s watch. Romeo and Juliet (a little clip from the film)
Teacher: Ok, children. Have you ever seen this film ? What film is it? Pupil: It is Romeo and Juliet. Teacher: Ok. You are right. And what is the author of this tragedy? Pupil: The author of this tragedy is William Shakespeare. Teacher: Yes, of course, it is William Shakespeare. So you found out that our today’s lesson is dedicated to the greatest playwright in world literature-William Shakespeare. Do you want to know more about William Shakespeare ? Pupil: Yes, we do. Teacher: O.K. In this case I invite you to join us in our literary tour around William Shakespeare’s Kingdom. I think it will be really wonderful. And that’s why I hope you will take an active part in this lesson. Answer me, please, what associations come to your mind when I say- Shakespeare? Pupils: The great poet The first among the best The great unknown The great English dramatist Excellent! But now I’d like to give you more information about William Shakespeare.
And that’s why I want to introduce you with some facts of William Shakespeare’s biography and the time when he lived and worked. Let’s watch the film about - The great unknown”
3. The film about Shakespeare T: Would you be so kind as to answer my question? What makes Shakespeare the famous playwright of all time? P 1: I think that Shakespeare gave the English language many phrases and sayings, which the English people still use in their everyday speech. P 2: But I think Shakespeare’s works enriched the English literature with its interesting themes about real life and history.
4. VOCABULARY OF THE NEW LESSON Now children open your vocabularies and write the new words and pay attention to their meanings. LET’S look at the screen and repeat some new words after me : LET’S look at the screen and repeat some new words after me : Playwright [ ‘p l e ɪ,r a ɪ t ] dramaturq playwright - someone who writes plays, dramatist, author, writer Probably [ ‘p r ɒ b ə b l ɪ ] ehtimal ki, Probably – likely, almost, certainly Local [ ‘l ə ʊ k ə l ] yerli Local - belonging or relating to a particular place or district To establish [ ɪ ’ s t æ b l ɪ ʃ ] yaratmaq, qurmaq To establish – to form something on a firm basis Reputation [,r ɛ p j ʊ ‘t e ɪ ʃ ə n] reputasiya, hörm ə t Reputation - the estimation in which a person or thing is generally held; opinion
5. LISTENING And now you will work in teams. Your task is to listen to a LISTENING and after to write what you remembered. You have 5 minutes for this task. Who finished first, come and clay your paper in the blackboard. Begin. Now, children have you finished ? Who wants to come first? Come, ………. read and translate the answer of your team. Now, children let’s talk about Shakespeare’s works with the help of the slides. (after it, the students’ answers are listened and discussed)
6. SLIDES ABOUT SHAKESPEARE’S WORKS English teacher: Well it’s time to discuss the problem of our lesson. Why do you think W. Shakespeare is a great unknown. To find out the reason of our question let’s talk about Shakespeare’s works with the help of slides. Look at the screen please.
7. TEST EXERCICES ABOUT SHAKESPEARE Teacher: Now, I give you some test exercises about Shakespeare and ask you to write them within 5 minutes. Begin.. Be attentive, please. TEST EXERCISES (the exercises are shown in my presentation “William Shakespeare – the great playwright of all times “)
8. HOMETASK I know about Shakespeare I want to know about Shakespeare I learned about Shakespeare Fill the chart.
GIVING MARKS AND GOOD BYE Our lesson is coming to its end. Thank you very much. You have worked very well today. I hope you liked the lesson. It was a great pleasure to listen to you. Your marks are good and excellent. Take your diaries and write down your homework for the next English lesson.
Thank you for the lesson. You are free. Good-bye! Teacher: Dear children I advise you to read Shakespeare in translation and in the original. Enjoy it, because William Shakespeare is “Great unknown “.