Co-funded by the European Union Ref. number: LLP FI-ERASMUS-ENW WP2: Identification of Industrial Needs for Open innovation Education in Europe Daria Podmetina Lappeenranta University of Technology
WP2: WP2: Identification of Industrial Needs for Open innovation Education in Europe o Work package type: Implementation o Started: Month 1 (November, 2013) o Will end: Month 14 (January, 2015)
WP2 Objectives: o Identification market and industrial needs for open innovation personnel to enable teaching industry- relevant skills in higher education institutions that correspond to actual needs in business. o This objective can be divided to two sub objectives. 1.To collect, process and categorize the data from companies in Europe on OI awareness, adoption, implementation, and skill requirements for personnel. 2.To provide recommendations for HE institutions for OI education development based on the European market and industrial needs.
Key Tasks and Deliverables: Survey on Industrial Needs for open innovation Report on industry needs for open innovation education o T2.1. Develop industry need collection process and survey and T2.2. Europe-wide collection of industrial needs for open innovation education = D2.1. Survey on Industrial Needs for open innovation education in Europe & - D2.2. Report on industry needs for open innovation education recommendation for OI curricula o T2.3. Provide recommendation for OI curricula development based on the market and industrial needs in different countries and segments (to be exploited in WP 3, 4, 5) - D2.3. Recommendations for open innovation education development
D2.1. Survey on Industrial Needs for OI education in Europe o Type of output: Questionnaire o Delivery date: M3 o Dissemination level: Public o Nature: Report, Other o To collect, process and categorize the data from companies in Europe on OI awareness, adoption, implementation, and skill requirements for personnel.
D2.1. Survey: Selecting Industries o Based first on country and then statistical economic significance. o First, each OI-Net partner country is viewed from publicly available statistics (Eurostat) and the top 6-10 industries in terms of contribution to national GDP are selected. (See Excell table) o From each industry 3 – 10 representative companies are selected by OI-Net partners and approached locally with the developed survey thus allowing concurrent, localized collection of industrial needs (Sample ~ 3500) o Help of all partners in the OI-Net is significant in order to share experience, knowledge and expertise from local markets.
D2.1. Survey Structure Current state of open innovation adoption in the industry Perceived importance of open innovation for the industry currently and in the near future (10 year timespan) Current level of open innovation knowledge and skills with industry employees Needed set of skills for fresh graduates in open innovation context Other industry needs for higher education in the open innovation framework
D2.1. Conducting Survey o Online Survey – Webropol. o Paper version adapted for structured interviews. o Continuous standardized need collection form that will be utilized to update the curricula in accordance with changing industry needs and developments in the OI theory. o The full questionnaire will be published and constitute the core of the deliverable D2.1.
D2.2. Report on Industry Needs for Open Innovation Education o Type of outputs / products / results: Report o Delivery date: M9 o Dissemination level: Public o Nature: Report, Other In terms of “Other” for the nature of the deliverable, articles and communications derived from it will be published on the website, in the platform and published as papers in conferences or publications. o Data collected locally (D.2.1.), following which the results are centrally collected to LUT. o The results are then categorized and collated by country, industry and sector to allow for deeper mining of the information.
D2.2. Report o WP2 provides an industry need Report that will be the basis for subsequent WPs to develop the OI curriculum, segment-specific customizations and the collection of specific cases and practices of open innovation (WP3). o Results will be fully published as a comprehensive report, conclusions act as a direct input to developing recommendations in D2.3 as well as background directly applied in the subsequent WPs 3,4 and 5.
D.2.2. Events and Communicating the Results o Workshops will be organized in order to present the results of data collected and discuss the output which aims to let HE partners give feedback and validate the quality and applicability of identified industry needs. o Publications of results in reports, academic articles, and further dissemination on conferences and workshops.
D2.3. Recommendations for open innovation Education Development o Type of outputs: Report o Delivery date: M10 o Dissemination level: Public o Restricted to other programme participants (including Commission services and project reviewers) o Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including EACEA and Commission services and project reviewers) o Nature: Service / Product, Other o In terms of “Other” for the nature of the deliverable, articles and communications derived from it will be published on the website, in the wiki platform and published as papers in conferences or publications. o In terms of “Service/Product”, these initial results will already be used to start the publication of the curricula framework on the Akari Software platform (
D2.3. Recommendations for open innovation Education Development o The final deliverable in WP2 will utilize the results established in D2.2 and develop recommendation for the continuous development of open innovation education in European higher education. o The recommendations will establish the preliminary groundwork for the curricula development in WP4 and WP5 by establishing guidelines for the customization of the core curriculum by country, industry and sector.
D.2.3. Report o will include recommendations on topics for further OI studies by reviewing the current theoretical development against the actual industry needs. o will result in a research agenda that may guide e.g. PhD studies and other OI theory development to address gaps in the theoretical framework of open innovation. o will lead to a higher degree of sustainability of the project results by enabling the continuous concurrent development of research and education in the OI field beyond project lifetime.
Team Partners directly involved (BUT! all partners contributing) WP Leader: P01 - Lappeenranta University of Technology WP Support: P04 - University of Namur, Belgium P06 - EFMD P15 - ESCEM/FBS – FRANCE BUSINESS SCHOOL - France P19 - RWTH Aachen University P20 - Athens University of Economics and Business- Research Center (AUEB-RC) P21 - IMCRC University of Miskolc P23 - Whitaker Institute for Innovation and Societal Change, National University of Ireland P28 - Kaunas University of Technology P46 - Linköping University P47 - Geneva School of Business Administration
Milestones o Kick-off meeting workshop ( , LUT) o Meeting room 4501, 13 – o Working group (WP) meetings in Barcelona (?), March, 2014, ISPIM Dublin, June, 2014, further to be confirmed. o Presentation of preliminary (June, 2014) and final results.
Progress Indicators D.2.1 o Survey approval o Pilot and Scales validation o Conducting Survey D.2.2. o Processing and analyzing the results o Presenting, feedback, peer o Report D.2.3. o Recommendations / Report
18 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Programme: ERASMUS # LLP FI-ERASMUS-ENW o For more information: FIN: o Daria Podmetina Lappeenranta University of Technology (WP 2 Leader)