APEH Final Assignment Create “baseball cards” of 20 individuals from a provided list from Modern European History. You may use the provided template with the computer, or print out blank copies to write on, or redo them on your own. These will be due on Tuesday, June 14 th by the end of the day.
Your choices should include: Representatives from at least 5 different nationalities (ex: English, French, Italian, Russian, Spanish) At least 6 women Representatives from at least 4 different centuries At least 2 representatives from the following categories: philosophers, artists, musicians, writers, inventors, explorers and politicians/leaders
Choose 20 people from this list: Joan of Arc Pope Boniface Catherine of Sienna Lorenzo d’Medici Leonardo da Vinci Johannes Gutenberg Jan van Eyck Desiderius Erasmus Charles V Henry the Navigator Martin Luther John Calvin Queen Elizabeth Phillip II Christopher Columbus Henry VIII Ignatius Loyola John Cabot Hernan Cortes Ferdinand Magellan Louis XIV Peter the Great Oliver Cromwell John Locke Thomas Hobbs Andreas Vesalius William Harvey Margaret Cavendish William Shakespeare Nicolaus Copernicus Galileo Galilei Rene Descartes Isaac Newton Voltaire Adam Smith Mary Wollstonecraft Maria Theresa Joseph II Frederick the Great Catherine the Great John Wesley Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Marie Antoinette Abbe Sieyes Georges Danton Maximilien Robespierre Napoleon Bonaparte Blaise Pascal Klemens von Metternich John Stuart Mill Mary Shelley William Wordsworth Otto von Bismarck Camillo di Cavour Alexander II Queen Victoria Charles Darwin Charles Dickens Richard Wagner Karl Marx Albert Einstein Leo Tolstoy Pablo Picasso Virginia Woolf Alfred Dreyfus Gavrillo Princip Georges Clemenceau Nicholas II Vladimir Lenin Salvador Dali Benito Mussolini Adolph Hitler Joseph Stalin Winston Churchill Neville Chamberlain Franklin D. Roosevelt Gandhi Nikita Khruschev Charles de Gaulle Simone de Beauvoir Mikail Gorbachev Osama Bin Laden Magaret Thatcher
name DOB-DOD Place of Birth/where resided era occupation Biography: In this box, type or write out a mini-report about this person’s life, accomplishments and historical significance Picture: In this box, place or draw a picture of this individual. DO NOT COPY AND PASTE OR TURN IN WORK THAT IS THE SAME AS ANOTHER STUDENT’S. UNORIGINAL WORK WILL RISK BEING RECORDED AS A ZERO
name DOB-DOD Place of Birth/where resided era occupation
AccuracyCompletenessAppearance A All provided information is accurate and original, and includes the sources used for any information obtained on the page. Directions are completely followed, and the “biographies” are thoughtfully and thoroughly completed (template box is mostly filled with a size 14 font). It looks good, is presented in a nice manner, and is easy to see that all of the categories were completed. C Most of the information is accurate and it appears that there is an effort to put information in your own words. There are some missing parts to the project. “Biographies” are lacking important information. Organization of the project is not apparent after looking for it. It is sloppy, but organized. E Information given is inaccurate, and or it is not original (copied from someone else). No sources are given. Most of the parts are missing, and the “Biographies” are extremely brief. No attempt to organize, or make it look good for turn in. This project will be worth 60 points. There will not be deductions for projects done with black and white printing, or without fancy folders, (but you may want to look into color ink and a nice folder to contain your final product). Hand drawn pictures are acceptable if you think it will add to your presentation.