Thinking and Language
Cognition: Mental process associated with thinking, knowing, remembering, and communicating. Concept Definition and examples Hierarchies Definition vs. Prototype Prototypical problems
Algorithms Trial/error, other examples Benefits and hazards Heuristics Representativeness, availability, and anchoring and adjustment will be discussed later. Benefits and hazards Insight Examples The biology of insight
Confirmation Bias Definition Examples Fixation Mental Set Examples Functional Fixedness Examples
The Return of Heuristics Representativeness Availability Anchoring and Adjustment Overconfidence Relation to hindsight bias Belief bias Belief Perseverance Charles Lord experiment Amos Tversky thought truckers hate poetry. Daniel Kahneman thinks words that start with R and K are more common.
Implicit reasoning; effortless, immediate and automatic thoughts or feelings. Dangers of intuitive thought Previous examples Strengths of intuition Adaptive thinking Intuition improves with experience See table 9.1 on page 380 for a complete list Balance intuition with explicit thought* *Not those explicit thoughts…
Framing Effect: The idea that the way an issue is presented can impact the way it is perceived. Both frames must be logically equivalent Tversky and Kahneman example: 72% A / 28% B 22% C / 78% D Other examples Problem: The US is preparing for the outbreak of an Asian disease that is expected to kill 600. A) 200 saved B) 1/3 chance 600 saved, 2/3 chance no one is saved. OR C) 400 people will die D) 1/3 chance no one will die, 2/3 chance 600 will die..
Language – spoken, written or signed words and the ways they are combined to communicate meaning. Phonemes - The atom of language™ Examples Morphemes - The cell of language™ Examples Grammar – The mother of language’s mother™ Syntax Semantics Lenguege – speken, wretten er segned werds end the weys they ere cembened te cemmenecete meeneng.
Brief overview Receptive language Infants (0-2 yrs) Examples Productive language Babbling One-word stage Two-word stage Telegraphic speech Syntactical development A Basic Timeline ≈4 months Discriminate sounds Read lips Babbling ≈7 months Discriminate wordss ≈10 months Babble in mother tongue ≈12 months One-word stage ≈18 months Learn 1 word per day ≈24 months Two-word stage Telegraphic speech
NURTURENATURE B.F. Skinner Association Imitation Reinforcement “Verbal behavior evidently came into existence when…the vocal musculature became susceptible to operant conditioning.” Noam Chomsky Language acquisition is too rapid to be purely experience. LAD – Language Acquisition Device Universal grammar Similarities in development
Babies are adept at analyzing speech. Saffran experiment Marcus experiment Critical Period Examples Genie case study Development through the life span.
Aphasia Broca’s (LFL) and Wernicke’s (LTL) areas Angular Gyrus (LPL) and reading aloud Geschwind’s Theory OL AG WA BA MC fMRI research Primary and secondary language examples Parallel processing and language
Benjamin Whorf and Linguistic Determinism Different languages impose different realities Linguistic Relativity Hypothesis Language shapes and impacts how we think Examples Sense of self Piraha tribe Berinmo tribe Gender and language Culture and language
Visual and procedural thinking lies beyond linguistic control. Mirror neurons Mental practice Outcome simulation “Imagine winning the lottery” Process simulation “Imagine hard work and efficient work habits”
Animals and Thought How we determine animal thinking Insight, tools, mathematics, culture Animals and Language Communication vs. Language Apes and Sign Language Examples and Criticism Q: So, seriously, do animals use language? A: It depends upon what you mean by “language”.