International OBD & Recall Compliance IM Solutions Gus Nassar Drew Technologies x610
Presentation Overview –Drew Technologies –International OBD Shortcomings –Recall Compliance using OBD CVN Mismatches
DrewTech Overview
Founded and incorporated in 1996 Core focus on Vehicle Communications and Diagnostics Customers divided among 3 business groups: OEM, Aftermarket, and Emissions Engineering, Manufacturing, and HQ in Ann Arbor, Michigan DrewTech Overview
USA OBD Vehicles must pass J1699 before being allowed to be sold in the U.S.A. J1699 are compliance tests developed to ensure vehicle compatibility to all OBD-2 protocols. –The intent is to make sure that an I/M test can communicate properly with all vehicles. Emission requirements are dictated by the EPA and CARB. Due to these requirements, nothing can be imported into the U.S. without inspection for compliance. –Omitting vehicles older than 25 years with the original engine \ EPA Certified replacement engine.
International? –So how does this differ outside of the US? –Depending on the country there may not be any importation regulations. –Without enforcing imported vehicles to be tested there is no way to determine if the vehicle complies with J1979 (OBD2). (Without physically testing it) –Depending on the vehicle’s location of origination, the vehicle may be recent and have no means to communicate with OBD2 hardware.
Legal OBD2 Tampering –Worse yet... Certain vehicles come from countries that have no requirement to move them from OBD1 to OBD2. There may not be a J1962 connector in the vehicle to hook up to. OBD2 connectors may not be pinned out if present.
Dealing With The Data –We can’t rely on the Government requiring and enforcing future mandatory OBD2 communication. –Legislation can be slow and definitely not retroactive. –Tailpipe testing becomes the only means of obtaining any data on certain vehicles.
Conclusions –All of our case studies have come to the same conclusion: To produce a system that both provides enough data to determine if a vehicle is emitting OBD2 and Tailpipe testing is necessary. Due to cost – Dynamometers are not recommended as the benefits do not exceed the operational and cost difficulties they bring.
Vehicle ECU Flashing –As more electronic control units have been added to vehicles, more repairs can be done by replacing the software on these ECUs. –The act of doing that is: Flashing an ECU. –Flashing an ECU may resolve safety issues, factory software bugs, emission issues. –Flashing an ECU may modify performance
VIN Records –When a flash is available and performed on a vehicle some OEM’s record this information by VIN. –As more information becomes web driven OEMs are recording service related events and storing them by VIN. The flash history of a vehicle can show what updates has been performed and what updates need to be performed to bring it current. –Finding out what calibration is needed to bring an Ecu to the current software level can be done easily.
No Business Flashing Vehicles –Flashing a vehicle is easy, but, it requires certain capable hardware and a license from the OEM. Our goal isn’t to flash the vehicle though. It’s to identify the need. –Step (1) Check to see if your vehicle has an updated CAL ID for your vehicle. Many car companies release a list of up-to-date calibration IDs that indicate the recall flash has been applied. For Example: –Step (2) Use the OBD device to read the calibration ID out of the vehicle during the emissions and safety test –Step (3) Compare the calibration ID read out of the vehicle to the approved OE list
CAL ID Comparisons –Now that we have the CAL ID what does this get us? –This is akin to having a VIN decoder or TSB \ Recall information. With a VIN decoder that provides TSB information customers can be made aware of recalls on their vehicle. –With a different mismatch of a CAL ID in the vehicle to what is current, there could be critical safety updates missing.
Used Parts –Lets take a moment and talk about used parts. –It’s a common practice to get used parts from a junk yard when something fails in a vehicle. Most times the cost is lower for a part that could be easily replaced and keep the vehicle functioning. –Most people do not realize how many electronic control units contain unique data about your vehicle.
Used Control Units –Sometimes to make these used control units function correctly a flash is needed. –It’s not uncommon that a used Ecu can contain: Custom calibrations made for a tuned vehicle. Old software Location based calibrations. –The Ecu may or may not be complaint to the area you reside. –Comparing the CVN to a list of the stock calibrations can identify if the part that you purchased has been modified.
Used Control Units (2) If the ECU is replaced, it’s possible one can be installed with the wrong (old) calibration. Especially remanufactured ECUs that come with a calibration pre-installed. If a car is chipped, the chip programmer could install an old calibration and tune it In some cases a customer may not bring their vehicle in for the recall because it reduces vehicle performance. Customers could also have the update flash undone.
Other Conclusions & Questions Adding CAL ID’s to the list of provided information and comparing these calibrations can convey to your constituents much needed software updates. –These can be safety updates –Software bug fixes and security patches –Vehicle performance repairs. Questions? Gus Nassar Drew Technologies, Inc 3915 Research Park Dr, Suite A10, Ann Arbor MI Phone: x x610