10.4 Students analyze patterns of global change in the era of New Imperialism in at least two of the following regions or countries: Africa, Southeast Asia, China, India, Latin America, and the Philippines.
Imperialism Imperialism = the domination by one country of the political, economic, and/or cultural life of another. During the 1800’s the nations of Europe embarked on a period of aggressive expansion known as the Age of Imperialism. How does one dominate politically, economically? Economic: Dominate the Resources of a country (U.S.A has tons of resources ripe for the taking, what are they? Nat Rec obviously,(nobody looks at the desert of Africa and says, “I gotta have that”! Labor (Intelligentsia)? Mathew Perry sails into Tokyo harbor and demands that Japan open it’s country to trade. Sounds like domination to me. 1
Imperialism Despite the resistance by those of the areas that were being colonized, the European colonizers managed to get most of the world under their control between 1870 and 1914. How did Europe gain control of the world is so short a time? I.R. 2
Nether U.S. Russia Italy German Belgium France G.Britain Japan Denmark German Belgium France G.Britain Japan Portugal Spain
Spanish Empire Spanish Empire 1600’s
French and Italian Empires
British Empire 8 The Sun Never Sets on the British Empire. What do you see? (the fact that the U.S. WAS part of the British Empire and they lost it. The U.S. is better than all other territory combined) 8
Industrialization and Nationalism The Industrial Revolution gave European nations the means and motives to seek global domination. The “means” that European nations had to conquer other countries came from two main areas: By what means would you acquire something from someone? 10
Industrialization and Nationalism 1) Advancements in technology made during the Industrial Revolution. (MAXIM machine gun) 2) The emergence of strong centrally governed nations that evolved out of the period of nationalism provided for internal stability. Strong, centrally governed = Not separating the power base between many governing bodies (Japan) 11
Industrialization and Nationalism Nationalism = Feelings of pride and devotion to one’s country. Nationalism inspired independence movements among peoples with a shared heritage but it also bred intolerance and persecution of minorities.
The Seeds of Nationalism Planted In the early 1800’s violent uprisings began occurring all across Europe and Latin America. These nationalist revolts were inspired by Enlightenment ideas spread via Napoleon’s conquest of Europe, as well as the economic problems created by the Industrial Revolution. How did Napoleon cause nationalist revolts? He spread the ideas of the French Revolution: Freedom, Liberty, Democracy, Equality 13
European Motives-Global Domination The “motives” that European nations had to seek global domination came from four main areas: ECONOMIC MOTIVATIONS The need to find more markets to sell goods Why were more markets needed? To build an empire you need money, resources, etc. Why do you need money? To build an army to conquer more territory. What do you do with that money? Build an army. What do you need to build an army? What do you need to build ALL the stuff needed to build, train, house, etc. your army? 14
European Motives-Global Domination The need to find new areas to get more natural resources to make more products The need for more colonies to provide an outlet for Europe’s rapidly growing population.
European Motives-Global Domination POLITICAL MOTIVATIONS The Nationalism of Europe that caused many countries to unify also sparked competition between these nations. As France began to claim territory in West Africa, Britain and Germany did so also in an attempt to keep France from getting too much.
European Motives-Global Domination SOCIAL MOTIVATIONS European’s Duty to Spread (European) Civilization and Christianity. Author Rudyard Kipling described this European desire to spread civilization & religion around the world in a poem.
European Motives-Global Domination In his poem, he encourages Europeans to“Take up the White Man’s Burden.” This reinforced the idea that it was Europe’s responsibility to spread their civilization. Explain the Burden. “How can you let our little brown brothers live in huts?!” This is our GOD GIVEN RESPONSIBILITY TO “HELP” Why is it a burden? Why is Kipling writing it? Because nobody WANTS TO DO IT 18
European Motives-Global Domination 4.Empire Building/Social Darwinism The nations of Europe began to compete for growing worldwide empires. Land Grabs were common and bloody. One important philosophy behind this drive for empire was that of Social Darwinism.
European Motives-Global Domination Social Darwinism = the belief that Darwin’s theories of natural selection and survival of the fittest applied to human societies. Only the strong survive. Fosters the notion of strong and weak races or racial superiority. What was the main motivating factor in Social Darwinism? Superiority based on advances in technology 20
IMPERIAL RELATIONSHIPS As European nations spread throughout the world in their imperialist efforts, they established different forms of imperial relationships with those lands which they conquered.
IMPERIAL RELATIONSHIPS COLONIAL IMPERIALISM This occurs when the conquering nation sends in the military to conquer a land. Then officials are sent in to govern, change, and control the people and resources. Usually changing the conquered into/like the conquerors.
IMPERIAL RELATIONSHIPS Indirect Rule (Britain) Local government officials were used with Limited self-rule. Goal: To develop future leaders like the conquerors Government institutions are based on European styles, but may have local rulers Brits took conquered people back home and educated and culturized them. Why? To influence the conquered people with British ways. 23
IMPERIAL RELATIONSHIPS Direct Rule (France) Foreign officials brought in to rule = No self-rule Goal: Impose European culture; assimilation Government institutions are based only on European styles
IMPERIAL RELATIONSHIPS PROTECTORATES Local rulers left in place, However, they are expected to accept the advice of the Europeans on issues of trade and missionary activities. They Cost less than a colony to run and required less military unless a crisis broke out.
IMPERIAL RELATIONSHIPS SPHERES OF INFLUENCE An area in another nation where an outside power claimed exclusive investment or trading privileges.
Why Did Imperialism Succeed? The Ottoman Middle East, Mughal India, and Qing China empires were in decline by the 1800s. New African states were not strong enough due to the impact of the slave trade and wars among its people in W. Africa.
Areas Subject to European Imperialism Europeans divided up almost the entire continent of Africa between themselves. In the Middle East, nations such as Britain, France, and Russia took advantage of the weak Ottoman Empire and expanded into their lands.
Areas Subject to European Imperialism Britain alone managed to take control of most of India. All the European powers were able to establish themselves along the coast of China. U.S. got involved, carving out spheres of influence in Latin America, the Caribbean, the Philippines, and Japan.
Imperial Control for a Limited Time Despite the overwhelming presence of European powers throughout the world, by the 1900’s leaders in many colonized regions were beginning their own nationalist movements to rid themselves of their European oppressors.