Daily Announcements monday, OCTOBER 19th, 2015
The Tiger Clause: Our Student Pledge We, the students of Thompson, pledge to: Be on time everyday and put forth our best effort by participating in the learning opportunities offered to us, demonstrate good character at all times and take responsibility for our actions. We pledge to make our school a positive, caring environment in which we respect our differences and where we pull others up instead of putting them down. Wilson, 2014
HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL GAMES All Junior High School students are welcome to attend high school football games; however you must be with a parent or sibling who attends the high school. If caught fooling around, a warning will be given. If caught again, parents will be called and you will be asked to leave.
Thompson Junior High School Outdoor Education 2015 When are we going? October 28 th, 29 th, 30 th (Wed, Thurs, Friday- field trips are during the school day ) Where are we going and what are we doing? Lincoln Marsh Natural Area-Wheaton Initiatives/Team Building Morton Arboretum- Field Study (Ecosystem Comparisons) Waakeesha Forest Preserve- (Survival, Predator/Prey, Orienteering, Art)
SAVE THE DATE! Thompson’s 4 th annual 5k & 1 mile fun run Saturday, April 23 rd Watch for announcement when registration opens!
You are cordially invited to join me in celebration of … CREATIVE WRITING
If you are interested in… *Creating unforgettable characters *Plotting twists and turns *Novel writing Join Writing Group with Ms. Barnes Every Thursday After School in 1243 Starting 10/8/15 3:15-4:15
You’ve been asking for it, so here it is… SPIRIT WEEK! Show your Tiger Pride and participate in Breast Cancer Awareness each day next week: Monday, Oct. 12: No School Tuesday, Oct. 13: Pajama Day Wednesday, Oct. 14: Crazy Hair Day Thursday, Oct. 15: Twin Day Friday:, Oct 16: PINK OUT!!!
T-shirt Design contest Calling all artists! We need a logo for the 2015 Tiger Roar 5K & 1 Mile Fun Run! The winning design will be on all of the t- shirts printed for the run on Saturday, April 23 rd ! Submit your design to Miss Bois or Mrs. Lagger by Friday, November 6 th
An offer you can’t refuse… YOU have the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to pie a teacher of your choice! Next week, raffle tickets will be sold for $1 each. TEN students will be chosen from the raffle to pie a teacher of their choice from a list at the pep rally. All proceeds from the raffle will go to Breast Cancer research. So here's a hint to the non-math lovers out there: The more tickets you buy, the more likely you are to get chosen to pie a teacher. May the odds be ever in your favor.
ART CLUB We will be running not one, but two sessions of Art Club this school year; one in November and December, and another in January and February. We will meet in Mrs. Robinson's room, 2113, on Mondays from 3-4 PM. Space is limited so please see Mrs. Robinson for a permission slip this week to reserve your spot!
Pillar of the Month: respect Topic: respectfully disagreeing When you disagree with someone, use these skills to resolve it: 1. keep calm 2. Be an active listener 3. Consider their perspective 4.Explain your opinion clearly 5. Act Non-judgmentally 6.keep calm (did we say that already?) Character Counts! Wilson, 2015
FALL INTRAMURALS Fall intramurals begin next Tuesday, October 27. We will be playing basketball every Tuesday and Thursday after school until 4:30. All students from all grade levels are invited to attend. The cost is a ridiculously low $10. Don’t miss this opportunity! Get a permission slip from Mrs. Harper, Mr. Parlier, or from your P.E. teacher.