The Middle East
Imperial Decline and the Sick Man of Europe 1612 Ottoman Empire gives up some gains from the Treaty of Istanbul September 11 Battle of Vienna. Ottoman defeat Hungary evacuated Second Serbian Uprising 1832 Greek War of Independence 1853 Crimean War 1862 United Romanian autonomous state is established Russo-Turkish War 1878 The Treaty of San Stefano recognizes Romanian and Serbian independence 1878 Cyprus is occupied by Britain. 1881Tunisia becomes a French colony Egypt goes under British protection 1908 Bulgaria obtains full independence 1913 First Balkan War: The Ottoman Empire is nearly wiped out from Europe
Wahabism Muhammad ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhab ( ) Pact with Muhammad bin Saud helped to establish the Saudi state The descendants of Ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhab, have historically led the ulema in Saudi Arabia Movement sought to purify Islam by returning Muslims to the original principles of Islam Primary doctrine of Islam is the uniqueness and unity of God (Tawhid). Polytheist practices Wahhab's teachings were criticized for disregarding Islamic history, monuments, traditions and the sanctity of Muslim life
Al-Afghani, Salafism and the Encounter with Europe Salafism What accounts for the decline of Islamic civilisation? Opening the ‘Gates of ijtihad’ The Islamic Reformation Liberal and radical reformers
Ottoman Empire 1914
The Path to War Sultan Abdulhamid II overthrown in 1908 and replaced with a military government led by the “Three Pashas”. After trying to join the Allied side and being rejected, the Ottomans sided with the Central Powers in October of 1914.
World War I Ottomans military weakness evident The geopolitical game was to see who would pick up the pieces once the empire came apart. Ottoman goals during the First World War : Hinder Russian aggression, Recover the Balkans 1) Stalemate 2) , Arab uprisings in the Hejaz and Syria The United States entered the war in April 1917 and the Bolshevik Revolution took Russia out of the war in October 1917
The Arab Revolt 5 June 1916 Attack on the Ottoman garrison at Medina By the end of July the ports of Jiddah, Yanbu and Rabegh were under Arab control. Supported by British forces Lieutenant T.E. Lawrence –Lawrence of Arabia Battle of Meggido in September 1918 October 1918 Damascus falls November 1918 Ottomans sign armistice
Sykes-Picot Agreement The Great Betrayal Secret agreement between United Kingdom and France Divided the Arab provinces of the Ottoman Empire outside the Arabian peninsula into areas of future British and French control Lloyd George “I am very keen to see a Jewish state established in Palestine.“ Turning point in Western–Arab relations. Negated the promises made to Arabs for a national homeland in the area of Greater Syria Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, “This blessed advance will not stop until we hit the last nail in the coffin of the Sykes– Picot conspiracy”
The End of the Caliphate and the Birth of the Turkish State Treaty of Sèvres 1920 Caliphate abolished March 3, Abdulmecid II was the last caliph of Islam No framework for united and identity Medina (622)Damascus (662) Baghdad (751), Cairo (1262) Istanbul (1517).
1) The largest religious group in Iran are_____ (A) Sunni Muslims (B) Shi’ite Muslims (C) Christians (D) Jews (E) Zoroastrians 2) In 1979 who became the President of Iraq_____ (A) Ayatollah Khomeini (B) Anwar Sadat (C) Saddam Hussein (D) Bin Laden (E) Yasser Arafat 3) Israel became an independent country in_____ (A) 1991 (B) 1945 (C) 1918 (D) 1948 (E) ) In 1956 who nationalized the Suez Canal_____ (A) Saddam Hussein (B) Ronald Reagan (C) Golda Meir (D) Gamal Nasser (E) King Farouk 5) How many years did the Iran – Iraq war last_____ (A) 10 (B) 8 (C) 20 (D) 3 (E) Still ongoing 5) Which Israeli Prime Minister was assassinated (A)Yitzhac Rabin (B) Benjamin Netanyahu (C) Simon Perez (D) Ariel Sharon 6) In which country is the holy city of Mecca_____ (A) Saudi Arabia (B) Iran (C) Egypt (D) Turkey (E) Jordan 7) The Camp David Peace Accords were signed by which two countries_____ (A) Iran – Iraq (B) Syria – Egypt (C) USA – Iraq (D) Israel – Egypt (E) Iran – Russia 8) Which country currently has a monarch_____ (A) Egypt (B) Iran (C) Jordan (D) Lebanon (E) Libya 9) The term which best describes Saudi Arabia’s socio- economic practice is _____(A) Communist (B) Socialist (C) Service economy (D) Tax haven (E) Reinter state 10) Al-Azhar the oldest University in the region is in what country_____ (A) Iran (B) Saudi Arabia (C) Turkey (D) Qatar (E) Egypt