Mainstreaming climate change risk management in development: Lessons learned from ADB experience with the PPCR Paul Wooster Consultant Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management Unit Regional and Sustainable Development Department Asian Development Bank
1. Background to the Study 2. Some Key Challenges to Implementation of PPCR in Asia 3. Lessons learned from the Development of PPCR Investment Programs in Asia 4. Some Early Lessons from Integration of Climate Change Risk into Development Planning Addressing the capacity gap Some Mainstreaming Issues Coordination of Adaptation Efforts Monitoring and Evaluation 5. Concluding Remarks and Questions
The ADB PPCR portfolio: Supporting PPCRs in 6 countries - Bangladesh, Cambodia, Nepal, Papua New Guinea, Tajikistan, Tonga Plus a regional PPCR for the South Pacific Overall ADB is administering 20 projects including 2 private sector set aside projects in Cambodia.
Document the development of PPCR programs in which ADB is engaged. Determine how PPCR implementation has contributed to national adaptation planning and readiness for climate finance. Identify lessons learned in developing SPCR's including the implementation of Phase 1 technical assistance projects Identify any early lessons on the integration of adaptation concerns into development planning
The steep learning curve - understanding climate change risk management Where is the evidence? - climate data and its management Are we ready? - institutional arrangements and capacities Managing climate finance - borrowing for climate change adaptation Maintaining momentum of the PPCR program
Expectations versus Reality - the burden of transaction costs The value of the multi-stakeholder approach Strategic communications - an essential element The importance of champions The need for learning opportunities
Spreading the load and the benefits of climate finance Is training enough? Better coordination of capacity development efforts Subnational capacity development - a more sustainable option? The success of National/International partnerships The critical role of civil society
The early integration of climate change into national planning processes Where is the money? - the cost of climate change adaptation Closing the gap between local and national mainstreaming? The importance of targeting political leadership
Coordination - What? Why? How? and Who? The right coordination mechanism The essential partnership between finance and environment Intra government dialogue on climate change the importance of a whole of government approach
The quality and availability of data - PPCR should be part of the solution Barriers to M&E - culture and capacities Monitoring improvements in capacity and finance
Closing Remarks Questions?