NOCOURSE/ WORKSHOP/ MEETING VENUEDATE START DATE END DURATIONS (DAYS) SPONSORED 1 APPPC Workshop on System Approach Bangkok, Thailand 30 November December days AANZFTA Economic Cooperation Work Programme Objectives : 1.Build a model system and develop a deeper understanding of the key integrated measures of a system approach. 2.Draw principles of ISPM 14 to examine in detail the practical design and implementation of the integrated measures for system approaches to pest management. 3.The workshop will utilize a number of experts in pest risk assessment and management, who will facilitate the group exercise and discussions on the use of system approaches in developing integrated pest management strategies. Capacity Building in the Asia Region 2016
NOCOURSE/ WORKSHOP/ MEETING VENUEDATE START DATE END DURATIONS (DAYS) SPONSORED 2 ASEAN Diagnosticians Forum Putrajaya, Malaysia 40 participants from 10 ASEAN countries, Aust. and NZ 15 December December days AANZFTA Economic Cooperation Work Programme Objectives : 1.To review progress in enhancing diagnostic capacity in the ASEAN member countries (including progress through the ASEAN Regional Diagnostic Network Project), 2.Identify regional gaps, 3.Assess global and discipline-specific technical developments, re-assess needs and propose future directions. 4.Provide an important means of evaluating ASEAN Regional 5.Diagnostic Network Project outcomes. Capacity Building in the Asia Region 2016
NOCOURSE/ WORKSHOP/ MEETING VENUEDATE START DATE END DURATIONS (DAYS) SPONSORED 3 Workshop on Weed Identification and Risk Assessment Vientiane, Laos 15 February February days AANZFTA Program Objectives : To focus on the collection, preparation and identification of weeds including seeds. The workshop program covered the recognition and identification of the major groups of weeds and their seeds using morphological methods, weed vegetation analysis, including their importance as contaminants in agricultural commodities and management, weed management strategy and weed risk assessment. Note: Participated by 16 participants – 13 from different institutions in Laos and 3 from DOA Thailand attended the workshop. Capacity Building in the Asia Region 2016
NOCOURSE/ WORKSHOP/ MEETING VENUEDATE START DATE END DURATIONS (DAYS) SPONSORED 4 Training Workshop on Diagnostics of Leaf miners of Agriculture Importance LIPI-Cibinong, Indonesia. 20 participants 29 Feb March days JAIF Funding Objectives : The participants will acquire knowledge about the concept of leaf miners, how seriously they damage horticultural crops, and how to control them appropriately. The participants will acquire taxonomic skills in identifying the species, genera and families of major pest leaf miners on the basis of external characters and DNA barcoding, collecting, preparing and labelling specimens, and making slide preparations of genitalia. Capacity Building in the Asia Region 2016
NOCOURSE/ WORKSHOP/ MEETING VENUEDATE START DATE END DURATIONS (DAYS) SPONSORED 5 Factsheet Development Workshop on Invasive Weeds Bangkok, Thailand 1 March March CABI Objectives : To create factsheets on invasive weeds in 4 targeted Southeast Asian countries including Cambodia, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam. This workshop will also help to assemble list of invasive weeds in the countries for awareness and future development. A total of 10 factsheets were created for each countries based on the countries list of invasive weeds. Outcome: (if Available) The importance of invasive weeds and their management were imparted to the participants. Capacity Building in the Asia Region 2016
NOCOURSE/ WORKSHOP/ MEETING VENUEDATE START DATE END DURATIONS (DAYS) SPONSORED 6 Plant Health Rally and Plant Health Advisors Training Bac Lieu Province, Vietnam 15 March March Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) Objectives : The PHR was to increase awareness of farmers on no early spray in 40 days after sowing to conserve natural enemies of rice pests. This was followed by training of 10 Plant Health Advisors who will be responsible to provide plant health related advices to farmer. Outcome: (if Available) More than 20 farmers benefitted from the PHR on no early spray in order to conserve the natural enemies. Besides, availability of Plant Health Advisors will provide additional sources of advice to farmers, besides visiting to agro-dealers. Capacity Building in the Asia Region 2016
NOCOURSE/ WORKSHOP/ MEETING VENUEDATE START DATE END DURATIONS (DAYS) SPONSORED 7 Workshop on DNA Extraction and BarcodingBekasi, Indonesia23 May May days AANZFTA Economic Cooperation Work Programme Objectives : 1.Development of practical skills for collecting, preparing, extracting, purifying and consigning DNA samples for diagnostic purposes. 2.To learn on instruction in laboratory safety and procedures for prevention of sample contamination, recording data and preservation of voucher material, 3.Demonstrations of PCR and ELISA techniques, visualization of results, analysis using global sequence databases and associated analytical tools, 4.Observed presentations on principles of DNA-based diagnostics including barcoding and an introduction to the concepts of the regional diagnostic network and diagnostic standard. Capacity Building in the Asia Region 2016
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