F UNCTIONALISM : A NTECEDENT I NFLUENCES Chapter 6 Lecture Prepared by: Dr. M. Sawhney.


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Presentation transcript:

F UNCTIONALISM : A NTECEDENT I NFLUENCES Chapter 6 Lecture Prepared by: Dr. M. Sawhney

TOPICS 1.Scientist Captivated by Childlike Jenny 2.The Functionalist Protest 3.The Evolution Revolution: Charles Darwin ( ) 4.Individual Differences: Francis Galton ( ) 5.Animal Psychology and the Development of Functionalism

SCIENTIST CAPTIVATED BY CHILDLIKE JENNY  Jenny, 2 year-old orangutan displayed at the London Zoo (1838)  Wore a girl’s dress  Sat at a table  Used a spoon to eat from a plate  Drank from a cup  Understood her keeper’s directions  Recognized what she wasn’t allowed to do 

THE FUNCTIONALIST PROTEST  Charles Darwin changes psychology:  No longer concerned with the structure of consciousness but its function  Functionalism: concerned with how the mind functions and how it is used by organisms to adapt to the environment  Focus on practical, real-world consequences  Protest against Wundt and Titchener’s systems  Asks: What does the mind do? How does it do it?

THE EVOLUTION REVOLUTION: CHARLES DARWIN ( )  Evolution: suggestion that living things change with time  Idea does not begin with Darwin:  Erasmus Darwin: wrote that all warm-blooded animals evolved from a single living filament  Jean-Baptiste Lamarck: theory of evolution that emphasized modifications to bodily form in order to adapt  Theory of inheritance of acquired characteristic  Charles Lyell: suggests earth had passed through various stages of development Jean-Baptiste Lamarck

THE EVOLUTION REVOLUTION (CONT’D.)  Zeitgeist of the time:  Scientists learning more about the species that inhabit earth (biology)  Centuries of accepting biblical explanations leaves questions: How could Noah fit so many species into the arc?  Examples like Jenny show that animals can be similar to human beings  Discovery of fossils that didn’t match living species

DARWIN’S LIFE  Grandfathers were two of the most famous men in England  Did poorly in school  Interest in natural history  Was a naturalist on the HMS Beagle   Explored South America and Tahiti  Gather data on animal and plant life  Darwin began to formulate his theory of evolution Charles Darwin ( )


DARWIN’S LIFE (CONT’D.)  Three years later: developed neurotic symptoms: trembling, depression, vomiting, etc.  Worry caused by fear of his theory being condemned  Works on his book for 22 years before presenting it to the public  Motivated by another theorist (Wallace) on the verge of a similar idea

WHY DARWIN PUBLISHED HIS THEORY  June 1858, received a letter from Alfred Russel Wallace  Wallace wrote a theory of evolution similar to Darwin  Asked questions, “Why do some die and some live?”  This was addressed at the Linnaean Society  In 1859, Darwin published “Origin of Species”  Immediately sold out

ON THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES BY MEANS OF NATURAL SELECTION  Fundamental points  Natural selection of traits best suited for the environment  Survival of the fittest: elimination of those not fit for the environment  Variation is a law of heredity  The finches’ beaks: evolution at work  In just one generation, whether conditions cause changes in beak size  Evidence that evolution can be rapid  -CCog

DARWIN’S INFLUENCE ON PSYCHOLOGY  The Expression of Emotions in Man and Animals, Darwin’s most directly related work to psychology.  Focus on animal psychology  Emphasis on the functions rather than the structure of consciousness  Acceptance of methodology and data from many fields  Focus on the description and measurement of individual differences

INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES: FRANCIS GALTON ( )  Worked on mental inheritance and individual differences in human capacities  Similar research by Juan Huarte ( )  Book entitled: The Examination of Talented Individuals  Example of the influence of Zeitgeist

GALTON’S LIFE  Born in 1822  Estimated IQ of 200  Began medical training at age 16  After the death of his father, he pursued his own interests Darwin’s Cousin Became interested in studying the inheritance of human abilities and individual differences. Many interesting achievements  Invented the weather map  Was the first to suggest using fingerprints for identification.

STATISTICAL METHODS  Galton was impressed with Quetelet’s “average man”.  Developed his own statistical methods in order to quantify and analyze data  Applied the normal curve to mental characteristics  Proposed that the mean and standard deviation were the most useful for describing data  Used correlation as a tool and graphed the correlation coefficient  The correlation coefficient is denoted as : r

MENTAL INHERITANCE  Looks at examples of genius in history  Shows that genius is inherited and a specific form of genius  Proposes eugenics to foster the improvement of inherited qualities in humans  Proposed the development of intelligence tests  Financial incentives for those who score high

MENTAL TESTS  Galton assumed intelligence can be measured with sensory capacity  Established the Anthropometric Laboratory,  Mental tests: tests of motor skill and sensory capacities (unlike intelligence tests)  Invented instruments to measure motor capacity  Collected data from more than 9,000 people  Each person took a total of 17 tests  A century later this data was analyzed and found to have high test retest correlation Galton established his Anthropometric Laboratory to collect data on human psychometric capacities. Archives of the History of American Psychology/University of Akron

INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES: FRANCIS GALTON ( ) (CONT’D.)  Galton’s work in other areas:  The association of ideas: Galton researched the diversity of associations and the reaction time  Created a list of 75 words  After one week, measured reaction time for word associations  40 percent associations come from childhood  Developed the word association test  Mental imagery: Galton used survey methods to determine that mental imagery also fits a normal curve  Arithmetic by smell and other topics: Galton’s attempt to count by odors instead of numbers

ANIMAL PSYCHOLOGY AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF FUNCTIONALISM  Darwin’s theory of evolution leads to a focus on animal psychology  Idea that no sharp distinction exists between humans and animals  Increased interest in how animals function  May reveal knowledge of how humans function

GEORGE JOHN ROMANES ( )  Wrote the first book on comparative psychology: Animal Intelligence  Developed the “mental ladder” on which he ordered animals in terms of mental functioning  Method of anecdotal observations, termed introspection through analogy  C. Lloyd Morgan ( )  Recognized the weaknesses in anecdotal and introspection-by-analogy methods  Law of parsimony: the notion that animal behavior must not be attributed to a higher mental process when it can be explained in terms of a lower mental process  Believed animal behavior should not be overestimated to higher mental processes