Activity & Cardiovascular Fitness Do you want to live a longer & more happy life????
5- Health Related Fitness Areas PHYSICAL HEALTH Cardio Vascular Flexibility Muscular Endurance Muscular Strength Body Comp
Physical Activity Benefits Two Vital Body Systems HEART LUNGS
Cardiovascular (cardiorespiratory Functions The heart, lungs and blood vessels make up this system (the Cardiorespiratory system) 1.The heart is the pump and pumps blood around the body. 2.The lungs oxygenate the blood and remove carbon dioxide 3.The blood vessels transports oxygenated blood, nutrients and un-oxygenated blood around the body
What does your blood need more of during activity? If you don’t get the required amounts of oxygen into your system guess what will happen to your muscles… Fatigue Breath Normal resting heart rate is beats per minute
Less Active Person More Active Person For every heart beat you heart pushes out blood (Stroke Volume) Look at the picture. What conclusion can you come up with between a less active person and a more active person in relation to how hard a heart has to work. How hard does your heart have to work? Stroke volume
Cholesterol HDL (Happy) Cholesterol Increased by aerobic exercise, losing weight, not smoking, using canola/avocado/olive oil, cranberry juice, omega-3 (fish), and soluble fibers…eat away the LDL’s (Loser) levels. LDL (LOSER) Cholesterol These block your arteries and coat them with a plaque like substance that we find on our teeth…YUCK! Atherosclorosis is a disease caused by the build up of plaque in our arteries
Cardiovascular Disease Atherosclerosis Atherosclerosis High Blood Pressure High Blood Pressure Heart Attack Heart Attack Stroke Stroke (Obesity) (Obesity)
Medical Tests for Heart and Lungs Stress Test VO2 Max
What is V02 Max and WHY is it being used for our Aerobic Capacity Test?? A V02 Max test is a test typically administered on a treadmill or cycle in which intensity of exercise is progressively increased. The rate of aerobic metabolism and oxygen uptake increases as intensity of exercise increases up to the point at which the max aerobic capacity is reached. Test takes 30 minutes and can only be done with one subject at a time DIFFICULT AND TIME CONSUMING Determine you VO2 max from the calculator below Mile run = uses age (years), sex (coded 0=F and 1=M), body mass index (BMI inunits of kg×m-2) and Mile Run Time (minutes) for the prediction VO2max =.21 (Age x Sex) -.84 (BMI) (Time) +.34 (Time 2) Pacer = The equation uses the highest speed (km×hr-1) attained on the test, age (y), and the speed x age interaction for the prediction VO2max = (Max Speed) (Age) (Maximal Speed x Age)
What the PFT has given us… BMI Charts to easily calculateBMI Charts to easily calculate V02 Max Charts so that we can quickly find out our goals for passing the PFT.V02 Max Charts so that we can quickly find out our goals for passing the PFT.
Tests that we use in Physical Education Mile runPACER
Aerobic Activity Anything that lasts CONTINUOUS minutes and raises your heart rate WITHIN YOUR TARGET HEART RATE RANGE
Active Sport Any sport that keeps you active (target heart rate range) for continuous minutes:
How do you figure your Target Heart Rate for Intensity? Target Threshold (Bottom #) Age -14 Max Heart Rate 206 X 60% (.60) x60% = Threshold HR 124 You should be working out between these two numbers!!! Target Ceiling (Top #) Age -14 Max Heart Rate 206 X 90% (.90) x90% = Ceiling HR 185 Target Heart Rate Zone (THRZ)
Figure My Heart Rate Threshold Age 179 x 60% (.6) 107 Threshold Ceiling Age 179 x 90% (.9) 161 Ceiling Target Heart Rate Zone is between
What does FITT mean? Frequency – How often you exercise Intensity - How hard you work Time- How long (minutes/hours) will you work out? Type –What kind of exercise you do? Review
FITT Formula (what you do) Cardiovascular F= 3-6 days a week I= 60% (threshold)-90% (ceiling)THRZ (Target Heart Rate Zone) T=20-60 continuous minutes Type= Active (aerobic) Sport
BENEFITS OF A 30-MINUTE WORKOUT GOING ON A WALK, RUN, BIKE, OR SWIM can Reduce high blood pressure and heart attacks Reduce high blood pressure and heart attacks Builds stronger heart muscle Builds stronger heart muscle Clear your arteries of bad cholesterol Clear your arteries of bad cholesterol Relieve stress Relieve stress Fight depression Fight depression Increase stamina, heart works Increase stamina, heart works more efficiently more efficiently Help keep off those extra pounds. Help keep off those extra pounds. Live longer than people who do not. Live longer than people who do not.
Training Principles S- Specificity P- Progression O- Overload R- Reversibility T- Train & Maintain (How you do it)