University of Hull Postgraduate Loans 2016/17 Student Loans Company Kevin McMullan IAG Partner Account Manager Student Loans Company
Objectives Understand the Postgraduate Policy Understand Payment Structure Repayment of Postgraduate Loans The Application Process Other System Interfaces IAG and Resources
Postgraduate Loan Policy Student Loans Company
Seminar Objectives Purpose of Loan Contribution towards costs No specified target No expected default use No link to fees
Available from AY 2016/17 Students aged under 60 Taught and research Master’s; any subject Maximum £10,000 loan Non Means Tested Loan Income Contingent Repayment (ICR) Repaid concurrently with other student loans Contribution to costs; paid to student Postgraduate Loan – Key Summary (post consultation)
Postgraduate Loan Provider Eligibility Course Eligibility Personal Eligibility
View Student Information Authority funded HE Provider Alternative Providers with Degree Awarding Powers in the UK Postgraduate Master’s education provision is a devolved matter and applicable to England only (i.e. English domiciled students studying at an institution anywhere in UK or by distance learning in England and EU students studying in England) Provider Eligibility
Eligible courses: stand alone Master’s courses (taught and research) starting August 2016 onwards (AY 2016/17) Eligible study modes: UK Studentsin attendance anywhere in UK distance Learning in England EU Studentsin attendance or distance learning in England only Eligible course length: Full-Time courses (1 or 2 years) Part-time courses (up to 4 years) Course QA Document released onto HEP WebsiteHEP Website Course Eligibility
Part Time Courses - initial policy : (November 2015) -50% or greater intensity in Year 1 of the course -Maintain an average of 50% intensity in subsequent years of the course Part Time Courses - revised policy : (February 2015) -Institutions have confirmed that it is common for two year PT Master's to be studied as 60 credits in year one and 120 in year two (120 being the dissertation), which would be 33 / 67% split over two years. This is why the previous policy rule that the student must complete at least 50% in year one made a lot of courses ineligible. -BIS have now advised that 1 year FTE Master's courses can be studied on a part-time basis over two years (effectively 50% average intensity, with no minimum intensity requirement in year one). This is for 1 year FTE courses studied part-time over 2 years only Course Eligibility - Part Time Courses
Part Time Courses - further announcement : (March 2016) BIS have announced, as part of the budget policy statement on 16 th March, that the government will extend the eligibility of master's loans to include three-year part-time courses with no full-time equivalent (FTE). Full list of in/eligible Part Time Courses Course Eligibility – Part Time Courses Full Time Equivalent Length of Part Time Course 1 year FTE2 yearsEligible 2 year FTE3 yearsEligible 2 year FTE4 yearsEligible No FTE3 yearsEligible 1 year FTE3 yearsIneligible 1 year FTE4 yearsIneligible No FTE4 yearsIneligible
Residency rules – as per undergraduate students PGL will be available to UK Nationals (and individuals with settled status in the UK) who have been ordinarily resident in the UK and Islands for three years on the first day of the first academic year of their course They must have been most recently resident in England, and must not have moved there from elsewhere in the UK and Islands solely for the purpose of attending the course EU students are eligible Three years address history required Residency QA Document released onto HEP WebsiteHEP Website Personal Eligibility – residency
Personal Eligibility – age limit 1 st SeptemberCourse starts 1 st August to 31 st December 1 st JanuaryCourse starts 1 st January to 31 st March 1 st AprilCourse starts 1 st April to 30 th June 1 st JulyCourse starts 1 st July to 31 st July Aged under 60 before 1 st day of 1 st academic year:
Age limit – examples Course start date: 15 th Oct th Birthday:10 th September 2016 AY start date: 1 st September 2016 Eligible as she is under 60 on AY start date Elena Course start date: 10 th January th Birthday:28 th December 2016 AY start date: 1 st January 2017 Ineligible as he is age 60 on AY start date Paul
Applicants are not eligible if they already hold a Master’s qualification (or an equivalent or higher level qualification) –Integrated Master’s –Stand alone Master’s –Doctoral degree –Overseas equivalent Previous study (no qualification gained and no PGL awarded) is not taken into account. However, this is a ‘once only loan’. If PGL previously awarded (from 2017 onwards) no access to further PGL Loan No repeat PGL funding unless student has a compelling personal reasons (CPR). One year of extra funding for CPR; assessed on case by case basis – reasons include ill health and bereavement Personal Eligibility – Previous Study
Postgraduate qualifications level
View Student Information Academic Year classed as a period of 12 months starting on generic date of 1 st September 1 st January 1 st April 1 st July Students can –apply up to 9 months after AY start date –request a Loan Amount change up to 1 month before AY end date (but not reduce to less than what has already been awarded) Applicants are not eligible – if they have outstanding student loan arrears or have been found unfit for student support (e.g. Attempted fraud) –in prison (Prisoner students, whether on remand or sentenced) Personal Eligibility – Other Key Points
Payment and Process Student Loans Company
Payment dates Payments will be released following receipt of confirmation from the HE Provider that the student is in study and on track to complete the course within the specified course duration. This must be confirmed at the start of each academic year of the course. All payments will be made in the first 2 years (even if the course has a 3 rd or 4 th year) Students doing 1 year courses can request up to £10,000 Students doing 2 year+ courses can request up to £5,000 max in year 1 Payments of PGL will be made in three equal instalments, 33%, 33%, 34% per academic year at : Payment 1: Course start date upon the HE Provider confirming the student is in study Payment 2: 4 months after the course start month Payment 3: 7 months after the course start month
Payment Dates No payments will be released until the applicant has supplied their valid National Insurance Number (NINO) where they have one. Students can amend the amount of loan requested up to one month before the end of the AY Provider responsibility to ensure student is still in study during census period prior to each of the two further payments Timely submission of Withdrawals : Retrospective withdrawal to result in overpayment and immediate repayment by student SLC to monitor Provider compliance and performance regarding registration reporting and CoC submission in line with the Service Management Framework
Course starts on any date in August or September 2016: 1 st payment: course start date (confirmation of study received) 2 nd payment:last Wednesday in January rd payment: last Wednesday in April 2017 Course starts on any date in October 2016: 1 st payment: course start date (confirmation of study received) 2 nd payment:last Wednesday in February rd payment: last Wednesday in May 2017 Course starts on any date in January 2017: 1 st payment: course start date (confirmation of study received) 2 nd payment:last Wednesday in May rd payment: last Wednesday in August 2017 Payment dates – examples
Repayment Student Loans Company
Plan 1 loans Loans for HE courses that started pre 1 st September 2012 Plan 2 loans Loans for HE and FE courses that started from 1 st September 2012 (excluding PGL) Postgraduate Loans Loans for PG Master’s courses starting from 1 st August 2016 Repayment terms
Repayments due from April 2019 –UK threshold £21,000 –Overseas thresholds based on Price Level Indices Thresholds frozen until April % of income over threshold deducted Voluntary repayments at any time (without penalty) Repayment threshold
RPI + 3% interest rate while the borrower is: –in course –out of course (whether making repayments or not) Balance written off: –30 years after repayments due –Borrower dies –Borrower permanently disabled and cannot work due to disability Interest Rate and write off
The Application Process Student Loans Company
Application Summary Application launch Summer 2016 Only one application per course, no necessity to apply per year Online or paper application As per undergraduate process, as application relates to a new course, further identity check required e.g. passport number requested Re-use of NINO if held, otherwise requested and validated with DWP –Excludes EU students if NINO not held Questions define length of course and amount of loan per year –Paid over the first 2 years of course
Login to
Finance Application
Undergraduate or Postgraduate
Question Flow
Questionsregarding Loan If the student has selected a 1 yr course
Questionsregarding Loan If the student has selected a 2 yr course
Repayment questions Information will be provided here to inform the applicant about how the interest and repayment works with the loan and what happens if they also have previous loans
Details for 2 contacts For repayment purposes we ask for and capture contact details of two people, family members not at the same address or a friend
Student Payment Summary
Course Management Service (CMS) Student Loans Company
Design validated with CMS User Group on 8 th December 2015 All relevant providers to enter both full and part time Postgraduate course details on CMS from March / April 2016 Details of all Postgraduate courses to be submitted by providers for MI purposes ‒ approx 25,000 courses expected Full and part time Postgraduate course entry format is the same PGL service anticipated to go live Summer 2016 CMS course collection
Only the Course Start Date is required to be entered in CMS for both FT & PT courses Date entered will trigger the first payment and determines subsequent payment dates How to add a Postgraduate Course to CMS
Student Information Service (SIS) Student Loans Company
Change of Circumstances categories
Postgraduate Loans Resources Student Loans Company
Postgraduate Loans - Resources
IAG By the end of April 2016 More detailed information, including ‒ Printed quick guides about the application process and repayment ‒ Quick guides to order from the practitioner website ‒ Continued activity on social media channels ‒ Customer facing films on YouTube and the practitioner website ‒ Periscope session on Twitter – tomorrow at 3pm! Launch “Apply Now” messaging on social media channels Postgraduate Loans Main Guide and Terms and Conditions on the practitioner website and
Objectives - revisited Understand the Postgraduate Policy Understand Payment Structure Repayment of Postgraduate Loans The Application Process Other System Interfaces IAG and Resources