Big Brothers Big Sisters By Kristin D, Jody C, Jackie C, Lisa S
Who we are b Big Brothers Big Sisters of America is the nations oldest and largest youth mentoring organization. b Since 1904 caring volunteers have been helping children reach their full potential and fulfil their dreams. b Our programs match kids with mentors who provide meaningful friendships and share fun experiences. b The mission of Big Brothers Big Sisters is to make a positive difference in the lives of children.
Purpose Our philosophy is that sharing, caring, and listening to a child’s concern’s can make a difference. We also know the demands of today’s society can be addressed with sensitivity and simplicity through a mentor relationship. We want children to grow into happy productive adults. There are many children who need an adult friend to support them while growing up. Someone who they can develop a relationship with that helps the gain sense of belonging and self confidence. It is a youth development program of a caring adult sharing activities, opportunities, and conversations. Ultimately, the guidance of a “Big” can help a child grow into a confident and caring individual. We work to bring hope where there wasn’t any before.
What We Do, Who We Serve b An interviewer determines what type of child the volunteer would work best with. b They are matched according to personalities and personal interests. The interviewer discusses matching preferences, such as age, race, and religion. b Everyone’s input is used to ensure that the match will be successful. b A child’s self esteem increases when a older friend genuinely cares. Their future is broadened by a role model who can be a guide for life’s opportunities, resources, and obstacles. And although the obstacles may seem small, they are very real to the children. b “Bigs” are volunteers ages 16 and up, That are willing to share time with a child for a few hours twice a month. They need to have access to a car with auto liability insurance. b The Children are between 5 and 17 and in need of a positive influence.
Achievements b The Big Brothers Big Sisters program works! The BBBS Impact Study studied children 10 to 16 in several Connecticut cities. Half were matched with Big Brothers Big Sisters and others to a control group. b 18 months later research found that little brothers and sisters were... b 1/2 as likely to skip school, 1/3 less likely to use violence or drugs to solve problems, more confident about schoolwork, more trusting of family and peers. b Another study, on school based mentoring reports, kids marked high in grades, attitude, and relationships. 60% improved relationships with adults and peers, 55% were better to to express feelings, 65% had higher confidence, 62% trusted their teachers more. Our kids were less likely to repeat a grade and the number of unexcused absences went down. Kids act better when they know they can have someone for encouragement and non-judgmental ear.
Volunteer b We understand being “Big” is not for everyone, we would be happy to discuss any other type of volunteering opportunities. b Most fundraisers are planned by a committee of volunteers. We welcome individuals with expertise in areas such as… Fund developmentFund development Public relations andPublic relations and Social services to serve on advisory committeesSocial services to serve on advisory committees
Why Volunteer? b Because it costs you, as a taxpayer $35,000 per year to cover cost of one youth in juvenile housing. b BBBS prevents juvenile delinquency through one on one mentoring program for only $1,000 per year. b Each child matched in BBBS has 98% greater chance of leading happier productive lives. Which they can use to help make the world a better place. b We work with the whole family not just the child, to make a better society. b We have a counseling, tutoring, and character building program to everyone, even to kids on waiting list. b We give every child the opportunity to receive a 4 year college scholarship, this program can help to change the future fabric of the community. “Kids today face problems we never dreamed of when we were younger but as hard as it is for some kids, there is help”
Volunteering and Benefits b A big brother or big sister can act as a mentor and role model no matter how difficult things can get, there is a caring adult friend. Who will listen to them with advice if asked, encouragement when needed, and help to put things in perspective. b You can have a chance to reconnect with youth, have a sense of “giving back to community.” The child and volunteer share feelings of growing and learning. One volunteer said “I joined to make a difference in a child’s life, but sometimes I feel I get more from this experience then he does.” b BBBS is not a substitute babysitter or parent. They share friend activities, watching movies, bicycling, talking, or just errands, just to bond. “You don’t have to be wealthy, you are not expected to spend a lot of money. It is only expected you have a dedication to form a lasting relationship”
Contact Links Check out these sites for more information on Big Brothers Big Sisters... b National BBBS Organization Web Site National BBBS Organization Web Site National BBBS Organization Web Site b b b b