October 26, 2015 Introduction into Light!
Warm Up.. Place your backpacks along the back wall Grab your notebook, pencil, agenda Complete Monday’s warm up now! DO NOT WORK AHEAD! REMEMBER YOU ARE QUIET IN YOUR SEAT WORKING WHEN THE FINAL BELL RINGS
Class Historian qUhttps:// qU Link for historian speeches
Grab your chromebooks when I dismiss you go to this Link to cast your vote /zdawp4oMbRhttp://goo.gl/forms /zdawp4oMbR
Agenda Review Post Test 6.p.1.1 Waves and Tracking our Results Take Pre-Test 6.p1.2 Light 5 th block : Finish Re-Teach on 6.p.2.3 All Block: Intro New Unit 6.p.1.2 Vocabulary card movement exercise Kahoot Review Vocabulary 6.p.1.2
Tracking our Results! You will receive your tracking sheets First you will get your Pre-Test results for 6.P.1.1 Waves ---- record your score Now you will get your Post Test results for 6.P.1.1 Waves ---- record your results Then answer if you reached Mastery! ≥ 80 % for Mastery --- answer Yes or No! Pass back your 2 quizzes and your tracker sheet
Procedures for Testing Remember you will receive 2 folders Sit these folders up to make your office space Once you are finished, place your test and answer bubble sheet inside your folder You will be given 25 minutes to complete the test ( if you finish early, you will read, do homework for another class, or sit quietly Remember NO TALKING!!!
Formative Assessment Today You will take a 15 question formative (pre-test) today on 6.P.1.2 Light This information will be used as we begin this unit next week Take your time and try your best! You will record your answers on a bubble sheet
Let’s Read…. Please turn in your notebooks to your unpacked standard for 6.P.1 We will read Standard 6.P.1.2 now together I will start reading Popcorn style and then I will call on a student …. Each student will read 1 sentence and then pick a classmate to read
Interactive Notebook Find the next blank page in your notebook 6.P.1.2 Light Remember to add this entry into your table of contents als0
I will assign you to write 2 definitions now Write the vocabulary word and the definition on one side of the card, and the other vocabulary word and definition on the back of the card. When I say go, you will walk around the room reading side 1 of your card. When I say go, you will walk around the room reading side 2 of your card Next I will stop you and collect all cards. I may ask you to repeat a definition! Vocabulary Card Activity
Now swap cards and repeat the exercise – Read Side 1 of your new card Now Read Side 2 of your new card Vocabulary Card Activity
Definitions 1. Visible Light- The range of light we can see; travels in transverse waves. 2. Reflected Light: light that bounces off a surface and into our eyes; the color(s) we see 3. Refracted Light: process where light slows down and bends as it travels from one medium to another; known as “bent light” 4. Transmitted Light: light that travels through a substance without being absorbed or scattered. 5. Absorbed Light: light that is taken in by an object or material; colors that we do not see Write these definitions
Definitions 6. Scattered Light – when objects reflect the light in all directions. 7. Transmission of Light- When light travels through a substance without refracting, reflecting or being absorbed. 8. Cornea- this is the eye’s clear outer coating that covers the iris and the pupil. 9. Iris-the colored part of the eye. The muscle that controls the size of the pupil. Write these definitions
Definitions 10. Pupil - The black hole in the middle of the eye that opens and closes to let let in or keep it out. 11. Optic Nerve - Carries the impulses formed by the retina to form images in the brain 12. Glaucoma - A condition that can lead to blindness due to abnormally high pressure in your eye Write these definitions
Vocabulary Activity Vocabulary Foldable!
Let’s Kahoot!