Elliptic Flow of Inclusive Photon Elliptic Flow of Inclusive Photon Ahmed M. Hamed Midwest Critical Mass University of Toledo, Ohio Oct. 22, October, 2005 Wayne State University
Outline: Outline. Motivation. Analysis details and technique. Data and results. Discussion. Conclusion Oct. 22,2005
Elliptic flow can provide early time information on the collectivity of particles from Heavy-ion collisions: * Non-Central AA collisions result in an azimuthally anisotropic distribution of particles in coordinate-space. * Density gradients and interactions between the particles lead to an Asymmetry in momentum-space. * Density gradients and interactions between the particles lead to an Asymmetry in momentum-space. * Signal is self-quenching with time-EARLY TIME OBSERVABLE! Motivation: v 2 Why? Reaction plane Out-of-plane In-plane = v 2 =
Higher harmonics flow Partonic collectivity or Hadronic collectivity! Partonic collectivity or Hadronic collectivity! V 1 <0 V2<0V2<0 Anisotropic flow Directed flow Elliptic flow Correlations w.r.t the reaction plane Overall shift in the transverse plane V 1 >0 V2>0V2>0 * Expanding in Fourier series: E(d 3 N/d 3 P)=1/ (d 2 N/d 2 p T dy)[1+2v 1 cos( )+2 v 2 cos(2 )+…] v 2 is a measure of interactions in the system v 2 is a measure of interactions in the system v 2 = Flow Radial/Isotropic flow V 1 =0 x y V2=0V2=0 x y Azimuthal Distribution v n = Motivation: v 2 How?
solid: STAR open: PHENIX PRL91(03) Partonic collectivity is an expected attribute of a QGP Motivation: V 2 Result
Direct Real Photons: Non-Thermal photons: 1. Prompt photons. 2. Pre-equilibrium photons. Thermal photons: 1. QGP photons. 2. Hadron gas photons. Background Photons: Compton-like Annihilation Bremsstrahlung Hadron decay, etc. Turbide, Rapp, Gale, Phys. Rev. C 69 (014903), 2004 Realistic Calculation Motivation: which Photons? hard : Thermal Schematic Photon Spectrum Decay photons
Motivation: Why Photons? p+p collisions: * Test of QCD. * Constraining gluon distribution functions. * In polarized p+p also gluon spin structure function. A+A collisions: # Photons don’t strongly interact with fireball. * Carry information about early stage of collision. # Direct Photons at high p T * Allow test of binary scaling for hard processes. * Important for interpretation of high-p T hadron suppression at RHIC. * Important for interpretation of high-p T hadron suppression at RHIC. * QGP potentially detectable via thermal photon radiation: Thermal photons dominantly from early, hot QGP phase initial temperature. * QGP potentially detectable via thermal photon radiation: Thermal photons dominantly from early, hot QGP phase initial temperature.
Motivation: Photons result * 0 ’s suppressed going to central collisions. * 0 ’s suppressed going to central collisions. * Direct photons consistent with NLO pQCD “binary scaling”. * Direct photons consistent with NLO pQCD “binary scaling”. * 0 suppression caused by medium created in A+A collisions. * 0 suppression caused by medium created in A+A collisions. PHENIX preliminary * The p T and centrality dependences of 0 and inclusive V 2 is consistent with that of other mesons. * The p T and centrality dependences of 0 and inclusive V 2 is consistent with that of other mesons. * The V 2 of inclusive is consistent with The V 2 of from hadronic decays. * The V 2 of inclusive is consistent with The V 2 of from hadronic decays. Consistent with no direct photon signal. * Implementation of V 2 =0 for direct photons in p T (4-6GeV/C). * Implementation of V 2 =0 for direct photons in p T (4-6GeV/C).
Motivation: V 2 of inclusive photons Why? * “Jet quenching” photons. Enhancement R.J.Fries, B. Muller and D.K.Srivastava, Phys.Rev. Lett. 90, (2003) R.J.Fries, B. Muller and D.K.Srivastava, Phys.Rev. Lett. 90, (2003) Suppression B.G. Zakharov, JETP Lett. 80, 1 (2004) B.G. Zakharov, JETP Lett. 80, 1 (2004) Bremsstrahlung Scattering What is the origin of the binary scaling of direct photon? * Thermal Photons. Enhancement Summary: * Measuring V 2 of Direct photons: -Help to disentangle the different production mechanism of direct photon. * STAR can probe for further higher transverse energy. * V 2 of inclusive photon is the first step toward V 2 of direct photon. Coulomb and Annihilation: V 2 =0 Scattering: V 2 >0 Similar to hadrons Bremsstrahlung: V 2 <0 -Thermal photons reflect the dynamical evolution of the formed matter. * At very high P T V 2 will be dominated by direct photon due to the large suppression of 0.
STAR TPC and FTPC to reconstruct the event plane STAR TPC and FTPC to reconstruct the event plane 0<pt<2GeV/C, |z| 15 -1< <0 TPC 2.6< <4.0 FTPC, Number of tracks> Towers 0.05 < <1, 0< <2 , E=0.16 E STAR BEMC Analysis details and technique Energy Threshold: Minimum Bias: >0.1GeV High Tower: >3GeV
Analysis details and technique * Event plane reconstruction: 2 EP = atan2 ( i sin2 1 i + i sin2 2 i, i cos2 1 i + i cos2 2 i ) 2 EP = atan2 ( i sin2 w1 i + i sin2 w 2 i + i sin2 E1 i + i sin2 E 2 i, i cos2 w 1 i + i cos2 w 2 I + i cos2 E 1 i + i cos2 E 2 i ) TPC: FTPC: * Event plane recentering: sin2 cos2 sin2 - M sin2 / M cos2 - M cos2 / M M: number of tracks in each sub-event * Check the uniformity of BEMC. * Correlating inclusive photon with event plane: V 2 = cos(2 - 2 EP ) * Correction for event plane resolution: V 2 Real = V 2 Observed /
Data and results : s= 200 GeV. Run IV. 10.2M events. Event plane
Data and results: BEMC Uniformity-Minimum Bias.
Data and results: BEMC Uniformity-High Tower.
Data and results: V 2
Discussion * At low E T (E T <2GeV), The E T dependences of inclusive V 2 is consistent with that of other mesons which indicate the dominance of 0 in that range. * At Intermediate E T, the V2 reaches its maximum at ~ 3GeV which is consistent with that of other hadrons. * At Intermediate E T, the V2 reaches its maximum at ~ 3GeV which is consistent with that of other hadrons. * At High E T, the present produced statistics is small.
Conclusion * The azimuthal anisotropy is a powerful tool to study the early stage of ultra-relativistic nuclear collision. * The azimuthal anisotropy is a powerful tool to study the early stage of ultra-relativistic nuclear collision. * Partonic collectivity is confirmed. * Direct photon is one of the most promising signature of QGP. * No Direct photon signal is observed. * Hadron suppression at high p T is a final state effect. * Direct photons consistent with NLO pQCD “binary scaling”. * At very high P T V 2 will be dominated by direct photon due to the large suppression of 0. * The V 2 measurement of direct photons would help to disentangle the various scenarios of direct photon production. * The V 2 measurement of direct photons would help to disentangle the various scenarios of direct photon production. * The V 2 measurement of direct photons would provide more information on the dynamic and properties of the produced hot and dense matter. * The V 2 measurement of direct photons would provide more information on the dynamic and properties of the produced hot and dense matter.
The End, Thank You The End, Thank You