Native American Web Quest Mr. Bautsch Limerick Elementary School Spring-Ford Area School District
Introduction You are a detective and we will be solving a mystery today that has been in the making for over 200 years. We need to find out what life was like for Native Americans long ago. Be on the lookout for the following: food, shelter, clothing, and arts/ceremonies. Pick one Native American group to research - Cheyenne, Kwakiutl, or Navajo. Have fun exploring! You are a detective and we will be solving a mystery today that has been in the making for over 200 years. We need to find out what life was like for Native Americans long ago. Be on the lookout for the following: food, shelter, clothing, and arts/ceremonies. Pick one Native American group to research - Cheyenne, Kwakiutl, or Navajo. Have fun exploring! Don't forget, find out what life was like for Native Americans over 200 years ago - good luck! Don't forget, find out what life was like for Native Americans over 200 years ago - good luck! IntroductionTaskProcessEvaluationConclusionResources Home Visit this Web Quest as often as needed, to make sure you have everything done correctly. Visit this Web Quest as often as needed, to make sure you have everything done correctly.
T You need to solve a mystery. Here's how: You need to solve a mystery. Here's how: –Choose a Native American Group to research - the Cheyenne, Kwakiutl, or Navajo. –Tell me about their typical day on a provided handout. handout –Make sure you include information on: Food eaten Shelter Clothing Arts/Ceremonies –Based on the information gathered: Create a poster listing at least 5 facts. Be prepared to discuss why would my Native American group not be able to survive easily in other areas of North America? IntroductionTaskProcessEvaluationConclusionResources
Process page 1 of 2 Now, it's time to begin. You will take the link on the next page to a web site that will allow us to learn about a specific Native American group. First, choose the group that you want to learn about: Cheyenne Cheyenne Kwakiutl Kwakiutl Navajo Navajo Next, record information on the provided handout. handout On the handout, make sure you include information on all of the following: Food eaten Food eaten Shelter Shelter Clothing Clothing Arts/Ceremonies Arts/Ceremonies Then, create a poster with your newly gained knowledge. Finally, share your results with a classmate and discuss this question: Why would my Native American group not be able to survive easily in other areas of North America? NOW >>> Go to page 2 of Process. Press the arrow button. Press the arrow button. IntroductionTaskProcessEvaluationConclusionResources
Process page 2 of 2 Choose one of the links below to get started: Cheyenne Kwakiutl Navajo Or, if you'd like to view all 3 groups with easy access, choose this link view all 3 groups view all 3 groups Good luck in your travels! Press here to return to Process page. IntroductionTaskProcessEvaluationConclusionResources
Evaluation Did you follow directions? Did you follow directions? Did you use your resources? Did you use your resources? Did you complete your handout and poster? Did you complete your handout and poster? If you can answer Yes to the following questions, then you are ready to move on: If you can answer Yes to the following questions, then you are ready to move on: IntroductionTaskProcessEvaluationConclusionResources Rubric
Conclusion You have done well with solving our mystery. We now know how Native Americans lived over 200 years ago. Since you have completed your task, you need to share your newly gained knowledge with your class. Look over your notes and be prepared to share some interesting facts. Be sure to include information on on Food, Shelter, Clothing, and Arts/Ceremonies from your group, the Cheyenne, the Kwakiutl, or the Navajo. The poster should be creative and informative. Good job today! You have done well with solving our mystery. We now know how Native Americans lived over 200 years ago. Since you have completed your task, you need to share your newly gained knowledge with your class. Look over your notes and be prepared to share some interesting facts. Be sure to include information on on Food, Shelter, Clothing, and Arts/Ceremonies from your group, the Cheyenne, the Kwakiutl, or the Navajo. The poster should be creative and informative. Good job today! IntroductionTaskProcessEvaluationConclusionResources Visit this Web Quest as often as needed, to make sure you have everything done correctly. Visit this Web Quest as often as needed, to make sure you have everything done correctly.
Resources Cheyenne: Cheyenne: Kwakiutl: Kwakiutl: Navajo: _Page.html Navajo: _Page.html _Page.html _Page.html Or: Or: Handout Handout Handout IF you would like to learn additional information, visit these sites: IF you would like to learn additional information, visit these sites: If time permits, you can visit the link below and complete the activity. If time permits, you can visit the link below and complete the activity IntroductionTaskProcessEvaluationConclusionResources
Native American Handout Name _______________________________________ Date___________ Name _______________________________________ Date___________ List your Native American group here:____________________________ List your Native American group here:____________________________ Directions: List some important facts from your group in the boxes below. Then record at least 5 facts and drawings onto a poster. Directions: List some important facts from your group in the boxes below. Then record at least 5 facts and drawings onto a poster. FoodShelterClothing Arts / Ceremonies IntroductionTaskProcessEvaluationConclusionResources
Rubric for Native American Poster CATEGORY4321 Required ElementsThe poster includes all required elements as well as additional information. All required elements are included on the poster. All but 1 of the required elements are included on the poster. Several required elements were missing. Content - AccuracyAt least 5 accurate facts are displayed on the poster. 4 accurate facts are displayed on the poster. 3 accurate facts are displayed on the poster. Less than 3 accurate facts are displayed on the poster. Graphics - RelevanceAll graphics are related to the topic and make it easier to understand. All graphics are related to the topic and most make it easier to understand. All graphics relate to the topic. Most borrowed graphics have a source citation. Graphics do not relate to the topic OR several borrowed graphics do not have a source citation. GrammarThere are no grammatical mistakes on the poster. There is 1 grammatical mistake on the poster. There are 2 grammatical mistakes on the poster. There are more than 2 grammatical mistakes on the poster. Knowledge GainedStudent can accurately answer all questions related to facts in the poster and processes used to create the poster. Student can accurately answer most questions related to facts in the poster and processes used to create the poster. Student can accurately answer about 75% of questions related to facts in the poster and processes used to create the poster. Student appears to have insufficient knowledge about the facts or processes used in the poster. IntroductionTaskProcessEvaluationConclusionResources