WHAT TECHNOLOGY CAN DO FOR OUR COMMUNITY OF LEARNERS Support for technology in the classroom Catherine O’Brien EDU 620 Meeting Individual Student Needs with Technology Dr. Amy Gray June 8, 2015
INTRODUCTION Allow me to introduce myself, I am Catherine O'Brien, an educator for the local independent school district. I am here today to present to you information about the impact technology has on the education of our community members, from the youngest to the oldest students. In order to do this, we would like to invite you to come to our Community Technology Event. It is our hope that together we can raise awareness and funds necessary to build the presence of technology in every classroom. Come visit our exciting and interactive stations, such as…
U niversal D esign for L earning meets the needs of all learners and is comprised of three principles: Multiple Means of Representation –come build a paper airplane! Multiple Means of Expression- create a digital story or participate in a podcast! Multiple Means of Engagement-Watch a Khan Academy online tutoring video (Edyburn, 2013, sec. 5.2)
WHAT THIS STATION INCLUDES Auditory: Participants will be given the materials to make a paper airplane. The instructor will give the instructions verbally without a model or visual aid. Visual: Participants will be given the materials to make a paper airplane and the instructor will give visual directions without explanation. Kinesthetic: Participants will be given the materials to make a paper airplane. The instructor will play a video and give directions as the participants create a paper airplane step-by-step with video guidance. Participants will choose between a podcast, or digital story maker. Each of the participants will be able to see how technology can be used as an assessment tool for educators. (StoryBird.com) Participants will be able to log into the Khan Academy, choose a grade level, a subject and a tutorial video demonstrating how technology can help get students motivated and interested in learning. (Khan Academy, 2015)
Creating an “equitable” classroom rather than an “equal” classroom, UDL creates a learning environment for all learners to succeed. The instruction is differentiated for each type of learner which provides opportunities for student success every day.
STATION 2: TECHNOLOGY AND UDL FOR ALL LEARNERS Mission Statement: Integrating technology and the principles of universal design for learning in the hopes that every student attains daily successes. Goal 1: To incorporate real-life learning scenarios into every day classroom activities in order to build the ladder for student success. Goal 2 : Provide multiple opportunities for students to navigate their learning path through the use of targeted technology.
Pre-K - 5 th Grades Guided Reading: students will participate in teacher guided reading lesson based on a blended classroom model Interactive Math: Students will participate in interactive math activities using computer software, web-based learning modules, as well as hand-on classroom activities. I Learn Station : each student will be provided an individual computer with specific learning activities 6 th -8 th Grades STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering and Math: Students will participate in course designed to enhance skills in the field of aerospace and engineering while integrating core curriculum standards into a theme. Multimedia and Digital Communications: Students that participate in this course will use media equipment, high-end photography and video equipment, as well as animation and game design software in order to develop 21 st century skills; such as collaboration, problem solving, decision making and communication. 9 th -12 th Grades Computer applications: students will learn the skills it takes to design, program and code computer hardware and software through a hands-on, project-based learning approach. Professional Communications and Standards in Business: Students will participate in course work focused on agricultural business. Health Systems Research: Students will participate in research projects based on current health systems and concerns.
STATION 3: 21 ST -CENTURY SKILLS ACQUISITION AND EMPLOYABILITY 21 st -Century Skills: Learning and Innovative Skills: the 3 C’s Information, Media, and Technology Skills Life and Career Skills Content Knowledge and 21 st -Century Themes: the 3 R’s
TECHNOLOGY AND 21 ST CENTURY SKILLS Technology is integrated every day in our feature course, such as Individual computer systems for each student Targeted learning paths for each learner using his or her own learning style. Acquiring the 21 st -Century skills needed to be employable. And successful in the workforce.
Learning and Innovative Skills: the 3 C’s The course focuses on methods of creativity and innovation using materials that encourage teams of students to design computer software, video and photographic projects, as well as animation. Information, Media, and Technology Skills This course provides the students with multiple opportunities to learn media literacy, such as, “appropriate media creation tools, characteristics and conventions” which is a key element of ICT Literacy (21 st -century framework, n.d.).
Life and Career Skills Flexibility and adaptability are the cornerstones of this course. Students will develop skills to adapt to any situation, technology can be complex and complicated, therefore the students will be able to work through processes that require them to be flexible and adaptable. Content Knowledge and 21st- Century Themes: the 3 R’s Key elements of each of the core standards such as math, science, and literacy are linked to the learning goals of this course. Students will use their knowledge base to complete course work and provide valuable feedback about their learning.
i-Learn Station Students will be provided and iPad, a log-in and an individual learning path designed specifically with the students needs and interests in mind in order to practice and focus on math skills. Come Play and Learn! Build a rocket Work with a small team to create a small launching rocket. Participants will follow instruction on a computer that simulates the steps for them. When the rocket is completed, the participants can launch it up high! Talk to Text Participants will have an opportunity to see for themselves how this simple, yet innovative and important form of technology can aid students with varying abilities to succeed in and out of the classroom.
REFERENCES CAST. (2010, January 6). UDL at a glance [Video file]. Retrieved from Edyburn, D. L. (2013). Inclusive technologies: Tools for helping diverse learners achieve academic success. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. Khan Academy NISD (North Side Independent School District) NEISD (Northeast Independent School District Office of Career, Technical and Adult Education ( Partnership for 21st Century Skills. (n.d.). Framework for 21st century learning. Retrieved from Story Bird Digital stories