Meet the Sixth-Form Tutors Firstly this evening, please take the opportunity to meet your sons’ and daughters’ Form Tutors and other parents of Year 12 students for some general discussion. Tutors will welcome your general questions about Nower Hill Sixth-Form. Common questions will be addressed publicly at the end of the evening.
The 6 th Form Team: Head of Sixth Form = Mrs Jeanes Assistant Head of Sixth Form and Head of Year 12 = Mrs Herson Head of Year 13 = Miss Simmonds UCAS queries = Mrs Rogers 6 th Form Administrator = Mrs Barratt Study Centre Supervisors = Mrs Murray & Mrs Campbell Academic Mentor = Mr Letchet 20 Form Tutors
Shape of the curriculum 4 AS subjects All AS qualifications consist of 2 modules and another 2 modules for A2 (with the exception of Science and Maths) The A* grade available at A2 only First AS exams will in May Supervised private study Work Experience Extended Project Qualification for high achievers Enrichment activities & Volunteering Football, netball, boxercise, dance and interform!
Student Support Documents available on the School website apply to Years Mixed 12/13 tutor groups with a tutor who remains with them for the 2 years. Form Time every morning from Support from the Senior Student Team. Support from the Sixth-Form team and all agencies that exist within school and outside of school that support all of our students. Student Support
How do we stay in touch with you? Parent/Carers’ Information Evening Tracking 4 times per year - Effort and organisation grades only at end September. Effort and Performance Grades – November, January, April Parent/Teacher Consultation Evening (Thursday 29 January 2015) Higher Education/Work Experience Information Evening (Thursday 5 February 2015) Ad hoc contact with Form Tutor or Head of Year Parentmail/In touch
How can Parents/Carers help? Be aware that students find the transition from GCSE to AS level very difficult Continue to have high expectations of effort and show interest in what the students are studying AS students should complete a minimum of 5 hours per subject per week of homework/home study. Continue to support good attendance and punctuality to school Ensure a study/life balance Support the purchase of text books and journals Remind students to look at the Sixth-Form Common Room on Fronter daily for important messages Ensure students follow our Sixth-Form Dress Code
What is meant by independent study? Completing work over and above what has been asked for. Examples: Printing off and highlighting key points on exam specifications Printing off and getting to know mark schemes Reading examiners’ reports on students’ answers in previous years. Making use of book lists and reading around topics to be studied in class Researching articles in subject-related journals/magazines. Completing exam Qs and checking answers against mark schemes regularly Seeking out teachers and making appointments with them to go through work that you don’t understand. Making study timetables and sticking to them
Any Questions from Form Tutors……?
Key Dates w/c 22 SeptScience & Maths Tests 25 Sept Tracking Point A. At this tracking point, students will be assigned to study groups. Andromeda students may study at home during study periods. Pegasus students have supervised silent study in the Common Room with Mrs Campbell. Orion students have silent study in the Library with Mrs Murray and will be mentored. w/c 20 OctTracking point B. Students will be reassigned to study groups 3 DecMock exams begin w/c 5 JanTracking Point C. Students will be reassigned to study groups 16 JanMock Results Day w/c 19 JanPost-Mock Intervention Programme begins for 4 weeks 29 JanY12 Parents’ Evening 5 Feb UCAS Workshop for ALL Y12 students 3:15pm HALL UCAS Information evening for Y12 Parents 7pm HALL W/C 23 FebY12/13 EXAM RESIT WEEK w/c 23 Mar TPD this week. Students will be reassigned to study groups w/c 20 AprY12 Apr Assessments (Mon-Wed) w/c 11 MayY12 Study leave begins (provisional) w/c 8 JunY12 return for UCAS Week w/c 15 JunY12 University preparation Week w/c 22 JunY12 Work Experience / EPQ week w/c 29 JunY12 Work Experience / Romanian Charity Trip week w/c 6 JulyY12 Return to start A2
A few reminders please Students do need to return their paperwork to the red box outside the Sixth-Form office WEX self-placements to be found, forms to be completed and handed in as soon as possible ID badges and UCAS week payments need to be made via parentpay
And finally…. You are very welcome to stay for the second part of the evening on the UCAS process Thank you for coming!