TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS The Exchange Small Groups Growth Track / Dream Team Student Leadership
TRINITY JR HIGH STUDENTS Velocity Small Groups Growth Track / Dream Team Student Leadership
The Exchange The Exchange is our monthly service that feeds the rest of our student ministry. It is a night totally geared towards reaching the lost and calling the wandering back in. It will usually include the redecoration of the lobby and stage to fit the monthly theme; with a night of worship and a message that will set the tone for the rest of the month. We will use this night to filter students into small groups that will be going on, throughout the city, on a weekly basis. Velocity Velocity is our monthly gathering that feeds and energizes the Jr High Ministry. It is a night totally geared to reaching lost and wandering students that won’t normally come to church. It will include fitting the Family Life Center with all the necessary equipment to attract Jr High Students. We will have games and challenges for the small groups to participate in with adult leaders. This night will be used to plug students into the weekly worship service and small groups that take place on Wednesday nights at 7 p.m. Small Group The next and most important step, for a student, is for them to get connected to a small group. We believe that true change happens in the context of small groups. It is in these groups that we believe students can be pastored and take the next step in their relationship with Christ.
Growth Track One of the biggest crises in the younger generation is that students are walking through life without knowing their gifts, personality, or even the purpose that God has given them. In growth track we want to help reveal God’s perfect design and show them that they were created for something great, not average! Dream Team In 1 Timothy 4:12 Jesus is talking to the young people and he says “Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, and your purity.” We want to give students the opportunity to do just that. The next step for them is to go through Growth Track and join a team on Sunday mornings giving them an opportunity to serve the local church and also to be mentored by the older and wiser generation. Student Leadership Student leadership is a group of students that have decided that there is more to life than just getting by. They understand that we are called to live life not just for ourselves, but also for others.
Dallas Tyler -High School Small Group -High School Growth Track -High School Dream Team -Social Media -Leadership Meetings/Retreats -Merchandise - Junior High Service -Junior High Small Groups -Junior High Growth Track -Junior High Dream Team -Design & Set Up -Promos -The Exchange -Creativity -Vision / Structure -Budgeting -Trip planning Lauren -Finances -Purchase Orders - Food -Event Communication Gunner -The Exchange Promos -Announcement Videos -The Exchange Logos -Service Videos