DHS FEMA Region IX Response Operations
FEMA Region IX Jurisdictions Pacific Area Office (Ft. Shafter, HI) Hawaii 2500 miles Guam 3700 miles American Samoa 2300 miles RMI (USAID) 2300 miles CNMI 3700 miles FSM (USAID) miles Region IX HQ Oakland, CA Arizona, California and Nevada PACOM NORTHCOM
3 Disaster Response USCG MERS Air Force & National Guard NDMS US & R Logistics Staging Area NDMS
4 The Incident Management Assistance Team (IMAT) is a highly mobile, responsive team of qualified Federal emergency management personnel and resources for FEMA to deploy in support of any all-hazard threat or incident. The size of an IMAT is scalable based on the requirements of the field response Readiness: Response to Impacted Jurisdictions
5 Incident Management Assistance Team Initial Federal presence; begin pull/employment of Federal resources IMAT Operational Concepts o May deploy in advance of an incident or potential incident that might result in a disaster declaration o Arrive within 12-hrs of notice CONUS; self-sufficient for 48-hrs o Permanent Staffed team members Provide situational awareness and needs assessment National IMATs: N-IMAT BLUE [East] (National Capital Region) N-IMAT-RED [West] (Sacramento, CA) N-IMAT-WHITE [Central] (National Capital Region) Regional IMAT: All Regions with Mission Capable Teams RIX: Three Rostered 10-Person Initial Response Teams
6 IMAT Foundation In response to the Post-Katrina Emergency Management Reform Act of 2006, FEMA has developed IMATs to: –Bring the most qualified, experienced emergency management personnel and capabilities in response to all-hazard incidents –Establish a cadre of full-time staff entirely dedicated to exercising, analyzing, and executing disaster response
7 IMAT Mission Support state and local governments in all-hazards planning and incident action planning Provide expertise in all emergency management functional areas Establish Federal presence and support state/local response organizations from –Area of impact –State EOC or –Initial Operational Facility / Joint Field Office Execute Stafford Act authorities and FEMA missions to direct the support, integration, and coordination of Federal resources in order to mitigate the impacts from the incident
External Affairs Officer (EAO) Planning Section ChiefHuman Resources Unit Leader IMAT Team Leader Operations Section Chief Resource Unit Leader Logistics Section Chief Infrastructure Group Sup. Communications Unit Leader Ind. Assistance Group Sup. Region IX IMAT 8
Emergency Support Functions (Lead Agencies for Each ESF) Transportation Urban Search and Rescue Public Works and Engineering Firefighting Mass Care, Housing and Human Services Telecommunications and Info Technology Emergency Management Resource Support and Logistics Management Public Health and Medical Services Hazardous Materials Agriculture Energy Public Safety and Security Economic Stabilization, Community Recov & Mitigation Emergency Public Information And External Communication
11 SFO SCO CANG AG CANG AG FCO Other Senior Officials Unified Coordination Group Governor Operations Planning Logistics Finance/ Admin Finance/ Admin Coordinate resource requests Regional Mutual Aid Coordinators Regional Mutual Aid Coordinators County EOCs And Mutual Aid Coordinators Set priorities Set objectives Prioritize, allocate, and deconflict resources Manage key Federal and State resources Provide logistical support as required Mission Tasks/Assignments LOCAL UNIFIED COMMAND Logistical support for integration and utilization of resources Resources remaining under Federal/State control Resources placed under direct control of recipient Command & Control of Incident Response Incident Command Posts DOD Representative (Usually DCO)
REGION IX RRCC RRCC is a multi-agency coordination entity which provides strategic coordination during domestic incidents. FEMA regional staff and other Federal agency representatives, known collectively as a Regional Response Team (RST), staff the RRCC. The RST coordinates Federal field response efforts until an IMAT/Federal Coordinating Officer (FCO) assumes operational control at a Joint Field Office (JFO) or Interim Operations Facility (IOF). In multi-state disasters, the RRCC may remain activated after JFOs are established to provide strategic direction and allocate resources across JFOs.
Headquarters Resource Support & Coordination 13
RIX Response Rosters IMAT RST (Day/Night) PFT Team Members PFT Collateral Team Members
Levels of Operations 15 Support Incident Tactical DHS NOC White House FEMA HQ NRCC SOC RRCC County EOC.IMAT/JFO Local EOC Local EOC Incident