Summary of the State of the Art of Programme Implementation CENTRAL EUROPE PROGRAMME Project development seminar Prague, 1-2 February 2010 Monika Schönerklee-Grasser JTS CENTRAL EUROPE PROGRAMME
CONTENT The CENTRAL EUROPE Programme Area Programme state of the art Results of 1 st and 2 nd Call Characteristics of approved projects ERDF allocation Next Calls 3 rd Standard Open Call Restricted Call for strategic projects OVERVIEW
CENTRAL EUROPE PROGRAMME AREA 8 EU countries 1 third country Surface: Around 1,050,000 km² Population: Around 148 million citizens 4 Programme Priorities: Innovation Accessibility Environment Competitiveness and attractiveness of cities and regions
2 Calls for Proposals already launched and projects selected and approved for funding ~ 60% of the total ERDF Programme budget already allocated (around 139 Mio € ERDF funds) 66 projects approved 1 st Call: 29 projects 2 nd Call: 37 projects (conditions are currently being fulfilled ) PROGRAMME STATE OF THE ART
PROGRAMME IMPLEMENTATION Results of the 1 st and 2 nd Call 1 st Call2 nd Call No. of applications received No. of approved projects 2937 Success rate 31 %21 % No. of project partners Average no. of partners per project11 partners Average project size2,3 Mio € ERDF1,95 Mio € ERDF Allocated funds66,8 Mio € ERDF72,3 Mio € ERDF* * Not considering State Aid related budget cuts
Highest number of approved projects within Priority 3 Environment (58% of the total approved) Significant increase of approved projects within Priority 1 Innovation and in Priority 2 Accessibility in the 2 nd Call for proposals All Areas of Interventions are represented in the approved projects, even if with different intensity OVERVIEW ON APPROVED PROJECTS
APPROVED PROJECTS AND AREAS OF INTERVENTION Less represented Areas of Intervention: 1.3 Fostering knowledge development 2.2 Developing multimodal logistics´ cooperation 2.4 Promoting information and Communication technologies and alternative solutions for enhancing access 3.4 Supporting environmentally friendly technologies and activities 4.2 Addressing the territorial effects of demographic and social change on urban and regional development
PROJECT RESUBMISSIONS 2 nd Call: Significant resubmission of projects initially rejected within the 1 st Call (due to eligibility or quality reasons): 35 projects were resubmitted in an amended form – 20 % of total received projects success rate of 28,5 % (10 approved resubmissions) CZ: 4 resubmitted projects (out of which 1 project was successful)
APPROVED PROJECTS: LEAD PARTNERS PER COUNTRY Average success rate of Lead Partners: 1 st Call: 31% CZ: 5 projects submitted 0 project approved 2 nd Call: 21% CZ: 18 projects submitted 1 approved project – CLUSTERS-CORD 1 st Call 2 nd Call
APPROVED PROJECTS: PROJECT PARTNERS PER COUNTRY Average success rate of Project Partners: 1 st Call: 35% CZ: Success rate of 49% 46 PPs involved in 21 projects (mainly within P3 Environment – 50% of PPs in 9 projects within P3 ) 2 nd Call: 25% CZ: Success rate of 22% 38 PPs involved in 29 projects (mainly within P1 Innovation – 45% of PPs in 12 projects within P1) 1 st Call 2 nd Call
PARTNERSHIP CHARACTERISTICS Strong focus on activities in the CENTRAL EUROPE area 21 projects made use of the opportunity of involving EU countries outside the CENTRAL EUROPE area (20% flexibility rule) in the 2 nd Call: (e.g. Belgium, Denmark, France, Romania, Sweden, UK) 3 out of the 37 approved projects foresee the involvement of 5 Romanian partners (total ERDF of EUR ) Limited use of the 10% flexibility rule (activities in third countries): 2 nd Call: 6 approved projects (total ERDF of EUR ) Involvement of Ukrainian partners: 1 st Call: 2 approved projects involving 3 UA partners 2 nd Call: 3 approved projects involving 4 UA partners
Private institutions` (PVT) participation Projects submitted Partners involved *) Projects with PVT institutions PVT institutions involved PVT institutions involved in approved projects Percentage of PVT institutions 1 st Call ~15% 2 nd Call ~20% *) The same partner can be involved in more than one project. Figures include also partners from outside the CENTRAL EUROPE area. 2 nd Call: 1 approved project with PVT Lead Partner within P1 Innovation (out of 16 received PVT LP projects)
3 rd STANDARD CALL & RESTRICTED CALL FOR STRATEGIC PROJECTS 3 rd Standard Call Open to all Programme Priorities and all Areas of Intervention Indicative allocation of ERDF funds: MEUR Indicative timeline: Restricted Call for strategic projects Indicative ERDF funds allocation: MEUR Not open to all, but only to a limited number of partners meeting specific criteria Strategic projects will be identified through a different methodology and approach: Top down approach Pre-identification of topics and project concepts Stricter steering of partnership development Launch of the standard and restricted call will not be simultaneous.
3 rd STANDARD CALL Same approach as in the 2nd Call, therefore: Characteristics of eligible partners Minimum number of partners and their location Location of activities Lead Partner requirements Co-financing rates Indicative project size and duration Eligibility and quality requirements Remain unchanged!
STRATEGIC PROJECTS IDENTIFIED TOPICS Priority 1 Strengthening the clustering of innovative strategic industrial sectors in key competence areas of transnational relevance as biotechnology, nanotechnology, creative industries, etc Promoting enterprises innovation in CENTRAL EUROPE in energy and environmental technologies sectors Priority 2 Optimizing European transport corridors, and their connections to national and regional networks, promoting intermodality and interoperability of transport systems for sustainable, energy efficient and competitive transport modes (also with the application of ICT solutions for transport management) Priority 3 Implementing common policies, strategies and practical actions for increasing the share of renewable energy resources (wind, water, solar energy, geo-thermal) and improving energy efficiency in order to mitigate air pollution and climate change - with special reference to metropolitan areas and energy efficiency of buildings Priority 4 Promoting actions tackling demographic changes and impacts on the development of urban and rural areas, also by strengthening the existing social and technical infrastructures
MC decides on topics, project concepts and criteria for the partners selection April 2010 Identification of ideal partners at national level suitable to implement the identified project concepts (launch of the expression of interest) May 2010 Launch of the targeted strategic call Definition of the partnership and elaboration of the project proposal June 2010 Submission of the project proposal to the MA/JTS Mid July 2010 MC approval for funding September 2010 STRATEGIC PROJECTS THE PROCESS Targeted guidance offered by the JTS and CPs
STRATEGIC PROJECTS CHARACTERISTICS At least 4 strategic projects will be selected (at least 1 per Priority) Max duration: 36 months Directly report to the Monitoring Committee (e.g.: twice during the project life-time) Benefit from a special targeted promotion (e.g.: dedicated knowledge management measures and capitalization actions) Further technical information will be provided in Spring 2010!
CLOSING REMARKS Launch of the standard and restricted call will not be simultaneous Pay attention to the still available funds in the Programme priorities Involvement in strategic projects is not open to all but only to a limited number of partners meeting specific criteria Time enough to start generating good cooperation projects even before the official launch of the calls
Thank you for your attention!