Monday 10:15am Support Group for Caregivers (5) 10:30am-11:30am Bagels with Brice (11) 11:30am Reducing Pain & Optimizing Health through the Practice of Chiropractic Medicine (5) 1:00pm – 5:00pm Reiki for Caregivers (5) 2:00 pm -2:00pm – Beading Class (7) 3:00pm The Forgiveness Research Project (6) 3:00pm Yoga (9) 6:30pm Bible Study (8) Thursday 10:30am-11:30am Bagels with Brice (11) 10:00am Get to Know Care Management (7) (Held the 2 nd Thursday of each month) 10:00am Mind & Body Relaxation (5) 10:30am–12:00pm Board Games / Crafts (7) 12:00pm Release! The Healing Power of Forgiveness (6) 1:00pm Art of Caregiving (3) 3:00pm The Forgiveness Research Project(6) 5:30pm Patient Appreciation Dinner along with a guest speaker and bingo (8) Tuesday 10:30am Prayer/Eucharistic Service (3) 11:15am Stress Solutions (5) 1:00 pm Focus Group (9) 1:00pm Art of Caregiving (3) 2:00pm BINGO (2) 3:00pm- 4:00pm Reiki for Caregivers (5) 3:00pm The Forgiveness Research Project (6) 6:00pm Bible Study (4) (location and time change) 6:00pm-8:00pm Historic Philadelphia Tour (1) Friday 1:00pm Backstage Tour (1) 2:00pm Mix, Mingle & Let Go! (5) Presented by the Mind Body Team Refreshments will be served 3:15pm Laughter Therapy (5) Held the 1 st and 3 rd Friday of each month Wednesday 10:00am – 12:00pm Beading Class (7) 11:00am Qi Gong (5) 12:00pm Ladies Bible Study (3) 1:00pm Naturopathy Class (5) topic changes weekly 2:00pm Finding Courage (6) 3:00pm The Forgiveness Research Project (6) 3:00pm The Men’s Support Group (5) Held the 2 nd and 4 th Wednesday of each month 3:30pm Movie Matinee (2) Saturday This week’s trip is to : The Philadelphia Zoo Hosted on May 11 h Departing at 12:30PM Space is limited. Please sign up at the Concierge desk or by calling Ext Sunday 11:00am Worship Service. (6) Time is subject to change. Please call Ext to confirm. Week of May Weekly Activity Calendar Location by Color & Number. Use the legend below. Legend- find location by color and/or number 1= The Main Lobby at Eastern 2= Private Dining room 3= 1 st Floor Chapel 4= Four Points 5= 5 th Floor Activity Room 6= 5 th Floor Chapel 7= Radiology Waiting Area 8= Radisson Hotel 9= Medical Office Building 10= Crowne Plaza please see the Concierge for details 11= Main Dining Room Happening this weekend!
The Caricaturist Find Debbie drawing in the hallway on Tuesdays and Wednesdays! Mingle Magic Peter & Ran’D Mon., Wed., Thurs. & Fri. 9am – 11am Music to your ears Mark Randall on the Piano Monday – Friday 8:00am – 11:00am 2:30pm – 5:30pm Ken Ulansey Tuesdays at 12pm In the Main Dining Room Phyllis Chapell Wednesdays at 12pm In the Main Dining Room New and upcoming events! Helpful Phone Numbers Switchboard Security Ext Scheduling Ext Travel Ext Concierge Ext. 7815Saturday Trip Hotline Ext Patient Relations Ext Guest Accommodations Ext Pastoral Care Ext. 7138Transportation Ext Care Management Hotline Entertainment “At CTCA, everything starts and ends with the patient… It is always and only about you, the patient.” – Mr. Richard Stephenson The Visions Wig Salon Team New Hours Starting May 7th Monday through Friday 10:00AM to 4:00PM Saturday 10:00AM to 2:00PM For more information Contact: Mother’s Day Brunch May 12th at the Radisson Hotel (Please sign up at concierge desk) Cancellations No cancellations this week Upcoming Trips May 18 Eastern State Penitentiary May 25 Spirit of Philadelphia June 1 Adventure Aquarium Upcoming Events Events May The topic for the Naturopathic Class is: Inflammation: What’s the Big Deal? The VIP Dinner’s Guest Speaker is: The Acupuncture Team Movie Matinee held Wednesday Pet Therapy will be held on Thursday Join us as we celebrate: National Nurses Week May 6 th through 10 th In the Radiology Waiting Area From 2:00pm – 4:00pm as we create a Thank You Quilt in honor of our fabulous nurses Look Good Feel Better Wednesday, May 22nd 2:00PM – 4:00PM MOB Conference Room C RSVP by calling Heather At Join the CTCA Susan G. Komen Philadelphia Race for the Cure Team Sunday, May 12th! To sign up contact: Rachel Vitagliano, Team Captain at: Join us for Celebrate Life 2013 “Living the Moments” Friday, May 17 th 9:45AM-3:00PM See concierge for details