DevCon12 // #msdevcon May 23-24, 2012 Microsoft
// DevCon12 Обзор возможностей отладчика Visual Studio 11 MAXIM GOLDIN Senior Developer at the VSU Diagnostics team Microsoft
Debugging experience in VS11 Metro App debugging C++ Java Script C# / VB
#msdevcon It is a Beta environment. You may see crushes and bugs. Let’s mix something cool. Experiment
#msdevcon Simulator, Remote, Contract Metro App Debugging Demo
Debugging experience in VS11 Metro App debugging C++ Java Script C# / VB
#msdevcon DirectX, Parallel, Expressions Evaluation C++ Debugging Demo
Debugging experience in VS11 Metro App debugging C++ Java Script C# / VB
#msdevcon DOM explorer, JS console, exceptions Java Script Debugging Demo
Debugging experience in VS11 Metro App debugging C++ Java Script C# / VB
#msdevcon async/await C#/VB Debugging Demo
Debugging experience in VS11 Metro App debugging C++ Java Script C# / VB
#msdevcon Available today at: New version of Visual Studio!
Пожалуйста Оцените доклад и мастерство докладчика. Форма для оценки находится в вашем инфопакете. Доклад - TLS302 Докладчик - Максим Гольдин
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