Camas Washougal Animal Control Camas Washougal Joint City Council Workshop April 8, 2013
What We Will Cover Partnerships –Partnerships – –West Columbia Gorge Humane Society –Humane Society for Southwest Washington History of Animal ControlHistory of Animal Control How Animal Control Officers assist in containing costsHow Animal Control Officers assist in containing costs Call Reports 2011 & 2012Call Reports 2011 & 2012 Recent Service EnhancementsRecent Service Enhancements Program Options and RevenueProgram Options and Revenue Next StepsNext Steps
Key Partnerships
West Columbia Gorge Humane Society (WCGHS)West Columbia Gorge Humane Society (WCGHS) –Primary facility for impounded or stray drop offs from the Citizens of Camas and Washougal Humane Society for Southwest Washington (HSSWWA)Humane Society for Southwest Washington (HSSWWA) –Back up facility for impounded dogs from the Animal Control Officers only
History of Animal Control
January 1, 1983 – Interlocal for joint Animal Control ServicesJanuary 1, 1983 – Interlocal for joint Animal Control Services –Animal shelter was located in Camas on James River Corp property –Washougal Provided the Animal Control OfficerProvided the Animal Control Officer Furnished VehicleFurnished Vehicle –Camas Provided and maintained the facilityProvided and maintained the facility –Agreement called for the officer’s time to be split 60% in Camas and 40% in Washougal – expense allocation matched
History of Animal Control July 1994 – Interlocal agreement amended as follows:July 1994 – Interlocal agreement amended as follows: –As of January 1, 1995 costs would be shared 50/50 –Camas still responsible for the existing building costs July 1996 – Cities were notified by James River that the shelter was to be removedJuly 1996 – Cities were notified by James River that the shelter was to be removed
History of Animal Control September 1996 – Vancouver Humane Society provided shelter services as the new shelter in Washougal was plannedSeptember 1996 – Vancouver Humane Society provided shelter services as the new shelter in Washougal was planned October 1996 – Interlocal agreement amended as follows:October 1996 – Interlocal agreement amended as follows: –Added an additional Officer for a total of 2 FTE 1999 construction began on new facility in Washougal1999 construction began on new facility in Washougal
History of Animal Control January 2000 – Interlocal amended as follows:January 2000 – Interlocal amended as follows: –Washougal now responsible for the housing and disposal of impounded dogs –Animal Control Officers care & feed dogs and clean kennel –Program costs continue to be shared 50/50 Cost of the facility the responsibility of WashougalCost of the facility the responsibility of Washougal Customer service costs not included as a cost to the programCustomer service costs not included as a cost to the program No general administrative overhead included in the program costsNo general administrative overhead included in the program costs –Camas pays $45 per Camas impounded dog not claimed
History of Animal Control June 2006 Washougal enters into interim agreement with WCGHSJune 2006 Washougal enters into interim agreement with WCGHS –$10 per day per dog –Up to $5,000 to stock the kennel 2007 Washougal enters annual agreement with WCGHS2007 Washougal enters annual agreement with WCGHS –$10 per day per dog –$25,000 annual payment to maintain and operate the shelter WCGHS costs were included in the shared program costs June 2006-December 2009 – Washougal paid the annual payment starting January 2010WCGHS costs were included in the shared program costs June 2006-December 2009 – Washougal paid the annual payment starting January 2010
History of Animal Control 2011 WCGHS agreement amended to:2011 WCGHS agreement amended to: –$15 per day per dog capped at 5 days and $70 –Lowered annual payment to $12,500 (fully paid by Washougal) Humane Society for Southwest Washington (HSSWWA) back up service provider:Humane Society for Southwest Washington (HSSWWA) back up service provider: –$70 per dog fee through 2011 –Annual cost varied between $1,000 - $2,500 –Included in shared program costs
History of Animal Control 2012 HSSWWA & WCGHS agreement amended to:2012 HSSWWA & WCGHS agreement amended to: –Flat fee per dog $120 – included in shared program costs 2013 Agreements:2013 Agreements: –HSSWWA – increased to $ per dog however we changed contract to only dogs brought by our Animal Control Officers – not citizen drop offs –WCGHS – flat fee remains at $120 per dog
History of Program Costs
Animal Control Officers
How Animal Control Handles a Potential Impound The Animal Control Officer attempts to locate the owner before impoundment at kennelThe Animal Control Officer attempts to locate the owner before impoundment at kennel Check license/tag Check license/tag Scan for microchip Scan for microchip Check with neighbors Check with neighbors Check voice messages for lost animals Check voice messages for lost animals If unable to relocate animal with owner the animal is impounded If unable to relocate animal with owner the animal is impounded
Animal Control Reports
Animal Control Reports CamasWashougal Calls for Service ,0431,262 Field Contacts1,0741,0241,4101,788 Verbal Warnings Infractions Issued Criminal Citations5101 Impounds Aggressive K9 Levels Dog Bites Aggressive Animals Welfare Checks
Recent Service Enhancements
Work station for Animal Control Officers at WCGHSWork station for Animal Control Officers at WCGHS Coordinate Animal Control officer hours to improve hours of operation to the publicCoordinate Animal Control officer hours to improve hours of operation to the public Ability for Animal Control officer to collect fees after hours and weekends to release animals to ownersAbility for Animal Control officer to collect fees after hours and weekends to release animals to owners New software for tracking impound and release of dogsNew software for tracking impound and release of dogs
Program Options
Status QuoStatus Quo Discontinue ILADiscontinue ILA City Operates Entire ProgramCity Operates Entire Program –City resumes operation of the kennel services Service ReductionsService Reductions Program Revenue DiscussionProgram Revenue Discussion
Program Options Status QuoStatus Quo –Humane society provides all impound services –Adoption program – less chance for unclaimed dogs to be euthanized –Provides basic first aid – reduction in veterinary expenses –Increased hours of operation for public access
Program Options Return to city operated kennelReturn to city operated kennel –Estimated total program savings to each City – $11,750 – however, there would be additional costs to the program that are currently covered in the agreement with WCGHS/HSSWA Increase in overtime paid to animal control officers to care for animals on holidays, vacations, or absence due to illnessIncrease in overtime paid to animal control officers to care for animals on holidays, vacations, or absence due to illness Added costs for food, veterinary careAdded costs for food, veterinary care Euthanasia costs for unclaimed animals – present day costs range from $80 - $120 per animal depending upon sizeEuthanasia costs for unclaimed animals – present day costs range from $80 - $120 per animal depending upon size –Therefore, we project potential savings to each city at roughly $6,500.00
Program Options Return to City operated kennelReturn to City operated kennel –Reduction in Services Animal control officers spending 4 to 6 hours a day cleaning the kennels and feeding animals – potential decrease in serviceAnimal control officers spending 4 to 6 hours a day cleaning the kennels and feeding animals – potential decrease in service Unable to coordinate foster care for unclaimed dogs – expected outcome, unclaimed dogs to be euthanizedUnable to coordinate foster care for unclaimed dogs – expected outcome, unclaimed dogs to be euthanized Unable to offer low cost spay/neuter costs to our citizensUnable to offer low cost spay/neuter costs to our citizens
Program Revenue Discussion Enhance program revenues?Enhance program revenues? –Impound fees do not cover full cost of impound Washougal impound fees $25/$75/$150 – potential subsidy of $95.00 per dogWashougal impound fees $25/$75/$150 – potential subsidy of $95.00 per dog Camas impound fees $35/$50 – potential subsidy of $85.00 per dogCamas impound fees $35/$50 – potential subsidy of $85.00 per dog
Program Revenue Discussion How do our impound rates compare to other cities in Clark County?How do our impound rates compare to other cities in Clark County? –City of Battle Ground All dogs - $ All dogs - $ –City of Vancouver 1 st in 12 month period$ st in 12 month period$ nd in 12 month period$ nd in 12 month period$ subsequent in 12 months$ subsequent in 12 months$ daily care charge per 24 hours$ daily care charge per 24 hours$ 10.00
Next Steps Update InterlocalUpdate Interlocal –Staff is currently reviewing and revamping the ILA Review of codes to ensure consistency – including feesReview of codes to ensure consistency – including fees